
????? ????? ?????hepingdao's Blog 查找hepingdao發錶的所有帖子 ???为网友服务: 端茶倒水勤打扫! 胡济卫2011-09-27 09:18:29能否给我寄一本《北美枫》地址:河南省驻马店市驿城区文化和旅游局 胡济卫 邮编:463000 胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:16:05拜访老师、颂冬祺! 溪月梦2010-02-21 05:25:15刚到这里,有点眼花缭乱,还请指导。 张南城2009-08-03 00:12:17看望先生,问好。我是个新手,望多关照。 hepingdao2009-01-25 19:53:34感谢山城子老师,先生高风亮节,
情怀可嘉,风骨可佩,期待先生大作早日成书 山城子2009-01-24 01:20:46山城子给岛主拜年——祝你春节愉快安康幸福吉祥!
2009-1-24晚上于故乡辽西 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:27:21请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 我的邮箱:YK20086631@163.com 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:26:40请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:26:20请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 sunyunjuan20082007-11-23 05:35:47真对不起啊,来到新家什么也不懂,换板面时不小心把您的留言无意中删除了,特向您道歉来了  |
北美之音 Voice of North America | 网友论坛 | 现代诗歌 | 宾至如归 | 谈古论今 | 大雅风文学奖 | 奥运之光 | 中外华文诗歌联赛 Poetry Competition | 《北美枫》版主议事区 | 海外新闻 Oversea News | 音乐与朗诵 | 联赛专刊编辑小组 | 诗海编辑部 | 《北美枫》编辑委员会 | 洛夫專欄 Lo Fu's Poetry Column | 北美华人文学社理事会 | 评论鉴赏 Reviews | 西方文学 Western Literature | 落尘诗社 | 古韵新音 | 美哉贴图 | 开心一笑 | 健康与美容 | Maple News | 社区消息 Community News | 散文天地编辑部 | 合作交流 | 驻站作家 | 加拿大〈游子吟〉网络格律诗歌赛 Classic Poetry Competition in Canada |
多伦多社区与文化中心, 枫华园网, 北美华人文学社, 多伦多在线网, 路路通网, CTTV华人电视台等有关社团、网站将联合举办加拿大<游子吟>网络格律诗歌比赛。体裁为中国传统古典诗词:包括古体诗(唐朝以前的诗歌),近体诗(格律诗)和宋词的形式。通过此活动使青年人更好地了解中国文化,老一辈的文人墨客把自己的文化经验传播给青年人,丰富我们的移民生活。
1) 投稿细则:
1. 参赛资格:懂中文的加拿大居民(居住加拿大一年以上);
2. 参赛题材、体裁及内容:以反映移民生活为主的古典诗词,包括古体诗(唐朝以前的诗歌),近体诗(格律诗)和宋词的形式,内容要求健康、积极、向上。
3. 投稿地点: 各指定征稿网站
4. 不得多次多处投稿。如有作者多次投稿,视最早的投稿为准,超标者无效。
5. 大赛组委、评委不得参与比赛
6. 投稿截止日期: 2007年4月20日
2) 征稿网站:
枫华园网站: http://www2.fhy.net
多伦多在线网站: http://www.torcn.com
北美华人文学社网站: http://yizitong.com
路路通网站: http://668.ca
3) 评选:
初选: 由各征稿网站认真选送10首诗歌给加拿大<游子吟>网络格律诗歌赛组委会
终选: 组委会将隐去作品作者姓名,并提交由专家组成的评选委员会进行认真, 审慎的评判
欢迎具有良好古典文学造诣的人士自荐, 经评审后聘请为我们的评选委员会成员.
4) 奖励:
比赛设一等奖一名: 奖金$500
二等奖两名: 奖金$200
三等奖六名: 奖金$100
大赛将对小于24岁(含24岁)的参赛者特设鼓励奖: $10
颁奖仪式将在电视台转播. 不在TORONTO地区的获奖者,可由所在选稿网站传真有效身份证明复印件至组委会, 并委托朋友出席颁奖仪式.
联系人: 白水 联络电话: 416-599-1376
主办单位: 多伦多社区与文化中心( www.tcccto.com ), 枫华园网(www2.fhy.net), 北美华人文学社(oson.ca), TORONTO在线网(www.torcn.com), 路路通网( www.668.ca ),CTTV华人电视台(www.cttv.ca)
协办单位: 加拿大华语诗人协会, 多伦多教育研究会, 加拿大普通话华人联合会,加中企业家协会, 北京协会, 加拿大陕西同乡会, 大连同乡会, 云南同乡会, 哈尔宾协会, 加拿大吉林协会, 加拿大中国留学生协会, 长江艺术团, 高校校友联合会,四川同乡会, 红叶综艺团
Notice to the “Song of Immigrants” Chinese Traditional Poetry Internet Competition
Canada is a country of immigrations with a multi-culture society. It encompasses a wide range of cultures from various nationalities. With the increase of the number of Chinese immigrants and the surge of Chinese language learning interests, and to enhance cultural lives of Chinese communities, the Toronto Communities and Multi-cultural Centre, Chinese Literature Society of North America, http://www2.fhy.net, http://www.torcn.com, http://668.ca and CTTV Chinese Station has decided to organize the “Song of Immigrants” Chinese Traditional Poetry Internet Competition.
