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???the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins

胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:21:45


Lake2010-01-16 09:05:12

Thank you.

我家三儿2010-01-07 05:21:39

我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意! 

Lake2008-11-04 11:04:13


hepingdao2008-11-04 10:52:29

and you can configure to show or not to show those articles from bbs

西方文学 Western Literature
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Things to do in the fall

Roll up the garden hose, turn off air conditioning.
Hear rain drops knocking on maple leaves all evening.
Watch crows swooping, squabbling in the air.
Walk to the horticultural garden up the hill where
chrysanthemums bloom their best blossoms they ever bloomed.
Making a long distance call on Mid-Autumn Festival
even though dim the moon, starless the night.
Lotus cakes and jasmine tea arranged on the table.
Light pumpkin lanterns, and chat with neighbors
by the bonfire, listening to the burning firewood.
Jogging along Mississippi, watching the changing leaves in the sunset.
Geese viewing, deer hunting.
Dried dog-poop picked up before raking fallen leaves.
Dead branches, and budless shrubs trimmed.
Do stretches and sit-ups.
Take a Taiji class, practice breathing in and breathing out. Repeat,
till you do it naturally.
Cook a big pot of soup to nourish wrinkled skin and squeaky bones.
Take a walk in the woods, choose a road
less traveled by, to find all paths lead to the Way at last.
Go out make new friends or shut October snow outside,
reading alone with Gary Snyder
Mountains and Rivers

(Tell me this is a list. Very Happy )

2009-10-12 16:15:27
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戴玨 ?2009-10-23 16:55:58?? Reply with quote

Lake住Mississippi河附近?十月就有雪? Shocked

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Lake ?2009-10-25 16:14:35?? Reply with quote

是啊,还雨雪呢。十月已经下过两场了。 不过,这雪太性急了点,都夭折了。
Very Happy


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杜伟民 ?2009-10-28 02:06:31?? Good poem! Reply with quote

Study with you!

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justjust123 ?2009-11-01 00:41:03?? Reply with quote

life is a list of things!

Making a long distance

i think using 'Make' may be more consistent
the same goes with jogging

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Lake ?2009-11-01 21:57:45?? Reply with quote

justjust123 wrote:
life is a list of things!

Isn't that true?! And 99% of life consists of ordinary things.

justjust123 wrote:
Making a long distance

i think using 'Make' may be more consistent

I see your point.

Thanks for the read and comment, just.

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English Poetry
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Prose and Essay
北美之音 Voice of North America
Chinese Poetry