郊庙歌辞·享龙池乐章·第八章 Suburban Lyrics Enjoy longchi movement Eighth Jhang
杂曲歌辞·桃花行 Potpourri songs Peach
招谕有怀赠同行人(一作李义府诗) Zhao yu huai gifts have the same pedestrian 1 for Li yifu poem
春日侍宴芙蓉园应制 Spring Shi Yan Lotus rong garden write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和登骊山高顶寓目应制 Feng and Teng li shan high top look over write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和春日游苑喜雨应诏 Feng and Spring Yu Yuan Timely rainfall accept the emperor's order
奉和人日清晖阁宴群臣遇雪应制 Feng and Man-days Ching Fai House dinner the ministers Case of snow write poem according to the emperor's order
送沙门弘景道俊玄奘还荆州应制 accompany Sramana Jun Hong Jing Road Xuan zang hand over the amount of sth Jing township write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和九月九日登慈恩寺浮图应制 Feng and September the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Teng Jionji Buddha write poem according to the emperor's order
闰九月九日幸总持寺登浮图应制 embolism September the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar favour General support Teng Temple Buddha write poem according to the emperor's order
幸白鹿观应制 favour White deer to look at write poem according to the emperor's order
次苏州 time Suzhou (city)
饯许州宋司马赴任 Xu Song State preserves Minister of war in ancient china go to take one's post
饯唐州高使君赴任 Jiantangzhougao honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China go to take one's post
淮阳公主挽歌 Huaiyang Archduchess coronach
高安公主挽歌二首 High Security Archduchess Coronach 2
古诗 ancient style poetry
绮萼成蹊遍籞芳,红英扑地满筵香。 莫将秋宴传王母,来比春华寿圣皇。
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