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Job Positions for Professional Youth-2008青年专业人士实习计划启动(zt)

Job Positions for Professional Youth-2008青年专业人士实习计划启动
Toronto Community & Culture Centre sponsors a Youth Workplace Project under the Youth Employment Strategy, which funded by Government of Canada. The Project designed to facilitate the transition of 8 post-secondary graduated youths to the labour market by providing them with the opportunity to gain a meaningful work experience within the financial and/or immigration industry.

Over a 26 week period, Toronto Community & Culture Centre will increase the supply of highly qualified people by providing 8 post-secondary graduates with 26 week meaningful career-related work experiences to help them transition to Canadian working market.

Toronto Community & Culture Centre will facilitate the transition of these 8 highly skilled young people to a rapidly changing labour market by providing them with enough particle work experience to help ensure secure full time employment at the completion of the project.

Participants are placed in GTA region. They will work with co-employers for their career-related experience, and will engage in positions, such as administration, financial, banks, immigration consultant etc.

Participant’s wage is $11.50/hour, 35 hours/week, 26 weeks on a regular payroll basis paid by sponsor and co-employers.

Participant must be:

* out of school, and post-secondary graduated youth;
* between 15 and 30 years of age (inclusive) at the time of the selection;
* a Canadian citizen, or a permanent resident or protected person within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
* legally entitled to work in Canada; and
* legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.

Qualified candidates are invited to submit a resume by fax or email before January 4, 2008 to The Hiring Committee: Toronto Community & Culture Centre. Contact information:

1) Address: 222 Elm Street, Suite 110 Toronto ON. M5T 1K5
2) Telephone No.: 416-971-7883 Fax No.: 416-971-5519
3) Email: Website:

We thank all candidates for their interest. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.





参加这个实习计划的青年专业人士,每小时的工资酬劳提高至 $11.50, 每周工作35小时,总计26周。由多伦多社区与文化中心与联合雇主共同支付工资。


* 高中毕业后获得至少一个专业文凭,并已离开学校;
* 以2008年1月7日为准,年龄在15至30岁之间;
* 为加拿大公民、加拿大永久居民或受国际公约保护的难民;
* 有在加拿大及安省合法工作的资格。


2008-01-02 12:48:10
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