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Jiang Kui


【Notes】 丁未:宋孝宗淳熙十四年(1187)。

【Review】 本篇为淳熙十四年(1187)冬,作者前往苏州拜访范成大,途经吴松时所作。先写景。大雁南飞,山峰矗立,显得落寞荒凉,既有着超然出世的淡泊,又有着客子飘流的孤独凄凉。








上片之境,乃词人俯仰天地之境 。“燕雁无心”。燕念平声(y ān 烟),北地也。燕雁即北来之雁。时值冬天,正是燕雁南飞的时节。陆龟蒙咏北雁之诗甚多,如《孤雁》 :“我生天地间,独作南宾雁。”《归雁》:“北走南征象我曹,天涯迢递翼应劳。”《京口》:“雁频辞蓟北。”《金陵道》:“北雁行行直。”《雁》:“南北路何长。”白石诗词亦多咏雁,诗如《雁图》、《除夜》,词如《浣溪沙》及本词。可能与他多年居无定所,浪迹江湖的感受及对龟蒙的万分心仪有关。劈头写入空中之燕雁,正是暗喻飘泊之人生。无心即无机心,犹言纯任天然。点出燕雁随季节而飞之无心,则又喻示自己性情之纯任天然。此亦化用龟蒙诗意。龟蒙《秋赋有期因寄袭美(皮日休)》 :“ 云似无心水似闲。”《和袭美新秋即事》:“心似孤云任所之,世尘中更有谁知 。”下句紧接无心写出:“太湖西畔随云去。”燕雁随着淡淡白云,沿着太湖西畔悠悠飞去。燕雁之远去,暗喻自己飘泊江湖之感。随云而无心,则喻示自己纯任天然之意。宋陈郁《藏一话腴》云:白石“襟期洒落,如晋宋间人。语到意工,不期于高远而自高远。”范成大称其“翰墨人品,皆似晋宋之雅士。”张羽《白石道人传》亦曰其“体貌轻盈,望之若神仙中人 。”但白石与晋宋名士实有不同,晋宋所谓名士实为优游卒岁的贵族,而白石一生布衣,又值南宋衰微之际,家国恨、身世愁实非晋宋名士可比。故下文写出忧国伤时之念。太湖西畔一语,意境阔大遥远。太湖包孕吴越,“天水合为一”(龟蒙《初入太湖》)。本词意境实与天地同大也 。“数峰清苦。商略黄昏雨。”商略一语,本有商量之义,又有酝酿义。湖上数峰清寂愁苦,黄昏时分,正酝酿着一番雨意。此句的数峰之清苦无可奈何反衬人亡万千愁苦 。从来拟人写山,鲜此奇绝之笔。比之辛稼轩之“我见青山多妩媚,料青山,见我应如是”(《贺新郎》),又是何种不同的况味。卓人月《词统》评云:“商略二字,诞妙。”
下片之境 ,乃词人俯仰今古之境 。“第四桥边,拟共天随住。”第四桥即“吴江城外之甘泉桥”(郑文焯《绝妙好词校录》),“以泉品居第四 ”故名(乾隆《苏州府志》)。这是陆龟蒙的故乡。《吴郡图经续志》云 :“陆龟蒙宅在松江上甫里 。”松江即吴江。天随者,天随子也,龟蒙之自号。天随语出《庄子·在宥》“神动而天随 ”,意即精神之动静皆随顺天然。龟蒙本有胸怀济世之志,其《村夜二首》云 :“岂无致君术,尧舜不上下。岂无活国力 ,颇牧齐教化。”可是他身处晚唐末世,举进士又不第,只好隐逸江湖。白石平生亦非无壮志,《昔游》诗云:“徘徊望神州,沉叹英雄寡。”《永遇乐》:“中原生聚,神京耆老,南望长淮金鼓 。”但他亦举进士而不第 ,飘泊江湖一生。此陆 、姜二人相似之一也。龟蒙精于《春秋》 ,其《甫里先生传》自述 :“性野逸无羁检,好读古圣人书,探大籍识大义”,“贞元中,韩晋公尝著《春秋通例》,刻之于石 ”,“而颠倒漫漶翳塞,无一通者,殆将百年,人不敢指斥疵纇,先生恐疑误后学,乃著书摭而辨之。”白石则精于礼乐,曾于庆元三年(1197)“进《 大乐议》于朝”,时南渡已六七十载,乐典久已亡灭,白石对当时乐制包括乐器乐曲歌辞,提出全面批评与建树之构想,“书奏,诏付太常。”(《宋史·乐志六 》)以布衣而对传统文化负有高度责任感,此二人又一相同也。正是这种精神气质上的认同感,使白石有了“沉思只羡天随子,蓑笠寒江过一生”(《三高祠 》诗),及“三生定是陆天随”(《除夜》诗)之语。第四桥边,拟共天随住,即是这种认同感的体现。