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fābiǎoxīntiè   huífùtièzǐ
汶川, 世界人民在关注你


5月22日上午九点半,加拿大多伦多Yorkvill college举办了一场由中国学生发起的赈灾募捐活动. 直至今日还有人陆续捐款, 结果超过了预期想像.

自'5.12'地震后,海外华人情系九洲,开展了不同形式的募捐活动.大家通过各种方式表达对灾区人民的关爱之情. 这次Yorkvill college的同学们在学校中开展慈善募捐活动,一方面为灾区人民募捐,更主要的是宣传中国军民抗震救灾的壮举.向加拿人各族裔的朋友宣传中国正在发生什么.同学们感人至深的演讲使到场的师生为之动容.

捐款, 来自一双双不同肤色的手, 每一双手都传达着同一个声音--汶川, 全世界人民在关注你.

募集到的善款, 将交由TORONTO 社区与文化中心(慈善机构)转交灾区人民.


2008-05-23 10:17:14
Nancy ?2008-05-23 10:45:00?? 演讲稿 yǐnyòngbìnghuífù


一 场8级的大地震犹如一个巨大的魔鬼突然从地下蹿出,几乎全中国的大地都抖动了.震中的四川汶川县这个拥有6个towns,.8个villages的多民 族聚居的俊秀山川,.这片具有悠久文化历史质感的土地.,这个四面环山,三水竞流,如诗如画的世界, 这个珍奇动物pandas世代繁衍生息的绿色长廊, 这个用羌 绣艺术向世界传播美丽的艺术之乡,在旦夕之间被地震摧毁了.土崩瓦解,疮痍满目,残垣无尽.无数原本鲜活的生命在一瞬间成了废墟下的base.

亲人顿失,家园顿失,废墟下不知尚有多少奄奄一息的生命.劫后余生的人们挣扎在丧亲的悲痛之中.生活在肆虐的风雨中.余震,泥石流,甚至可能的洪水,瘟疫的 危胁中..死神依然萦绕着幸存下来的人们脆弱的生命.老人,病人,儿童,妇女.依然经历着无情的磨难,断垣残壁旁的人们急需安全的生存条件.

浩浩荡荡的救援队伍冒着生命危险,顶着滂沱大雨,踏着被山体滑坡后已不存在的”路”',徒步进入,或从天而降. 赶赴现场,救人!救人!救人!那一副副伤痕累累的身躯,一双双血肉模糊的双手不停地,艰难地,执着地寻找着一个个气息咽咽的幸存者.

远隔千山万水的我们为这一幅幅触目惊心的画面而颤栗. .我们也是父母,我们也曾经做学生,做老师, 望着那一块块叠加在弱小生命之上的巨石瓦砾,一片片沉重地压在万千身体上的废墟,那一座座淹没了无数生命后突兀而起的山峰,我们好无奈,我们痛心疾首,我们无力回天,

我们牵挂着,夜不能寐. 我们愿意贡献自己的力量为灾难中的同胞, 侥幸尚存储的孩子们'5.12'一个简单的数字,一页普通的日历变成了一个令人惊心动魄的符号.一个悲怆凄惨的日子.一份沉痛的记忆.
一 场7.8级的大地震突然犹如一个巨大的魔鬼从地下蹿出,几乎全中国的大地都抖动了.震中的四川汶川县这个拥有6个towns.8个villages的多民 族聚居的俊秀山川.这片具有悠久文化历史质感的土地.,这个四面环山三水竞流,如诗如画的世界,这个珍奇动物panda世代繁衍生息的绿色长廊,这个用羌 绣艺术向世界传播美丽的艺术之乡,在旦夕之间被地震摧毁了.土崩瓦解,满目疮痍,残垣无尽.无数原本鲜活的生命在一瞬间成了废墟下的base.

亲 人顿失,家园顿失,废墟下不知尚有多少奄奄一息的生命.劫后余生的人们挣扎在丧亲的悲痛之中.生活在肆虐的风雨中.余震,泥石流,甚至可能的洪水,瘟疫的 危胁中.死神依然萦绕着幸存下来的人们脆弱的生命.老人,病人,儿童,妇女.依然经历着无情的磨难,断垣残壁旁的人们急需安全的生存条件.





