
????? ?????Lake's blog cházhǎoLakefābiǎodesuǒyòutièzǐ ???the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins 胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:21:45拜访老师、颂冬祺! Lake2010-01-16 09:05:12Thank you. 我家三儿2010-01-07 05:21:39我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意! Lake2008-11-04 11:04:13Thanks. hepingdao2008-11-04 10:52:29congratulations!
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西方文学 Western Literature |
Things I Didn’t Notice Before
Things I Didn’t Notice Before
It’s such a nice and soothing summer evening. Winding through Central Park, the trails are becoming dim and quiet as a quarter moon hangs pale in the sky. Once in a while, you hear a cheerful “Hello”, or a soft “Excuse us, on your left”, then a bike or two riding past. A line of road lamps already stands on duty, flickering timid yellow light.
humbly lowering your head
your eyes light the darkness ahead
a silent guide
A small pond smells fishy; the alga-bearing water is motionless, embraced by clusters of wild flowers flirting in the evening breeze, even more charming than those well maintained.
blue, purple, yellow…
compete in the afterglow
Across a wooden bridge, a tree of unknown years stands upright, branching out towards the sky. I circle around it, to my amazement there are nine trunks growing out of the same root base, each has the same size as the others.
this oak -
a nine-headed dragon
brings curse or blessing?
All around, you see signs of restoration in progress: patches of fields are fenced for prairies, fishermen are asked to release catfish and walleye caught from Bennett Lake … All of a sudden, I come to a halt, in front of me, a deer is chewing leaves by the roadside…
a lone doe
meeting her evokes such joy
those tender eyes
2008-08-07 11:41:40 |
William Zhou周道模 ?2008-08-09 04:19:01?? | |
像很美的风景画。 |
Lake ?2008-08-13 09:48:27?? | |
Thanks William for your read.
I'm learning to observe things around me...and get surprised.  |
kino ?2008-08-13 16:51:44?? | |
It’s such a nice and soothing summer evening.
夏日的傍晚总能给我们很多灵感~~ |
非马 ?2008-08-24 17:30:34?? | |
Lake 好! 谢谢共享宁谧的夏日黄昏。
是否该加个“-”成为the alga-born water?或the alga-bearing water? |
Lake ?2008-08-25 06:52:02?? | |
Thanks Kino for your read.
谢谢非马先生。加上"-"语义更清楚些。接受建议。 |
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