第四桥边,其地仍在,天随子,其人则往矣。中间下拟共二字,便将仍在之故地与已往之古人与自己连结起来,泯没了古今时间之界限。这是词人为打破古今局限寻求与古人的精神句诵而采取的特殊笔法。再如刘过《沁园春》之与东坡、乐天、林和靖交游,亦是此一笔法。以上写了自然、人生、历史,笔笔翻出新意结笔更写出现时代,笔力无限 。“ 今何许”三字,语意丰富,涵盖深广。何许有何时、何处、为何、如何等多重含义。故今何许包含今是何世、世运至于何处、为何至此我又如何面对等意。此是囊括宇宙、人生、历史、时代之一大反诘,是充满哲学反思意味一大反诘 。而其中重点,主要在今之一字。凭栏怀古,笔力雄劲 ,气象阔大 。古与今上下映照成文,补足“今何许”一大反诘之历史意蕴。应知此地古属吴越,吴越兴亡之殷鉴,曾引起晚唐龟蒙之无限感慨 :“香径长洲尽棘丛 ,奢云艳雨只悲风。吴王事事须亡国,未必西施胜六宫。”(《吴宫怀古》)亦不能不引起南宋白石之无限感慨 :“美人台上昔欢娱,今日空台望五湖。残雪未融青草死,苦无麋鹿过姑苏。”(《除夜》)怀古正是伤今 。“残柳参差舞 ,”柳本纤弱,那堪又残,故其舞也参差不齐,然而仍舞之不已。舞之一字执著有力,苍凉中寓含悲壮,悲壮中透露苍凉 。“残柳参差舞”这一自然意象,实际上是南宋衰世的象征,隐然包含着虽已残破仍不甘灭亡的意味。这与李商隐《登乐游原》“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”,象征唐朝国运的不可挽回有同工之妙。而其作为自然意象之本身,则又补足“今何许”一大反诘之自然意蕴。结笔之意境,实为南宋国运之写照 。返观数峰清苦二句,其意蕴正为结尾之伏笔 。在此九年之前 ,辛稼轩作《摸鱼儿》,结云:“休去倚危栏,斜阳正在烟柳断肠处 。”乃是同一意境。白石本词用舞字结穴,蕴含无限苍凉悲壮。
陈廷焯《白雨斋词话》云:“《点绛唇·丁未冬过吴松作》一阕,通首只写眼前景物,至结处云‘今何许 ,凭栏怀古,残柳参差舞’,感时伤事,只用今何许三字提唱,凭栏怀古下仅以残柳五字咏叹了之,无穷哀感,都在虚处,令读者吊古伤今,不能自止,洵推绝调 。”善于提空描写,从虚处着笔,正是白石词的一大特点 。此词将身世之感、家国之恨融为一片,乃南宋爱国词中无价瑰宝。而身世家国皆以自然意象出之,自然意象在词中占优势,又将自然、人生、历史(尚友天随与怀古)、时代打成一片,融为一体。尤其“今何许”之一大反诘,其意义虽着重于今,但其意味实远远超越之,乃是词人面对自然、人生、历史、时代所提出之一哲学反思。全词意境遂亦提升至于哲理高度。“今何许”,真可媲美于《桃花源记》“问今是何世 ”,《登幽州台歌》“前不见古人,后不见来者 ”。这首词无限感慨,全在虚处,正是“意愈切而词愈微 ”,这种写法,易形成自我抒写之形象与所写之意象间接开距离,造成朦胧之美感。此词声情之配合亦极精妙。上片首句首二字燕雁为叠韵,末句三四字黄昏为双声,下片同位句同位字第四又为叠韵,参差又为双声。分毫不爽,自然天成。双声叠韵之回环,妙用在于为此一尺幅短章增添了声情绵绵无尽之致。

Jiang Kui
  Huai Left Town,
  Best Western Bamboo Office
  Less in the beginning of the saddle solution process.
  Miles off spring,
  Best chestnut green wheat.
  Since Hu Ma,
  Glimpse of river to go after
  Waste Pond tree
  Words still tired soldiers.
  Getting dusk,
  Clearance corner blowing cold
  In ghost town.