共圆梦想.做点什么 我们知道,样一个人的力量是渺小的.,我们请求善良的人们伸出一双双援助的手,.帮助那些仍在危机中的生命去, 拂平心灵的伤痛确.让他们平安渡过难关.尽快过上安全平和的生活.

我们生在同一片蓝天下, 脚踏着同一个地球, 延续和发展人类文明, 建设美好家园是我们共同的责任和梦想.


512, a simple number, a common date on the calendar, suddenly turned into a shocking, heart-wrenching symbol, forever embedded into our memory. A 7.9 magnitude earthquake – like a monster emerging from the ground; shook the lands of China .

Sichuan – a multicultural province of six towns and eight villages; with its rich history and culture, surrounded by majestic mountains and lakes, home of the endangered Pandas, with its world-renowned arts – all violently destroyed by the quake within the blink of an eye, flattened into debris; tens of thousands of vibrant life forms crushed under piles of rubble.

Families were lost, loved ones are now gone, and tens of thousands more are trapped underneath the ground holding on with their last breath. Even those that are fortunate enough to survive struggle with the pains of lost loved ones, the seemingly unending pouring rain, the aftershocks that follow, and the possibility of diseases and floods. Death lurks at every corner, preying on those that still have a fragile breath left in them, especially the elderly, the sick, the women, and the children – they desperately need even the most basic necessities of life.

Upon receiving the news, troops rushed to the scene in the pouring raining on roads cracked and damaged by the quake to help. They worked persistently under dangerous conditions, till the point that their hands were bleeding.

These of us that are abroad, we too, are human, as far away from China as we are. We too, are mothers, fathers, children, people with dreams and hopes. We look at these images on the television hopelessly; we are shocked, appalled, horrified.

We know that individually our efforts and help seem insignificant, but together, we can unify every sympathetic soul to reach out and help these fragile individuals rebuild their lives.

Please support these people with your donations, thank you!

yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     Nancyběiměifēngwénjí
Nancy ?2008-05-23 10:56:23?? 刘芳的演讲稿 yǐnyòngbìnghuífù


After Magnitude 8.0 Earthquake Rocks Central China

Rescue A Second Early, One More Survivor Will Be Rescued

On Monday, May 12, at 2. 28 p.m Beijng time, a major earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale, jolted south western China’s Sichuan Province which is densely populated in central China. Several lower-scale earthquakes and aftershocks followed in the area. A powerful earthquake destroyed many buildings, chemical plants, infrastructure like communication towers as well as many schools directly killing more than 30000 people and trapping untold numbers in mounds of concrete, steel and earth. This is the worst earthquake and the most dangerous disaster ever happening in China in three decades.

When we watched on internet, we couldn’t help crying for those sad and miserable scenes and were deeply grieved. ( three pictures)

Now China has got a great help at home and abroad. The different organizations from different countries like Russia, South Korea, Japan and so on have already went to the very spot to help the survivors. Canada Government has showed great concern and done very good preparations for China, too. Being immigrants in Canada, we showed our great gratitude to the Canada Government for their contribution .

We live on the same earth and we should look upon everyone as the same family members like brothers and sisters, though we live in different areas far from each other. Nowadays, the survivors will meet with the biggest and the most dangerous flood and bad weather ever had. As everyone knows, after earthquake, the survivors are sure to meet with dangerous diseases, lack of food, lack of water, lack of clothes, lack of blankets and so on. Please ,everyone, show your concern, give your warm hands and try to help the survivors to overcome the very difficulties in this special situation. Here I should say one Canadian dollar is equal to 6.9 RMB. If you could donate only one dollar, the survivor will get a bottle of drink, a piece of bread, an article of clothes, a pair of shoes , what is more, they could build their families, the children could again have opportunities to go to schools for their study, the most important thing is that, what we would like to do, will prolong their lives.

Please do a little as you can and try to rescue more survivors.

Please help them if you can.

yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     Nancyběiměifēngwénjí
Nancy ?2008-05-23 11:36:36?? yǐnyòngbìnghuífù



绿色的丝结系着什么? 是友情, 是关爱, 还是生命之树长青......

yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     Nancyběiměifēngwénjí
Nancy ?2008-05-23 12:30:47?? yǐnyòngbìnghuífù


We need your help and we are not alone!

