?????![fāsòngsīrénliúyán fāsòngsīrénliúyán](templates/subSilver/images/lang_pinyin/icon_pm.gif) ?????![fāsòngdiànzǐyóujiàn fāsòngdiànzǐyóujiàn](templates/subSilver/images/lang_pinyin/icon_email.gif) ?????hepingdao's Blog cházhǎohepingdaofābiǎodesuǒyòutièzǐ ???为网友服务: 端茶倒水勤打扫! 胡济卫2011-09-27 09:18:29能否给我寄一本《北美枫》地址:河南省驻马店市驿城区文化和旅游局 胡济卫 邮编:463000 胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:16:05拜访老师、颂冬祺! 溪月梦2010-02-21 05:25:15刚到这里,有点眼花缭乱,还请指导。 张南城2009-08-03 00:12:17看望先生,问好。我是个新手,望多关照。 hepingdao2009-01-25 19:53:34感谢山城子老师,先生高风亮节,
情怀可嘉,风骨可佩,期待先生大作早日成书 山城子2009-01-24 01:20:46山城子给岛主拜年——祝你春节愉快安康幸福吉祥!
2009-1-24晚上于故乡辽西 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:27:21请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 我的邮箱:YK20086631@163.com 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:26:40请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:26:20请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 sunyunjuan20082007-11-23 05:35:47真对不起啊,来到新家什么也不懂,换板面时不小心把您的留言无意中删除了,特向您道歉来了 ![Crying or Very sad](images/smiles/icon_cry.gif) |
北美之音 Voice of North America | 网友论坛 | 现代诗歌 | 宾至如归 |
一字通系统采用数理统计的方法,对这些文学作品进行了文字的统计分析,经过两年多的高强度运算,处理了近100千兆字节的文本数据,通过一个由600多个表格组成的数据库模型,终于建立了世界上的第一个面向知识的信息系统(Knowledge-oriented Information System)。该系统拥有75479个汉字,5.763百万个词条,7千万个关键词组合,通过它们之间的有机联系,创立了两个让人耳目焕然一新的树型构架的知识树和文字树,确定了主要历史文献和百科知识之间的有机联系。
一字通,http://yizitong.com, 恭候您的光临惠顾!
北美华人文学社是2005年在加拿大注册的非营利文学组织。文学社致力于弘扬中华文化,促进东西文学的交流。顾问有:洛夫、Lorna Crozier、非马、痖弦、谢冕、贾平凹。 从2005年末开始,出版发行加拿大双语文学期刊《北美枫》并《中国诗歌在线》,国际刊号ISSN 1718-0600。本会设计并由一字通系统有限公司开发出一个平等、自由、开放、分享的文字与知识平台:一字通。北美华人文学社在东西文学交流上的努力,多次受到包括加拿大总理和BC省省长、市长、议员、驻加参赞在内的知名人士的高度赞誉。
Chinese Literature Society of North America Releasing Chinese Literature knowledgebase
China has the longest history of continuous civilization with an extensive and profound culture. When Chinese go abroad, we experience a tremendous culture shock, in addition to the shock of science and technology. Science has no boundary, and it has established a reservoir of knowledge which has amazed us in such a way that we are determined to look for a better tool to query it to meet our various needs in Chinese language. But results from generic search engines are either incomplete or full of unwanted noise therefore failing to satisfy our needs. As a non-profit organization registered in Canada, Chinese Literature Society of North America assigned this challenging task to Yizitong Systems Ltd., to develop an engine targeting search for knowledge in an open literature database. (Yizitong means the word link in Chinese.)
After more than 3 years of development, we are finally pleased to announce the release of a Beta version of an entirely new generation of online knowledge platform: yizitong.com. It supports four modes of content viewing: simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Chinese pinyin (the most commonly used romanization system for Chinese), and English.
Yizitong system has built a literature library of representative and classical literature works, selected from 5000 years of Chinese history, and translated works from 65 countries in the world. This library consists of 350,000 poems, more than 6000 titles of literature works from about 18,000 authors. Materials range from poetry, history, fiction, film and drama, prose, social sciences, music, to science, technology, travel and geography fields.
These literary works are processed by our Chinese analyzing engine. Produced results then go through an intensive statistic analysis. We have processed nearly 100 gigabytes of text data, built a database of more than 600 tables, and finally established the world's first Knowledge-oriented Information System. This system holds 75,479 Chinese characters, 5.763 million phrases and idioms, and 70 million entries of keywords. Links among these phrases and keywords are either assigned manually or computed automatically to create two innovative hierarchical tree-structured models: The Knowledge Tree and the Word Link Tree, which associate naturally a knowledge encyclopedia with the original literature works.
In order to compare our results with popular search engines, we have incorporated features of keyword, picture, and map searches from Google, Bing, and others. This way, users can enjoy a specialized and sophisticated literature and knowledge search combined with generic search results.
Yizitong promotes the spirit of equality, freedom, openness, and sharing. Here, you can create your own collection of works, photo albums, and maps. Come to experience the wonder of sitting next to the greatest poets, authors, and philosophers in human history.
The Word Link (http://yizitong.com) is waiting for you to visit!
About us:
Chinese Literature Society of North America is a non-profit organization registered in British Columbia, Canada. It is dedicated to serving Chinese immigrants in literature aspects, and to enhance culture links with people from other cultural backgrounds. We publish a literary magazine, North American Maple, established in January 2006.
2010-08-31 22:13:53 |
SLIU ?2010-09-01 04:53:06?? | |
![angel](images/smiles/21.gif) |
赵福治 ?2010-09-02 23:08:17?? | |
祝贺北美华人文学社开发出中文知识系统《一字通》 .和平兄辛苦. |
hepingdao ?2010-09-06 20:50:49?? | |
最后决定,将于9月22日发布中文知识系统《一字通》测试版 |
白水 ?2010-09-07 10:23:03?? | |
Good Job
Congratulation |
qinghongh ?2010-09-07 16:29:34?? | |
热烈祝贺!岛主辛苦了 |
冰清 ?2010-09-07 17:40:45?? | |
热烈祝贺!有福同享啊,谢谢 |
hepingdao ?2010-09-07 19:45:01?? | |
![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) |
hepingdao ?2010-09-08 16:01:47?? | |
2010年中秋节放假时间:9月22日至24日放假调休,共3天。9月19日(星期日)、25日(星期六)上班。 |
赵福治 ?2010-09-09 07:53:01?? | |
再次热烈祝贺。兄辛苦,上茶。 |
1[2][3][4][5][6][7] qiányè | 谈古论今 | 大雅风文学奖 | 奥运之光 | 中外华文诗歌联赛 Poetry Competition | 《北美枫》版主议事区 | 海外新闻 Oversea News | 音乐与朗诵 | 联赛专刊编辑小组 | 诗海编辑部 | 《北美枫》编辑委员会 | 洛夫專欄 Lo Fu's Poetry Column | 北美华人文学社理事会 | 评论鉴赏 Reviews | 西方文学 Western Literature | 落尘诗社 | 古韵新音 | 美哉贴图 | 开心一笑 | 健康与美容 | Maple News | 社区消息 Community News | 散文天地编辑部 | 合作交流 | 驻站作家 | 加拿大〈游子吟〉网络格律诗歌赛 Classic Poetry Competition in Canada | 诗海室 | 散文游记 | 信息中心 News Centre | 诗歌联赛组委会 | 音乐极限 | 移民心语 | 内部交流 | 乐岛编辑部 | 會議中心 Meeting Room | 诗词吟诵 | 影视频道 | 名家综述 Expert Review | 冻结栏目 | Chinese Poetry | 三人行 |