  Du Lang Jun tours,
  Operators now,
  Heavy to be scared.
  Cardamom term longitudinal work,
  Brothel Dream is good,
  Difficult to assign affection.
  Bridge is still round,
  Wave heart swing,
  Coldest silent.
  Read the bridge red medicine,
  To know for whom mid-life?
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Jiang Kui
  Worry since the Yin Yu Lang Fu first,
  Desolately even heard whispers.
  Dewy bronze shop,
  Moss invasion Ishii,
  Are heard at Iraq.
  Sad sound like complaints.
  Think women are sleepless,
  Look for an opportunity from the loom.
  Songs Ping Shan,
  Cool very emotional night alone?
  The west window and blew the dark rain.
  Whom the frequency intermittent,
  Phase and Zhenchu?
  Waiting hall Yingqiu,
  Palace hanging on,
  Do not have hurt many.
  Poetry Man and Bin.
  Fences laugh call lights,
  World children.
  Write piano wire,
  More bitter cries.
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Jiang Kui
  Moss sticks decorated with jade, emerald birds are small, homoclinic branch.
  Off in the meet, fence corner at dusk, silence from the lean tall bamboo.
  Hu Zhaojun not used to sand away, but the dark memory, South Jiangbei.
  Would like to wear rings, Moonlight back, into the flower Lonely.
  Remember that the old palace thing, that people are sleeping, the moth flying near the green.
  Mo like a warm, regardless of Ying Ying, early and arranged Kanaya.
  Also taught one with wave to go, and they complain, Yulong sad song.
  Zheng change of position, the re-seek fragrance, has been into the small window banners.
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【Notes】 苔枝缀玉:范成大(即小序中提到的石湖)《梅谱》说他家乡的古梅“苔须垂于枝间,或长数寸。”






Jiang Kui
  Lonza cold months,
  Tiger Dust off the light,
  Hanpuchuci this year.
  Hu-steps the new turn,
  Listen felt curtain, Yuanronggechui.
  Storey Zhi.
  Qu Ying column to see red,
  Fei Tsui tooth eaves.
  Shu Li people.
  Blowing incense powder under
  Fine the night wind.
  Should have the word cents
  Huang Yong Suyun,
  And the king of games.
  Yu ladder staring a long time,
  Sigh grass and lush thousands of miles.
  End of the World flavors.
  Wine 襏 Qingchou battle,
  British Gas expenses.
  Western Hills outside.
  Also late to volume
  Ji a curtain fall.
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Jiang Kui
  Stacked drums Yehan,
  Hanging lamp light spring,
  Rush current events such as Xu.
  Juanyou Huan Italy less
  Heritage pitch sad.
  Yan and Yin Fu hate.
  Remember that time,
  Friend is easier lost Nampo.
  Miles heaven and earth,
  Years life experience,
  This situation can only suffer.
  Yangzhou Liu,
  Down the official way.
  A light horses,
  Correct glimpse of households.
  Sober moon, the
  Dream by Chaosheng go.
  Know how to use U.S. letter paper,
  Man wins, Roam horizon.
  Speaking and teaching.
  To spring, look for flowers partner.
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Jiang Kui
  Yu Ke Zhu group.
  And accounted for, the Taoist forest really fun.
  New window into,
  Green and red still run,
  King and Xu Shuang Yu.
  Qinhuai elegant mansion,
  Asked who remember
  Six songs and dances.
  Sum payment and,
  Flowers in Willow Bridge House,
  Delicate deep.
  Free borne in mind, Gaowo minors,
  Trees and pine species.
  Mi Tong sentence deep,
  Written by the window static
  Listen to any future storm.
  Immortals who did more to teach,
  A double into companion homes.
  The world to live.
  Juxiu will towards each other,
  Cloud fly.
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Jiang Kui
己酉之秋,苕溪记所见。  Jiyou autumn, see Tiaoxi mind.
  Merry Marie Luo Jing people, why Feng Xu Jin down river.
  Raven head out of the cage shoes light socks, known to be ethereal body Ling Po.
  First laugh of red, green long frown, with whom the same degree of poor spring.
  Mandarin ducks used to separate places ever, turned into a ray of cloud Sai Lau.
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Jiang Kui
丁巳元日。  Dimba Mongol.
  Park green pepper red everything new, every fence Dengying New Year people.
  San Mao Xiao Zhong move west window, and poetry coming from another spring for no reason.
  Careless of the passengers, slowly open the door, leisure clubs with old body.
  Children learn the word for earth Jiao, Yu Lei Tu writing is not true.
