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?????01 Feb 2009

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簫聲咽,秦娥夢斷秦樓月。秦樓月,年年柳色,灞陵傷別。 樂游原上清 秋節,咸陽古道音塵絕。音塵絕,西風殘照,漢家陵闕。

2009-02-03 08:28:47
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hepingdao ?2009-02-03 12:13:06?? Reply with quote

thanks for sharing

and yhja, you can edit, and view what I have changed for you, in order to make it work, then you know how to do it by yourself.

in the youtube page, you have this link:


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

you can take the width, height, and src, then use flash here...

View user's profile     hepingdaoCollection
yhja ?2009-02-03 19:54:47?? Thanks Reply with quote

Thank you for your help. The method I used is from someone in this website. Before I used <embed> between [flash] & [/flash],but it did not work. I will follow what you just tell me. Thanks again!

View user's profile     yhjaCollection
yhja ?2009-02-03 20:04:44?? What is src? Reply with quote


Since my software knowledge is poor,I hope you can kindly tell how to do it step by step. Thank you so much .

View user's profile     yhjaCollection
hepingdao ?2009-02-03 20:22:37?? Reply with quote

see this part:

embed src=""
here, src is the actual path of the flash file (data stream)

<object width="425" height="344">

here you get the size: width and height

View user's profile     hepingdaoCollection
yhja ?2009-02-03 21:57:08?? Thanks!! Reply with quote

Thank you again for your advice.

View user's profile     yhjaCollection
yhja ?2009-02-03 22:08:54?? an example,correct? Reply with quote

Hi, Hepingdao,

[flash]<object width="425" height="344"><embed src="" >[/flash]

or the 3rd and the 4th (< >) should be removed?

Thank you!

View user's profile     yhjaCollection
hepingdao ?2009-02-04 08:07:16?? Reply with quote

click this link, and you will find out the answer:

View user's profile     hepingdaoCollection
yhja ?2009-02-04 11:11:08?? Thanks Reply with quote

Thank you! It works.

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