贺新郎 congratulate benedict
水调歌头(濠州观鱼台作) Shuidiaogetou Hao Zhou fish observatory for
水调歌头(九月望日,与客习射西园,余偶病不能射) Shuidiaogetou September The 15th day of a lunar month Shooting practice with the customer West park garden I even disease Cannot radio- (chem.)
水调歌头(送八舅朝请) Shuidiaogetou Send eight uncle North Korea requested
水调歌头(湖光亭落成) Shuidiaogetou Lake Pavilion completed
水调歌头(次韵叔父寺丞林德祖和休官咏怀) Shuidiaogetou Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Uncle Si Cheng Lynd Ancestral and Hugh official sing of one's feelings
水调歌头(癸丑中秋) Shuidiaogetou Guichou mid-autumn
水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou
八声甘州(正月二日作是岁闰正月十四才立春) Bashengganzhou The first month of the lunar year On the 2nd for a leap-year-old The first month of the lunar year Myristic acid ability the Beginning of Spring
八声甘州 Bashengganzhou
八声甘州(甲辰承诏堂知止亭初毕工,刘无言相过) Bashengganzhou Jiachen Cheng chao Church knows only the early completion of works Liu Ting Dumbness Phase over
念奴娇(南归渡扬子作,杂用渊明语) Stories of Go south to cross Yangtze Yuan-ming language used for miscellaneous
念奴娇(中秋宴客,有怀壬午岁吴江长桥) Stories of mid-autumn Entertain guest at a banquet Horse years are pregnant Wujiang Long Bridge
念奴娇 Stories of
满庭芳 Man Ting Fang
满庭芳(张敏叔、程致道和示,复用韵寄酬) Man ting fang Zhangmin Shu Cheng Road and show cause Multiplexing Send reward rhyme
满庭芳(次旧韵,答蔡州王道济大夫见寄) benevolent government help, aid, relieve Doctor See Send
满江红 Azolla
应天长(自颍上县欲还吴作) Should tianchang from Yingshang county For further Goh
定风波 book storm
定风波(七月望,赵俯置酒,与鲁卿同泛舟登骆驼桥待月) Book storm Jul Wang Zhao overlooking Zhijiu And Lu Qing same Go boating ascend Camel bridge Wait months
古诗 ancient style poetry
问浮家泛宅,自玄真、去后有谁来。 漫烟波千顷,云峰倒影,空翠成堆。 可是溪山无主,佳处且徘徊。 暮雨卷晴野,落照天开。 老去余生江海,伴远公香火,犹有宗雷。 便何妨元亮,携酒间相陪。 寄清谈、芒鞋筇杖,更尽驱、风月入尊罍。 江村路,我歌君和,莫棹船回。