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Jiang Kui
  The first month on the 11th lanterns.
  Vertical scenery lanes reward, the cage is not to run for the first cries of yarn.
  Oh no bald Buddhist Temple, only by the shoulder with my daughter.
  Man City to spend a month invasion of clothing, teen romance sad old.
  Shahe shallow pond on the cold spell, read slowly return visitors.
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Jiang Kui
元夕不出。  Lantern Festival not.
  When recalling yesterday Street pre-tour, Liu Mei small saving knowledge is not taught.
  Today is the eve of Huan Yu, fears a cold spell from the cover Fei.
  Curtain knowing about, month low, the old friends have only the word purple.
  Hibiscus Shadow dark three-shift, the lying baby laughing go listen to neighbors.
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Jiang Kui
十六夜出。  Sixteen out at night.
  Nian Road bead curtain down two lines, one thousand silver candle dance desolately.
  Red distinctly under Dongfeng, who know Sansei Du Mu.
  Fun is just right, the night repeat itself.
  Ming Chun Guo Xiao-Tao branches.
  Travel to distant lands were gradually scattered drums, melancholy return for a month know.
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Jiang Kui
丙午之冬,发沔口,丁未正月二日,道金陵,北望淮楚,风月清淑,小舟挂席,容与波上。  Ping Wu of the winter, hair Mianyang mouth, DingWei first month on the 2nd, Jinling Road, north of Huai of Chu, Shu-Feng Yue Qing, hanging boat seats, capacity and wave on.
  Green wire brush duck low pump, like peach leaf was crossing the wake.
  Sad eyes and the spring in turn, be to, reliance less in radius.
  Jinling Road, Ying Yin Yan dance, considered the most bitter Appreciating the tide.
  Not a full return Ting Grass, sun_set_, boat transfer to even more places?
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Jiang Kui
石湖家自制此声,未有语实之,命予作。石湖宅南,隔河有圃曰苑村,梅开雪落,竹院深静,而石湖畏寒不出,故戏及之。  Shek Wu family made this sound, no language is false, ordered to make. Shek Wu House South, Village Court, said the river has garden, Mui snow, deep quiet bamboo homes, and Shek Wu chills not, so games and the.
  Sparsely flakes, scattered into the River South Garden.
  Cold spell lock, the old home Pavilion Hall.
  There Yumei a few trees, _set_ back east resentment, high spending does not spit, subtle fragrance far.
  The public to enjoy, to persuade plum flowers grow well, the public is willing to be more healthy.
  Then rub the spring for the wine, Jian snow for poetry, fight day, thousands of flowers around the turn.
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Jiang Kui
自沔东来,丁未元日至金陵,江上感梦而作。  East from Mianyang, the DingWei motohi to Nanking, a sense of dream for river.
  Yan Yan light, Yingying Jiaoruan, obviously You Xiang Hua Xu see.
  Win the fickle night long to know? Acacia early spring has long been stained.
  Do not resign after the book, not when the needle and thread, Soul by Lang on a long dark.
  Huainan Haoyue cold Qianshan, jis go back no control.
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【Notes】 ①燕燕:与“莺莺”均指所恋女子。

【Review】 这首词为作者泊舟金陵梦见合肥恋人的记梦之作。开头即以“燕燕”、“莺莺”极写恋人轻盈之态。“夜长”两句是梦中恋人向词人所说。接下来是词人梦醒后对恋人的追忆。“离魂”则由已梦写对方之梦,此词构思佳妙,将两地思念交汇于梦境之中,极富浪漫色彩。

Jiang Kui
丙辰岁不尽五日,吴松作。  Bing-Chen-year-old not the five days, Woosung for.
  Heavy cloud would not cry Yan mood, worry over Tong Hua Chuan West, beginning with bad storms held ban.
  Zhao Ying Chun Pu gradually Health green, Xiaomei Amon should be long branches; year, the lights go dignitaries.
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Jiang Kui
丙午岁,留长沙,登祝融,因得其祠神之曲,曰黄帝盐、苏合香。又于乐工故书中得商调霓裳曲十八阕,皆虚谱无词。按沈氏乐律“霓裳道调”,此乃商调;乐天诗云“散序六阕”,此特两阕。未知孰是?然音节闲雅,不类今曲。予不暇尽作,作中序一阕传于世。予方羁游,感此古音,不自知其词之怨抑也。  Heigo years old, stay in Changsha, Tang Vulcan, god of music by obtaining the Temple, said the Yellow Emperor salt, Styrax. Also in the book, so musicians have to tie down eighteen songs Seduction commercial tune, no words are empty spectrum. Temperament by Shen's "Seduction Road tune," This is business transfer; Lotte poem "Preface six tie down loose", this special two tie down. Unknown what is? Elegant natural syllables, not class this song. I try to make too busy for a tie in the transfer order to the world. To the parties restrain travel, a sense of this ancient sound, not knowing the word of the blame also suppression.
