白水 大学士

註册時間: 2006-10-02 帖子: 14102 來自: TORONTO 白水北美楓文集 |
發錶於: 2007-01-28 10:32:56 發錶主題: 初译 ANTHROPOMORPHIC By Elizabeth Bachinksy(请切磋) |
By Elizabeth Bachinksy
We sleep with the curtains open. Tonight,
the forest is lit by a full-faced moon. Black water
winks past the riverbank through the trees.
We were from the city. And now we are from
the country too. In the spring, teenagers
will appear with their titanium fishing rods.
In the summer, they will ride rubber inner-
tubes downstream. Masses of young flesh
will chirp and yip on the whitewater where,
not ten months before, the whole place reeked
of death. Chip bags and beer bottles and cell-
phones in hand, parents will prop plastic chairs
in the shallows and eat take-out burgers
while their little ones paddle out to the pools.
But, now, the river is silent
in the way a river is a silent rush of rivergrass
and the fetid stream goes about its decomposition.
My husband’s hands are slippery on my thighs.
He can’t help it, he says We are two slick fish…
and floodlights illuminate our gravel driveway.
We sit up, caught, momentarily, in our own
harsh light. One minute, two, and the flood clicks
off again. I can hear the refrigerator keeping
things cold in the kitchen, rooms away. What
is out there? What creature slouches through
the yard so late at night? Anthropomorphism,
I say, is a dangerous business.
诗/ Elizabeth Bachinksy
译/ 白水
我们敞着窗帘睡觉, 今晚
森林被丰满的月点燃. 黧黑的水
我们从城市来. 现在我们
也来自乡村. 春天, 年轻人
顺流而下. 年青的欲望
在浪花中喧哗着, 尖叫着,
不到十个月前, 这儿弥漫着死亡的
气息. 手里抓着薯片袋, 啤酒瓶
和手机, 父母们在浅滩支起塑料椅享用外卖汉堡包
可是, 现在, 这条河安静了
他情不自禁, 他说我们是两条光滑的鱼……
我们坐起身, 被自己慌乱的光
抓住, 一分钟, 两分钟, 泛光灯咯嗒一声
熄灭了. 隔着几间房, 我能听见厨房冰箱的制冷声. 外面
什么动静? 谁这么晚从院落懒散的走过, 赋予人形的,
我说, 这是危险的事. |
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Lake 举人

註册時間: 2007-01-09 帖子: 1286
Lake北美楓文集 |
發錶於: 2007-01-28 21:28:43 發錶主題: |
引用: |
Masses of young flesh
will chirp and yip on the whitewater where,
在浪花中喧哗着, 尖叫着, |
young flesh, 我想就是指那些年轻人吧?flesh, 肉体,身体.
引用: |
He can’t help it,
他帮不了它, |
译文“它”,指代不清楚。He can't help it (he can't help not putting his hands on her thighs).
引用: |
We sit up, caught, momentarily, in our own
harsh light.
我们坐起身, 发现, 瞬间, 刺眼的光
笼罩着我们 |
We sit up, (are) caught,...
Just my thought. I might be wrong. _________________ the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins |
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kokho 进士出身

註册時間: 2006-11-30 帖子: 2642 來自: Singapore kokho北美楓文集 |
發錶於: 2007-01-29 01:30:13 發錶主題: |
fantastic original poem ...
 _________________ 乒乓、摄影、诗歌 |
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kino 秀才
註册時間: 2006-12-23 帖子: 411 來自: beijing kino北美楓文集 |
發錶於: 2007-01-29 01:56:34 發錶主題: |
“He can’t help it” 是不是“情不自禁”的意思? |
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戴玨 秀才

註册時間: 2007-01-03 帖子: 808
戴玨北美楓文集 |
發錶於: 2007-01-29 09:10:43 發錶主題: |
kino 寫到: |
“He can’t help it” 是不是“情不自禁”的意思? |
應該是。 |
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白水 大学士