China earthquake official statistics shown:

Confirmed death toll rises to 55, 740,
More than 24,000 are still missing,
Another 247,645 people were injured,
5,000,000 became homeless,
Thousands of children orphaned
5.36 million homes destroyed
and more than 21 million buildings were damaged.

Dear Friends,

We need your help, because the earthquake-hit areas urgently require pharmaceutical products and medical equipments;
We need your help, because the earthquake areas need funds for reconstruction and rebuilding their homes;
We need your help, because countless orphans, seniors, dysfunctional families and survivors who lost loved ones need to heal the scars that not only they have suffered physically, but also emotionally.

We need your help and we are not alone, look at here:
A lot of international volunteers have arrived the quake area;
USAID has delivered rescue equipment to the quake zone;
ONHAR has donated and delivered 11,000 tents to the quake-hit area;
Russia has delivered new aid and a medical team has carried out operations to Sichuan.

Dear friends, we are all human being and we live on the same earth, please open your heart to feel what we felt;
Dear friends, please wipe off your tears, do what you can do for the survivors.

Thank you for your kindness contributions and generous donations!

Bo Hong

May 23, 2008

Meaningful tears

At 2:28 of May 12th, a great earthquake happened in Venchuan-Sichuan of China. All of a sudden, Venchuan and many cities around were rased by the earthquake. At the same time, thousands of people lost their lives, thousands of people lost people they love, thousands of children lost their parents while thousands of parents lost their children. Thousands of people lost their homes, thousands of people were waiting to be saved in ruins.

When we heard this saddest news and watched these miserable pictures, we couldn't help crying. We saw tears on our close relatives' faces, our classmates' faces and our friends' faces. Our tears were running down for this tragety in Sichuan.

When we saw the picture which showed a teaher died in order to protect his four students (who were also dead) with his body; when we saw soldiers, policemen, and volenteers saved another and yet another life by hands regardless of theirs' safety; when we heard an Amy leader had never gone back to his home in order to save more lives, however, we knew only seven survived in this earthquake among his 36 close relatives. we were deeply moved by their selfless behaviors. Our tears couldn't running down for their selflessness and braveness.

"We, Sichuan people, are the people who can't be deated! We, Sichuan people, are the people who know how to show gratitude for people who help us." When we heard words from the victims of the earthquake, we couldn't stop our tears from running. Our tears were running for their strong, for their conscience.The tears were no longer what they used to be. They were much more meaningful.

Yes, the earthquake destroyed their homes, took away their relatives' lives. The earthquake doesn't care what they felt, but their fellow citizens, their friends and people in this global village care what they feel.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, please give a hand to the victims of the earthquake. One dollar, ten dollars, one hundred dollars, your generous donations will bring hope and warm to people in the disater. Please bring hopes to them.

Thank you. Thank you for your kindness.

yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     Nancyběiměifēngwénjí
hepingdao ?2008-05-23 14:13:58?? yǐnyòngbìnghuífù

人道和仁爱, 是一些普世的特质, 人性本善吧, 当他们伸出援助之手, 都是自发和心甘情愿的, 也都是感动和美丽的

yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     hepingdaoběiměifēngwénjí
hepingdao ?2008-05-23 14:38:56?? yǐnyòngbìnghuífù

It has been a shock to all of us, a test to our humanity: how could we overcome this kind of disaster? either face it all by our separate owns, or be united into one, a stronger one that we do care for each other?

And when I saw those brave countrymates stood up from the ruins, and those that came fowards with helping hands, I was moved, and I feel we have a hope in our future, as people in a great country, and as human beings in the same world

thanks again

yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     hepingdaoběiměifēngwénjí
杯中冲浪 ?2008-05-23 15:58:17?? yǐnyòngbìnghuífù


yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     杯中冲浪běiměifēngwénjí
qinghongh ?2008-05-23 20:56:36?? yǐnyòngbìnghuífù


yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     qinghonghběiměifēngwénjí
白水 ?2008-05-28 13:53:30?? yǐnyòngbìnghuífù























yuèlǎnchéngyuánzīliào     白水běiměifēngwénjí
交友沙龙 Victoria Salon