意大利 List of Authors
Marcus AureliusGaius Iulius CaesarGaius Julius Caesar Octavianus
Numa PompiliusTiberius Claudius NeroGaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero GermanicusNero Claudius Drusus GermanicusServius Sulpicius Galba
Marcus Salvius OthoAulus Vitellius GermanicusTitus Flavius Vespasianus
Titus Flavius VespasianusTitus Flavius DomitianusMarcus Cocceius Nerva
Trajan, Marcus Ulpius Nerva TraianusPublius Aelius Traianus HadrianusAntoninus Pius
Lucius Ceionius Commodus Verus ArmeniacusLucius Aurelius Commodus AntoninusPublius Helvius Pertinax
Marcus Didius Severus JulianusSeptimius SeverusCaracalla
Marcus Opellius MacrinusMarcus Opellius Antoninus DiadumenianusElagabalus
Alexander Severus
Trajan, Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus
意大利 安敦尼王朝  (September 18, 53 ADAugust 9, 117 AD)
Reign98 AD117 AD

  Domestic policy
  Daji Ya War
  Later, Trajan transferred to the direction of expansion in Asia, with the rival Eastern Roman Empire - rest in peace (Parthia) war. Since the middle of the first century BC has been laid to rest at war with the Roman times, the two sides at loggerheads. Rest in 53 BC Crassus led in defeat by the Roman army, Anthony has also crossed the Euphrates in BC 36 years of attack laid to rest, but eventually was forced to return west of the Euphrates, and on this sector. AD 105-106, the order of Trajan's Roman legions stationed in Syria, Palestine and the Arab occupation of much of the desert region between the Sinai Peninsula and the establishment of the Arab provinces. In 113 AD, Trajan refused to acknowledge the support of the Armenian king laid to rest, and use it as an excuse, personally led a force large-scale offensive to the rest. Roman legions occupied by Armenia, immediately south Mesopotamia attack, capture rest of the capital Kete Xi Feng (Ctesiphon). Trajan abolished in AD 116 King 欧斯罗埃斯 I of Parthia (Osroes I) of the throne, support Parthamaspates controlled puppet for the rest of Rome the king. The establishment of three provinces in the occupation of the ground: the Armenian provinces, province of Mesopotamia Assyrian province. His successful military operation to extend the boundaries of the Roman Empire, the largest east Mesopotamia, much of west Britain, south to Egypt, North Africa, north to the Rhine and the Danube north of Da Jiya.
  As early as AD 86 years after the death of Trajan, cousin, cousin of Trajan left it adopted son of Hadrian as the adopted son and nephew of his granddaughter, "Sabine (Sabina)" to marry the adopted son. Trajan Hadrian's deathbed designation as heir. He died shortly after the East Team in the year 117 August 11 oath of allegiance to Hadrian, after the Senate ratified the throne of the Roman Hadrian's "first citizen."
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(98 AD117 AD)
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