  Ting Gao is looking very, Lin Jiang, go off without chaos, and sick but no air force.
  Gradually thinning condition Wan Shan, Luo Yi initial request.
  Streamer over gap, Xing Liang Shuangyan sigh as passengers.
  What people? Danyue a curtain, as if according to color.
  Secluded, chaos wall cricket Yin, Yu Qing Chou similar dynamic organization.
  Meditation traces young, flute in Guan Shan, Liu street under the Square.
  No information falling red, diffuse dark water trickling slip Pitt.
  Piao Ling for a long time, and now what Italy, Zuiwo wine clay side!
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Jiang Kui
绍熙辛亥除夕,予别石湖归吴兴,雪后夜过垂虹,尝赋诗云:「笠泽茫茫雁影微,玉峰重叠护云衣;长桥寂寞春寒夜,只有诗人一舸归。」后五年冬,复与俞商卿、张平甫、铦朴翁自封禺同载诣梁溪,道经吴松,山寒天迥,云浪四合,中夕相呼步垂虹,星斗下垂,错杂渔火,朔吹凛凛,卮酒不能支,朴翁以衾自缠,犹相与行吟,因赋此阕,盖过旬涂稿乃定。朴翁咎予无益,然意所耽不能自已也。平甫、商卿、朴翁皆工于诗,所出奇诡,予亦强追逐之。此行既归,各得五十馀解。  Shaoxi Xinhai New Year's Eve, I do not go Shek Wu Wu, the night after the snow had Chuihong, taste poetry says: "Li Chak Yan Ying micro vast, overlapping protection Yufeng Yun Yi; Longbridge lonely cold nights of spring, only one Ge poets return . "five years after the winter, complex business and Yu Qing, Zhang Pingfu, Tian Yu Park, the same self-styled _set_ Weng Yi Liang Xi, Dao Woosung, mountain cold days distant, cloud waves Tetraena, call in the evening phase step Chuihong, drooping stars , mixed fishing boat, blowing moon stern, goblet wine can not be supported, since the quilt wrapped around Eden Park, Utah phase Chant, by enabling the tie down to subdue the late James issued is determined. Park Yung blame to no good, then the delay means can not own too. Ping Fu, Shang Qing, Weng Park are working on the poetry out of Strangeness, I have strong chase it. Both the return trip, each receive five more than ten solutions.
  Double slurry water shield wave, Yisuo loose rain, dusk was filling Kongkuo worry.
  I call League gulls, elegant like, the back end of people still have wood.
  That return to, swing cloud and snow, boat nocturnal.
  Sad re-see, according to the contract Meishan, Dai low marks.
  Cold spell in Hong path taken, I whirling, who replied from the song.
  Chuihong Seomang, floating in the air lead to, this Xingping students in his belly.
  Sober wave far, the government Ning Xiang, Ming Su ② socks.
  Where is now, the only railings, with people Yi Sha.
  】 【Searching
  ① When the king.
  Read dang1.
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Jiang Kui
满江红旧调用仄韵,多不协律。如末句云「无心扑」三字,歌者将“心”字融入去声,方协音律。予欲以平韵为之,久不能成。因泛巢湖,闻远岸箫鼓声,问之舟师,云“居人为此湖神姥寿也。”予因祝曰:“得一席风径至居巢,当以平韵满江红为迎送神曲。”言讫,风与笔俱驶,顷刻而成。末句云「闻佩环」,则协律矣。书于绿笺,沉于白浪,辛亥正月晦也。是年六月,复过祠下,因刻之柱间。有客来自居巢云:“土人祠姥,辄能歌此词。”按曹操至濡须口,孙权遗操书曰:“春水方生,公宜速去。”操曰:“孙权不欺孤”,乃撤军还。濡须口与东关相近,江湖水之所出入。予意春水方生,必有司之者,故归其功于姥云。  Sin basking arrived, is a look 1000 ares Tsui Lan.
  Flags were all under the cloud disorder, according to the contract before the mountain.
  Pay their visit lots of dragons gold for yoke, with jade as the crown from the various tai.
  To the middle of the night, the wind be silent no one, heard wear rings.
