北美之音 Voice of North America |
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hepingdao ?2008-03-17 17:01:57?? | |
sometimes, small mistakes can cause lots of problem:
just found out that cpoetry, dict,... were broken, and have been fixed now
sometimes, fixing one thing can cause another problem: side effect...
so if you find out any broken functions or pages, please let me know
thanks |
nobody ?2008-04-30 11:28:10?? | |
1. 页容量可适当增加些,这样每页可能长些,但问题应该不是很大。
2. 另外在回帖提读的基础上,增加自动提读程序,根据概率。原则是,较近发的帖子,较少回帖的,有较大的概率被选中提上来。零回帖的,设100%概率。可以每天执行一次,每次从不在首页的帖子中提读一定数量的帖子,根据用公式算出的概率。 |
nobody ?2008-05-18 13:02:38?? | |
Logo应该一点就到主页。 |
hepingdao ?2008-11-14 18:05:37?? | |
aaa33,aaa3369 |
nobody ?2008-11-30 11:39:33?? | |
点击 这里 阅读您的帖子
点击 这里 返回论坛
有点麻烦。如果让大家可以设定preference,会好些。象我每次都想返回论坛,可by default是阅读您的帖子,每次都要再点一下,很麻烦。
如果没有这一页,也可以省些时间。 |
hepingdao ?2008-11-30 19:32:56?? | |
谢谢 |
nobody ?2008-12-01 20:26:21?? | |
有bug. 在update个人资料的时候。
Could not update users table
Line : 526
File : usercp_register.php
另,default是否设成是较好? |
和平岛 ?2008-12-01 21:22:16?? | |
these should be fixed now
thanks |
nobody ?2008-12-01 21:50:43?? | |
试过,好了。感觉方便多了,哈哈。 |
nobody ?2008-12-03 12:36:20?? | |
it's been improving. yet another opinion on the user interface.
just look at this page, at the bottom. "前往 Go to" and "快速回复" appear as two columns of a single row. They should not compete for a single row, instead, they should appear as two separate rows, each aligning well with the posting.
i think "前往 Go to" should go first (its buttons need to be reorganized, making a short, wide row). then "快速回复". |
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