註册時間: 2006-10-02 帖子: 14102 來自: TORONTO 白水北美楓文集 |
發錶於: 2007-01-29 10:22:13 發錶主題: |
谢谢各位朋友和老师, 你们提的问题恰好是我犹豫再三的问题. KINO, 还有LAKE提出的下一句, 你一起帮我译了吧
Lake 寫到: |
引用: |
He can’t help it,
他帮不了它, |
译文“它”,指代不清楚。He can't help it (he can't help not putting his hands on her thighs).
引用: |
We sit up, caught, momentarily, in our own
harsh light.
我们坐起身, 发现, 瞬间, 刺眼的光
笼罩着我们 |
We sit up, (are) caught,...
Just my thought. I might be wrong. |
另, 这个标题, 让人伤神. 私下里请教了PEACE和NOBODY, 包括我的英文老师(她都惊讶诗人用了这么一个极少用的单词作题), 在此再次此感谢他们的帮助. 但仍担心读者能否意会?
这首诗歌我会抽空再改. 想听更多的意见.
谢谢朋友们. |
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刘雨萍 秀才
註册時間: 2007-01-25 帖子: 226 來自: Houston, TX. U.S.A 刘雨萍北美楓文集 |
發錶於: 2007-01-29 11:08:20 發錶主題: |
Lake 寫到: |
引用: |
Masses of young flesh
will chirp and yip on the whitewater where,
在浪花中喧哗着, 尖叫着, |
young flesh, 我想就是指那些年轻人吧?flesh, 肉体,身体.
引用: |
He can’t help it,
他帮不了它, |
译文“它”,指代不清楚。He can't help it (he can't help not putting his hands on her thighs).
引用: |
We sit up, caught, momentarily, in our own
harsh light.
我们坐起身, 发现, 瞬间, 刺眼的光
笼罩着我们 |
We sit up, (are) caught,...
Just my thought. I might be wrong. |
Masses of young flesh
will chirp and yip on the whitewater where,
在浪花中喧哗着, 尖叫着, [/quote]
young flesh, 我想就是指那些年轻人吧?flesh, 肉体,身体.
LAKE 觉得翻译为"年轻人", 字面意义如此.但我觉得取意翻"年青的欲望 "更好.
对于"He can't help it", 我觉得KOKHO说的"情不自禁"对.
引用: |
We sit up, caught, momentarily, in our own
harsh light.
我们坐起身, 发现, 瞬间, 刺眼的光
笼罩着我们 |
"我们坐起身 瞬间
在此探讨. _________________ 隔海抒情 |
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白水 大学士

註册時間: 2006-10-02 帖子: 14102 來自: TORONTO 白水北美楓文集 |
發錶於: 2007-01-30 20:35:32 發錶主題: |
刘雨萍 寫到: |
Lake 寫到: |
引用: |
Masses of young flesh
will chirp and yip on the whitewater where,
在浪花中喧哗着, 尖叫着, |
young flesh, 我想就是指那些年轻人吧?flesh, 肉体,身体.
引用: |
He can’t help it,
他帮不了它, |
译文“它”,指代不清楚。He can't help it (he can't help not putting his hands on her thighs).
引用: |
We sit up, caught, momentarily, in our own
harsh light.
我们坐起身, 发现, 瞬间, 刺眼的光
笼罩着我们 |
We sit up, (are) caught,...
Just my thought. I might be wrong. |
Masses of young flesh
will chirp and yip on the whitewater where,
在浪花中喧哗着, 尖叫着, |
young flesh, 我想就是指那些年轻人吧?flesh, 肉体,身体.
LAKE 觉得翻译为"年轻人", 字面意义如此.但我觉得取意翻"年青的欲望 "更好.
对于"He can't help it", 我觉得KOKHO说的"情不自禁"对.
引用: |
We sit up, caught, momentarily, in our own
harsh light.
我们坐起身, 发现, 瞬间, 刺眼的光
笼罩着我们 |
"我们坐起身 瞬间
谢谢雨萍, 很灵动的思绪. 先借用了, 还有小枪的. 还盼多听到朋友们的意见.
噢,对了. FLESH本身也有人性, 情欲, 肉欲的字面直译. 为了文明点, 我用了欲望. |
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