  Magic Department, Jun Look.
  Dian Huai right, block south.
  Laid off six Cordingley power, do not keep the East off.
  Laughed a hero with no players, take a boat upstream spring water Cao conceal.
  How can I know, people in the small Red, curtain between shadow.
  Explanatory Note
  Zhu Di: Kui from the note, "the temple columns were 13 people sitting concubine.
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Jiang Kui
  Bingwu man-days, to the customer's view of government Changsha Biejia Church. Church next song marsh, marsh west negative ancient wall, a secluded bamboo grove orange Lu, a track deep song; worn path to south, dozens of official plum trees, such as pepper, such as beans, or red broken dew, shadow and trees branches. The clog changtae fine stone, wild Xing phenomena, Ji Ming Jia Teng Dingwangtai, chaos into the foothills of Hunan. Xiangyun low Ang, Xiangbo capacity and, Xing Jin and sad, the drunk Yin into tune.
  Ancient city of Yin, there officers dash of plum, red calyx not appropriate hairpin.
  The surface of the ice gum, old snow back wall, meaning also has a dark cloud.
  Green bamboo cane diameter were free to wear, getting laughter startled birds lying on the sand.
  Noe Linquan, so Wang Taixie, call for boarding.
  South to north to what is going on? Dang Chu Seung-wan water, head very sad.
  Zhu households sticky chicken, golden disk cluster Yan, timing invasion to find an empty sigh.
  Gathering West had in mind were, like Chueiyang also delicate Wan wire gold.
  Go get the saddle to be when I'm afraid of deep spring.
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【Review】 白石此词作于三十二岁,当时客居长沙。词中抒写怀人之思及飘泊之苦 。据夏承焘《姜白石系年》,这是白石词中最早的怀念合肥情侣之作。白石青年时在合肥曾结识姊妹二人相交情深,后来却演化为一场爱情悲剧,使白石从此郁郁寡欢,刻骨相思。白石与合肥情侣初识合肥赤兰桥,其地多种柳,分手时为梅开时节,故白石词写及梅、柳,均与此一段“合肥情事”有关,由梅、柳而忆及旧日情侣,抒发一种绵绵不尽之相思之情,成为白石的一种思维定势和其词的一种惯性情绪。
小序记作词缘起。丙午即宋孝宗淳熙十三年(1186),人日是正月初七 。长沙别驾指湖南潭州通判萧德藻,当时白石客居其观政堂。堂下有曲池,池西背靠古城墙,池畔植有枇杷竹林,曲径通幽。穿径南行,忽见梅花成林,满枝花蕾,小的如花椒,大的如豆子,少许花蕾乍开,有红梅,也有白梅。头上枝影扶疏,脚下苍苔细石,词人与朋友们漫步其间,不觉动了游兴,于是立即动身,出游城东的定王台,又渡过城西的湘江,登上岳麓山。俯眺湘云起伏,湘水慢流,终于游兴已尽,悲从中来,遂醉吟成词。
