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?????11 Jun 2009



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西方文学 Western Literature
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Modern poem translation (再别康桥)

Farewell again to Cambridge

Original in Chinese by Xu zhimo Translated by Zhang liguo

Quietly I left
As quietly I came
I waved my hands
Say goodbye to the western clouds

The golden willow by the riverside
Like the bride in the sunset
Her charming figure brightened the waves
That rippled in my gentle heart

The green floating on the soft mud
Shining and swaying in the water under
In the supple wave of Camriver
I’m willing to be a piece of grass

The pool under the elm tree
Not the spring but the rainbow from the sky
Rubbed into pieces among the algace
Sank and turn to a rainbow-like dream

Seek dream? with a long punt pole
Go slowly up stream over grass and green
Loaded a whole boat of star lights
To sing a song under the splendid stars

But I'm not able to sing a song
Silently farewell the bamboo flute
The summer crickets keep silence for me
Silence is the Cambridge tonight

Quietly I left
As quietly I came
I waved my sleeves
A piece of clouds I didn’t take away

2009-06-15 11:04:16
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李有明 ?2009-06-15 11:47:49?? Reply with quote


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sfiawong ?2009-06-17 09:08:03?? Reply with quote


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散文诗 Poetry in Prose