This event will provide an opportunity for the Chinese literature amateurs to show their language talents, to exchange our sufferings and happiness in our immigration paths, share our struggle and success as immigrants, and use Chinese traditional poetry as our means to advocate our mother culture in the western world.
Through this competition, we will let the young generations have a better understanding of Chinese culture, help the authors and poets of the older generations to spread their cultural and language experience to the young ones. It will certainly give our lives more fun.
1). Submission Guidelines
1. Qualification: Canadian residents who can write Chinese, and live in Canada more than 1 year.
2. Styles and Contents: Chinese traditional poetry, with styles of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, and materials mainly based on immigration lives. Healthy, positive and upwards.
3. Submission websites: http://yizitong.com, http://www2.fhy.net, http://www.torcn.com, http://668.ca.
4. Please submit in only one website, and only the earliest submission will be accepted in case of more than one submission.
5. Committee members should not submit works.
6. Deadline: April 20, 2007.
2) Participating Website:
3). Evaluation Process
Preliminary examinations: carried out by each website, and each will select and submit 10 of the best poems for its website.
Final examination: the organization committee will hide names of authors and submit the poems to Chinese Traditional Poetry Committee to do a careful evaluation.
4) Award
One first prize: $500;
Two second prizes: $200 each;
Six third prizes: $100 each.
Participants with ages younger than 24 (inclusive) will be encouraged with $10, as a special reward.
The award event will be broadcast by TV. For those outside of Toronto areas, will be represented by participating websites, with photocopies of valid pieces of identities.
Contact: BaiShui, phone: 416-599-1376.
Organizing Committee of the “Song of Immigrants” Chinese Traditional Poetry Internet Competition
Organized by the Toronto Communities and Multi-cultural Centre, Chinese Literature Society of North America, http://www2.fhy.net, http://www.torcn.com, http://668.ca and CTTV Chinese Station
Associated organizations: Chinese Poets’ Association in Canada, Mandarin Association in Canada, Toronto Education Society in Toronto, Canadian Chinese Enterprisers’ Association, Beijing Association, Shanxi Townmates Association, Dalian Townmates Association, Yuanan Townmates Association, Harbin Association (to be added).
2007-02-21 11:44:34 |
白水 ?2007-02-21 17:52:16?? | |
PEACE, 你可是现代化步伐, 真快. 祝福朋友们写出好诗歌.
祝新春愉快, 万事如意. |
秋叶 ?2007-02-21 22:21:44?? | |
和平岛上设擂台, 游子行吟荆路开。
奋斗求存多血泪, 苦中谋乐踏歌来。 |
唐伯虎 ?2007-02-22 10:21:24?? | |
秋叶? 可是秋香的MM:D
秋香莲步渡月台, 广寒玉树桂花开
婵娟低吟游子曲, 踉跄唐兄醉步来 |
风动 ?2007-02-22 15:01:47?? | |
预祝成功! |
风动 ?2007-02-22 15:03:09?? | |
预祝成功! |
虹 ?2007-02-22 19:28:42?? | |
对不起,我有点没明白,是诗歌朗诵比赛,还是诗歌创作比赛? |
hepingdao ?2007-02-22 19:36:35?? | |
虹 寫到: |
对不起,我有点没明白,是诗歌朗诵比赛,还是诗歌创作比赛? |
戴玨 ?2007-02-23 03:42:30?? | |
秋叶 寫到: |
和平岛上设擂台, 游子行吟荆路开。
奋斗求存多血泪, 苦中谋乐踏歌来。 |
襟帶迎風擁落日,翩翩秋葉帶愁來。 |
秋叶 ?2007-02-23 10:52:27?? | |
戴玨 寫到: |
秋叶 寫到: |
和平岛上设擂台, 游子行吟荆路开。
奋斗求存多血泪, 苦中谋乐踏歌来。 |
襟帶迎風擁落日,翩翩秋葉帶愁來。 |
戴玨和得好, 我可是为了岛主强说愁了,您可是王中之王啊! |
1[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] 前頁 | 诗海室 | 散文游记 | 信息中心 News Centre | 诗歌联赛组委会 | 音乐极限 | 移民心语 | 内部交流 | 乐岛编辑部 | 會議中心 Meeting Room | 诗词吟诵 | 影视频道 | 名家综述 Expert Review | 冻结栏目 | Chinese Poetry | 三人行 |