
????? ????? ?????hepingdao's Blog 查找hepingdao發錶的所有帖子 ???为网友服务: 端茶倒水勤打扫! 胡济卫2011-09-27 09:18:29能否给我寄一本《北美枫》地址:河南省驻马店市驿城区文化和旅游局 胡济卫 邮编:463000 胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:16:05拜访老师、颂冬祺! 溪月梦2010-02-21 05:25:15刚到这里,有点眼花缭乱,还请指导。 张南城2009-08-03 00:12:17看望先生,问好。我是个新手,望多关照。 hepingdao2009-01-25 19:53:34感谢山城子老师,先生高风亮节,
情怀可嘉,风骨可佩,期待先生大作早日成书 山城子2009-01-24 01:20:46山城子给岛主拜年——祝你春节愉快安康幸福吉祥!
2009-1-24晚上于故乡辽西 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:27:21请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 我的邮箱:YK20086631@163.com 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:26:40请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 白衣年代2008-11-08 20:26:20请赐寄《北美枫》:723500陕西省西乡县第一中学高三复课(23)班 杨康 sunyunjuan20082007-11-23 05:35:47真对不起啊,来到新家什么也不懂,换板面时不小心把您的留言无意中删除了,特向您道歉来了  |
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A Dwindling Thought about the Earthquake Lake
By BanXiMingYue [Sichuan, China]
Build a Noah's Ark
Ship it with all of the people, livestock, and fowl
of our land, if that is possible,
we still want some flowers, trees,
moth orchid, myrtle, and geranium.
Choose the kind of wood sorrel with four leaves.
You are the builder and captain
There is someone coming. Execuse me for excluding him
from our tribe. Only if you nod, that would be better
Ask him to follow our puppy to learn how to love
Like a rolling car, we rush from the top of a floating lake
down to rescue those digging sappers and warriors
who are the loveliest group
at all times, they hold on to the lowest place
Sure, here is the worst scenario:
in the direction of riverbed,
the water overflows up to 500 meters high
With such a water potential, we can all surf up
to a height that can never be experienced in our daily lives
translated by hepingdao
2008-07-10 19:20:58 |
William Zhou周道模 ?2008-07-11 05:05:49?? | |
I have read it aloud and learned from it, thanks! |
Lake ?2008-07-11 11:04:53?? | |
岛主花了多长时间翻译此诗?I know I start to jump the gun, wish others can follow...
Earthquake Lake - 是否指的是堰塞湖?好像还有其它的译法。
A Dwindling Thought - "dwindling", meaning diminish, fade away. 于原文不符。值得商榷。
to rescue those digging sappers and warriors - 容易产生误解,others are digging those sappers and warriors instead of sappers and warriors are digging.
tribe- reminds me of American Indian tribe.
a rolling car - roller coaster?
they hold on to the lowest place - 不看中文不知道什么意思。
其实我最成问题的问题是诗中引用的" Noah's Ark ", 好像现代诗歌(中文)援用西方宗教神话典故入诗挺流行,不大顾及 context and implication. 关于deluge, Noah's ark 还有很多争论。总之,有点怪怪的感觉。you know what I mean...
Just a rant. Better not listen to me.  |
hepingdao ?2008-07-11 13:19:26?? | |
1 hour or less,
i will think about your inputs
tribe: do it on purpose, the word people is kind of too vague and common
hepingdao ?2008-07-11 13:54:42?? | |
1. avalanche lake
2. barrier lake
3. dammed lake
悬想: thought in suspense, hanging thought?
to rescue those digging sappers and warriors: should be ok, sappers and warriors are the nouns who are digging
roller coaster is a good word
they hold on to the lowest place: might be replace by
they hold on to the weakest link, or point
but this will lose the sense of height
Noah's Ark: only to keep the original meaning of the poem. It is a personal flavour to use it or not in someone's poem
thanks |
Lake ?2008-07-11 16:53:31?? | |
You're very efficient.
What does 悬想 mean exactly? 凭空想象? Or is it a word play on 悬湖?
And what is 生命的最低处 ? I may have interpreted it wrong at first.
I find it more and more difficult to translate modern poetry, for if you translate it word-for-word, English speakers may have problem understanding it; if you want to get the meanings across, doing so called free translation, you'll be shouted at "not accurate"!
Let's see what others think.  |
hepingdao ?2008-07-11 19:01:16?? | |
should find something in between
first is word by word, then in some special difficult parts, need to pass the meaning across
and in order to follow the tradition of english language and culture, might do some distortion treatment? |
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