
????? ????? ?????hepingdao's Blog cházhǎohepingdaofābiǎodesuǒyòutièzǐ ???为网友服务: 端茶倒水勤打扫! 胡济卫2011-09-27 09:18:29能否给我寄一本《北美枫》地址:河南省驻马店市驿城区文化和旅游局 胡济卫 邮编:463000 胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:16:05拜访老师、颂冬祺! 溪月梦2010-02-21 05:25:15刚到这里,有点眼花缭乱,还请指导。 张南城2009-08-03 00:12:17看望先生,问好。我是个新手,望多关照。 hepingdao2009-01-25 19:53:34感谢山城子老师,先生高风亮节,
情怀可嘉,风骨可佩,期待先生大作早日成书 山城子2009-01-24 01:20:46山城子给岛主拜年——祝你春节愉快安康幸福吉祥!
2009-1-24晚上于故乡辽西 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:27:21请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 我的邮箱:YK20086631@163.com 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:26:40请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:26:20请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 sunyunjuan20082007-11-23 05:35:47真对不起啊,来到新家什么也不懂,换板面时不小心把您的留言无意中删除了,特向您道歉来了  |
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Deep into the mirror of wall,
I watch you
shifting in hundreds of forms.
What a great wall
that chains across your fingertips
to the end of another world.
I see a shadow moving in a snowman's suit
to a green tree full of gifts
You are gifted
with hands creating the most exquisite food
out of plain materials;
Or in a rush, you washed sands into gold grains;
Or in a swift of wand,
you dug a tunnel
through the roughest mountains.
Are these just rumours?
Stories have become legends, some gone with the wind
some been buried beneath the snow
with bones clacking under railways.
Tears of words scatter over the wounds of ice.
How could a banana peel into a white skin?
I will hold back
what cannot possibly be translated.
Almost a hundred years later,
a figure, carved out of stone,
stands up with a tall tower
against the blue gigantic sky.
Who is it?
murmur the rustling snowflakes.
Through a piece of glass, I see him
breathing in fires.
A dragon lost its wings?
How could such a tiny creature
be the descendant of a giant species.
Who am I?
echo the trembling maple leaves.
I scrutinize every cell of you
under a microscope.
Do we possess the same type of genes?
I simulate all kinds of theses
by computer programming.
There might be no big differences,
regardless of the shapes of heirloom faces.
We might even share the same origin,
like streams merging into a river.
At the top of mother-
land stands that mighty Man
with his descedents migrated
across mountains and plateaus
through the distance of time,
you and me, joined, and our children
and our children's children
like rivers flowing
into the ocean
of human beings
Into the future,
I stand
looking back
into the mirror of history
reflecting, evolving...
2008-01-31 23:32:22 |
白水 ?2008-02-01 17:50:58?? | |
思绪万千, 内敛深沉.
有些SPELLING似需检查, 可能是打字有误.
I see a shadow moving in a snowman's suit
regardless of the colors of sunsetting.
At the top of motherland
stands that mighty Man
with descedents migrated
across mountains and plateaus
through the distance of time,
you and me, joined, and our children
另,有些句子不太好理解, 比如:At the top of motherland. 仅为商榷, 不妥见谅.
hepingdao ?2008-02-01 22:49:37?? | |
thanks |
戴玨 ?2008-02-02 09:55:26?? | |
some been buried beneath the snow
regardless of the colors of sunset
stands that mighty Man
with (his?) descedents migrated
looking back
(into?) the mirror of history |
hepingdao ?2008-02-02 10:06:42?? | |
thanks for your comments
i will come back to correct and refine these points |
William Zhou周道模 ?2008-02-18 17:38:04?? | |
very good! deep,thick, wide; history, now,future; emotion,idea,imagination and so
on. congrantulation! |
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