唐代 崔颢 Cui Hao  唐代   (704~754)
The Yellow Crane Terrace
Passing Through Huayin
A Song of Changgan I
A Song of Changgan II
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Potpourri Songs Passerby adversity
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Pregnant with a donated Buddhist monk
swim India temple
If ye into the river
Miscellaneous Poems
Results efficient Tao body Dingxiang County Prison
Weicheng Junior Bank
Ji Lu articles
The river bank Companion anxious
Handan city Court ladies complain
Multiple poems at a time
Five-character quatrains

A Song of Changgan II

   Cui Hao

"Yes, I live here, by the river;
I have sailed on it many and many a time.
Both of us born in Changgan, you and I!
Why haven't we always known each other?"

    Translator: Witter Bynner

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