上序片词序相表里,主写游赏心情 。“古城阴”。有官梅几许 ,红萼未宜簪 。”古城墙下,些许官梅,红萼尚小,还不到摘花插发的时候呢。官梅即官府种的梅花,杜甫《和裴迪登蜀州东亭》诗,有“东阁官梅动诗兴”之句,何况梅花与柳树一样,最能钩起白石的伤心心事呢。句中几许、未宜簪等语,流露出一片爱怜护惜之情。序中既描写出梅花的各种姿态,故词中便着意于抒发情意,词较序翻进一层 。“池面冰胶 ,墙阴雪老”,二句对仗极工整。以胶状冰,以老状雪,写出凝冰难化、积雪不融,字面生新硬瘦的是白石词笔 。白石诗法江西诗派,以拗折瘦硬为追求,给人一种刚劲的感觉,形成一种深远清苦的意境。寒意犹深,解冻何时。“云意还又沉沉。”彤云沉沉,欲雪大时,加倍写出寒意。词境之幽深清苦,正暗示着词人心境之沉郁。词人有意无意,也想舒散一下郁解的情怀。“翠藤共、闲穿径竹,渐笑语、惊起卧沙禽。”于是与友人一起,闲步穿过翠藤、竹径,来到林园能幽之处。一路行来,兴致渐高,不觉谈笑风生,惊起水边栖鸟 。这两句很好地表达了此时词人野兴横生,乐以忘忧的心情。下一渐字,尤能传出心境由郁闷而趋向开朗。这是大自然对人心的感发。这几句与前几句境界迥异,一边是官梅红萼,一边是冰雪寒寒,一边又是翠藤径竹和沙禽,移步换景,情随景移,真有“野云孤飞 ,去留无迹” (张炎《词源》)的妙处。“野老林泉 ,故王台榭,呼唤登临。”歇拍以简练生动之笔,写出偕友登定王台、渡湘江、登岳麓之一段游赏。故王台榭,指汉长沙定王刘发所筑之台。野老林泉,虽然泛指,但或者也不无怀昔感今之意。以前名人流寓长沙者不少,如唐末韩侂便曾避地于此,其《小隐》诗云:“借得茅斋岳麓西,拟将身世老锄犁。”
下片从序言兴尽悲来四字翻出,写出追远怀人的深深悲慨。“南去北来何事,荡湘云楚水,目极伤心。”岳麓山上,词人极目天际 ,看湘云起伏,湘水缓流,顿时伤心无限,自己年年南去北来,飘泊江湖,竟为何事 ?白石《玲珑四犯》云:“文章信美知何用,漫赢得 、天涯羇旅。”可作此词换头之诠释。陈锐《袌碧斋词话》云 :“换头处六字句有挺接者,如‘南去北来何事’。”上片以呼唤登临之乐歇拍,换头挺接南去北来之悲,笔峰骤转,突兀峭拔,两相对比,大能突出词人悲怀之年深日久,以致刻骨铭心,于欢乐处犹不解释怀于往日悲情。此处有岭断云连之势。荡湘云楚水一句亦妙,写尽词人平生浪迹江湖无所归依之感。“朱户粘鸡,金盘簇燕,空叹时序侵寻。”朱门贴上画鸡,写人日民俗。《荆楚岁时记》云:“人日贴画鸡于户 ,悬苇索其上,插符于旁,百鬼畏之。”金盘即春盘,金盘所盛之燕,乃生菜所制,此写立春风俗。《武林旧事》云 :“春前一日,后苑办造春盘,翠缕红丝 ,金鸡玉燕,备极工巧。”此三句,慨叹转眼又是新年,时光徒然流逝。空叹二字,呼应换头何事二字,流露出光阴虚掷而又无可奈何的悲苦。词人所伤心空叹者何?“记曾共、西楼雅集,想垂柳、还袅万丝金 。”全词主旨 ,至此才转折显现出来。忘不了,曾与伊人在西楼的美好集会,窗外,万缕嫩黄的柳丝,在春风中袅袅起舞。想垂柳、还袅万丝金,堪称佳句。此句用一想字、一还字,便将回忆中昔日之景与想象中今日之景粘连叠合,灵思妙笔,浑融无迹。美好的回忆不过一刹而已。“待得归鞍到时,只怕春深。”等到回到旧地,只怕已是春暮 。结笔由过去想到未来,春初想到春深,时空转换处更显其情极悲伤,含不尽之意于言外。从字面上看,是应合此时红萼未宜簪的早春时节而言,而其意蕴实为无计可归,归时人事已非的隐痛。白石怀念合肥女子诸词,如《淡黄柳》“恐梨花落尽成秋色” ,《点绛唇》“淮南好。甚时重到。陌上青青草” ,《鬲溪梅令》“又恐春风归去绿成阴。玉钿何处寻”,与此词结笔同一语意。
此词与序是一整体。序主要写景物、游赏,上片与之相映照。但序以写景为主 ,词上片则融情入景,如“云意又还沉沉”。下片摆脱序文笼罩 ,托出伤心人之别有怀抱,另辟一境。但亦融景入情,如“记曾共 、西楼雅集,想垂柳、还袅万丝金”。下片既是核心层次,上片及序文所写景物、游赏,便成为下片所写悲怀难遣之反衬。此词结构安排可谓严谨。词中意境,先由狭而广,即由城阴竹径而故王台榭,再由广而狭,而深,即由湘云楚水而写出种种悲怀。词境的迤逦展开,也反映出词人心灵由郁闷而希求解脱但终归于悲沉的一段变化历程。此词营造意境亦可谓精心。这是白石词的一大特点:善用暗线结构,时空的转换,意境的切换,情绪的变换均笔断意连,看似无迹可求实,则有暗脉潜通。构思之妙,无如白石。

Jiang Kui
予客武陵,湖北宪治在焉。古城野水,乔木参天,予与二三友日荡舟其间,薄荷花而饮,意象幽闲,不类人境。秋水且涸,荷叶出地寻丈,因列坐其下,上不见日,清风徐来,绿云自动,间于疏处窥见游人画船,亦一乐也。朅来吴兴,数得相羊荷花中。又夜泛西湖,光景奇绝,故以此句写之。  Wuling to the customer, Hubei constitutional governance in Yan. The ancient city of wild water, towering trees, to boating during day and twenty-three friends, drinking mint flowers, image leisurely and carefree, not categories of people throughout. Autumn and dry, the leaves out to Xun Zhang, due out its next sitting, but not on the day, gentle breeze, Irene automatically, among the visitors a glimpse at the Hua Chuan Shu is also a pleasure. Abandon to Wu, the number of sheep was compared in the lotus. Pan-West has the night, Wonderful scene, so to write the sentence.
