




?????Lake's blog


???the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins

胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:21:45


Lake2010-01-16 09:05:12

Thank you.

我家三儿2010-01-07 05:21:39

我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意! 

Lake2008-11-04 11:04:13


hepingdao2008-11-04 10:52:29

and you can configure to show or not to show those articles from bbs

西方文学 Western Literature
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Angry Summer

Angry Summer

Don’t be rhetorical, my dear, don’t be rhetorical
when you decide to leave but say it's fate I suppose.
Don’t roll ephemeral ever forever off your tongue
for who'd tune an ear to a solemnly flippant oath.

Don’t hide behind an email with heart wrenching
words like a woman wearing a veil wets her handkerchief.
It’s time when water subsides, rocks emerge
I’ll laugh off this angry summer with a joyous grief.

The moon's never been this huge this round this orange
as I drive up the top of the hillside, seeing her full visage.

2010-04-27 05:53:35
justjust123 ?2010-06-03 21:05:13?? 引用並回復

on the top of a hill, you gaze upon the moon, bright and yet silent. then you look down and see another moon in water. suddenly fish leap everywhere . o, there are more fish in the sea.

the line 'It’s the time when...' does not sound right, it seems

閱覽成員資料     justjust123北美楓文集
Lake ?2010-06-05 07:11:56?? 引用並回復

Thanks Just for the read. I thought it'd sink to the bottom of the page without any comments.

Can you elaborate on why the line doesn't sound right?


閱覽成員資料     Lake北美楓文集
justjust123 ?2010-06-05 10:13:03?? 引用並回復

When I was reading the line, I thought you meant : It’s time for water to subside and rocks to emerge.
If 'when' has to be used, this to me sounds a little more natural though I prefer the one above:
Now is the time when water subsides and rocks emerge.
Somehow, I do not feel 'it' and 'when' match here. Of course, I may be wrong.

閱覽成員資料     justjust123北美楓文集
Lake ?2010-06-08 14:51:00?? 引用並回復

Now I see. I guess there's some difference between the two, is there?

Anyway, this is a tired expression. I don't quite like it.

Thanks for the explanation.

閱覽成員資料     Lake北美楓文集
English Poetry
Fiction and Short Stories
Prose and Essay
北美之音 Voice of North America
Chinese Poetry