寒食 After the Day of No Fire
酬程延秋夜即事见赠 An Autumn Evening Harmonizing Cheng Qin's Poem
同题仙游观 Inscribed in the Temple of the Wandering Genie
已凉 Cooler Weather
杂曲歌辞·少年行 Potpourri Songs Junior Bank
褚主簿宅会毕庶子钱员外郎使君(一作张继诗) Chu will house the main book completed illegitimate money ministry councillor man honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china 1 for Zhang ji poem
送李明府赴滑州 accompany Li ming Fufuhuazhou
送李司直赴江西使幕 Zhi Fu Lee sent to the Secretary Jiangxi To screen
祭岳回重赠孟都督 Ji Yue Meng returned to re-gift governor of province
赠别崔司直赴江东兼简常州独孤使君 Parting words Cuisizhifu South of the changjiang river Jianjian Changzhou surname honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
经月岩山 By month rock Mountain
送客之江宁 See sb. to the door S Jiang ning city
送山阴姚丞携妓之任兼寄山阴苏少府 accompany Ubac Any of Yao Cheng and sent with Prostitutes Ubac revive, resurrect shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
和高平朱(一作米)参军思归作 And Cao bng Zhuyizuomi Enroll Sigui work
赠别成明府赴剑南 Parting words Chengming House went Jiannan
送孙泼赴云中 Songsunpofu Cloud
送客还江东 See sb. to the door hand over the amount of sth south of the Changjiang River
送夏侯侍郎 accompany Surname assistant minister
送李湜下第归卫州便游河北 To Li Shi Fail in an exam You will be owned by the state health Hebei
张山人草堂会王方士 Sheet hermit Thatched cottage Will be king alchemist
送蓚县刘主簿楚 Sent the main book of Chu Liu Tiao County
古诗 ancient style poetry
未央宫殿金开钥,诏引贤良卷珠箔。花间赐食近丹墀, 烟里挥毫对青阁。万年枝影转斜光,三道先成君激昂。 谷永直言身不顾,郤诜高第转名香。绿槐阴阴出关道, 上有蝉声下秋草。奴子平头骏马肥,少年白皙登王畿。 五侯客舍偏留宿,一县人家争看归。南向千峰北临水, 佳期赏地应穷此。赋诗或送郑行人,举酒常陪魏公子。 自怜寂寞会君稀,犹著前时博士衣。我欲低眉问知己, 若将无用废东归。
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