
????? ?????Lake's blog 查找Lake發錶的所有帖子 ???the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins 胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:21:45拜访老师、颂冬祺! Lake2010-01-16 09:05:12Thank you. 我家三儿2010-01-07 05:21:39我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意! Lake2008-11-04 11:04:13Thanks. hepingdao2008-11-04 10:52:29congratulations!
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西方文学 Western Literature |
A Cup of Zen
A Cup of Zen
In seeking critics, all
you hear is your own voice.
A recognition, (however false),
is something you lust for.
How can you dream of having
your cup filled with fresh tea
when it is still full of
old and warm coffee?
(An exercise called "word cloud" , where you have to use the words from the list to write a poem. Some of the words from the list are: cup, critics, voice, false, recognition, coffee etc.)
2011-04-04 16:58:09 |
William Zhou周道模 ?2011-04-04 17:38:37?? | |
a game of writing English poems? |
Lake ?2011-04-04 19:59:34?? | |
an exercise. you can call it a game if you want. thanks. |
博弈 ?2011-04-05 16:18:42?? | |
I like "A cup of Zen."
Actually, in old China Town in Manhattan,
there is this so-called "鴛鴦茶" which
simply mixes coffer and tea together,
invented by immigrants much earlier.
Some said, HK also has this, I'm not sure.
They borrow the name "鴛鴦茶", I guess.
If you ask for it in some old restaurants,
they will make you one. |
博弈 ?2011-04-05 16:56:44?? | |
搜尋了一下, 沒想到, 新加坡也有
William Zhou周道模 ?2011-04-06 00:14:43?? | |
第一次听说,增长知识了。谢谢介绍! |
Lake ?2011-04-06 04:50:57?? | |
嗯, 我也是第一次听说。写一个 A Cup of East and West 吧, Mark?  |
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