  Red trouble one Ge, note to, the taste and the duck for the companion.
  Thirty-six Pei were yet to come, wind of water wear many skirts.
  Cuiye blowing cool, Yurong sell wine, but also sprinkle mushroom Po rain.
  Sweet shake, Lengxiang fly lines.
  Higurashi green cover Kingston, lover gone, struggle to endure Ling Po.
  Lest costumes easy to fall in cold, melancholy into the westerly Nampo.
  Yin Liu hanging high, old fish blow waves, leaving me to live among the flowers.
  Tada how much sand several times, the international return.
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Jiang Kui
《吴都赋》云:「户藏烟浦,家具画船」,唯吴兴为然,春游之盛,西湖未能过也。己酉岁,予与萧时父载酒南郭,感遇成歌。  "Wudu Fu" says: "Pu household possession of tobacco, furniture Hua Chuan," Wei Wu, and nature, outing of-sheng, the West Lake had also failed. Ji-year-old, when the parent to _set_ the wine and Xiao Nan Guo, sense of the event into a song.
  Slurry to double, it was like, Cantonese Operatic peach root peach.
  Spring further away, Ting Zhou from green, gift, and several more cry Gui.
  Miles Yangzhou, Sansei Du Mu, the first thing Hugh said.
  Regarded a lapel Fang thinking, and empty stage elm pod.
  Qianwan Lv, Xi-liu possession of crow, jade statue, dance back to the snow.
  Imagine the West of Yang Guan, not the beginning of the enemy.
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Jiang Kui
予自孩幼从先人宦于古沔,女须因嫁焉。中去复来几二十年,岂惟姊弟之爱,沔之父老儿女子亦莫不予爱也。丙午冬,千岩老人约予过苕霅,岁晚乘涛载雪而下,顾念依依,殆不能去。作此曲别郑次皋、辛克清、姚刚中诸君。  From child to child from the deceased official in ancient Mianyang, women would need to marry Yan. To come again in a few two decades, Qiwei brother and sister love, Mianyang Women Yimo the elders not to love children too. Ping Wu Dong, Qian Yan Shao Yi old about to be off, Year-end load of snow down by Tao, cares for Yiyi, Scots can not go. Gao Zheng times for the song Do not, Xinke Qing, Yao Gang of dwellers.
  Shortness worry about smoke, sent at random crow, swing sand plains.
  Brush the snow Jinbian, bullying cold Velvet cap has also made cursory chapter _set_s.
  Who will study Piaoling a long time, won the secluded Wye diffuse difficult to write.
  Qing Mian meet the enemy, small window between the word empathy.
  Regret will be less isolated and more, re-visit the bamboo West, slivery tears into surplus.
  Till Bo-ping Yan, Yue Ting were scattered, old bear swim rule.
  Helpless Tiaoxi month, the East, as I under the boat.
  Very day back, plum messy spring night.
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Jiang Kui
予颇喜自制曲,初率意为长短句,然后协以律,故前後阕多不同。桓大司马云:「昔年种柳,依依汉南,今看摇落,凄怆江潭,树犹如此,人何以堪!」此语予深爱之。  I made quite a song Hi, first Lvyi as Long Short Sentence, and then the Society to law, so many different front and rear tie down. Huan Da Sima says: "previous years species of willow, Yiyi Hannan, shaking off this look, sad sad river pool, tree like this, the people He Yikan!" To the love of this language.
  Gradually Chuijin, branches in Hong Xu is at the people, the green deep portal.
  Yuan Pu linger, twilight sail disorder to thou art.
  Read more people men, who may like pavilion tree.
  If the tree situation, it will not be so green.
  Higurashi, hope the city but not high, I saw numerous mountain chaos.
  Wei Lang to have, how forgotten Yuxiao allotments.
  The first is the early return, for fear no one dominated the red calyx! Operator and had plenty of knives, hard Jian thousand strands of sadness.
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