shǒuyè>> wénxué>> 短篇小说>> 斯蒂芬·茨威格 Stefan Zweig   奥地利 Austria   世界大战和冷战   (1881年11月28日1942年2月22日)
jiù shū shāng mén 'ěr Buchmendel
   wáng xiān pèi xiān shēng suǒ zhùwén xué měi shū , shū zhōng suǒ yuán yǐn de cái liào gěi liú xià liǎo shēn de yìn xiàng : ào zhù míng zuò jiā fēn · wēi de xiǎo shuōjiù shū shāng mén 'ěrde zhù rén gōng mén 'ěr , shì yóu tài xuè tǒng de jiù shū shāng , shì shū chéng , shí nián , měi tiān cóng zǎo dào wǎn zuò zài tóng jiā fēi guǎn de tóng zhāng 'āng zàng de shí zhuō bàng , shēn qián hòu yáo huàng zhe , shēng yín sòng běn shū huò shì běn zhìjiù zài de shēn biān , dàn de rén chǎo chǎo rǎng rǎng , diàn huà líng zhèn zhèn zuò xiǎng , shì zhě bēn lái páo , gài háo gǎn juéshèn zhì , yòu , kuài shāo zhe de méi cóng huǒ diào zài zhǐ yòu liǎng yuǎn de bǎn shàng , bǎn shāo jiāo liǎo , mào de yān xūn dào shēn shàng , rán méi yòu jué , zhí dào yuǎn chù de xiù dào jiāo chòu ...

  Stefan Zweig's Buchmendel (1929) tells the tragic story of an eccentric but brilliant book peddler Jacob Mendel (also Jakob Mendel) who spends his days trading in one of Vienna's many coffeehouses. With his encyclopaedic mind and devotion to literature, the Poland-born Russian-Jewish immigrant is not only tolerated but liked and admired by both the owner of his local Café Gluck and the cultured Viennese clients with whom he interacts in the pre-war period. In 1915, however, he is falsely accused of collaborating with Austria's enemies and is dispatched to a concentration camp. On his return, towards the end of the war, everything has changed. His mind no longer remembers, his eyes can no longer read, the café undergoes new, brittle ownership, and his clientele have disappeared. Jacob Mendel finally dies, destitute, incapacitated and forgotten.
  What initially reads as another of the many modest human dramas that Zweig made his speciality, this small tale actually has a far more panoramic sub-plot, for it is a metaphor of the Great War's impact on Viennese life and culture. It is also particularly interesting to the historian for understanding the strategies by which post-war writers re-imagined pre-war Vienna, how they conceptualised the war itself, and how memory and myth deeply influenced their conception of history.
shǒuyè>> wénxué>> 短篇小说>> 斯蒂芬·茨威格 Stefan Zweig   奥地利 Austria   世界大战和冷战   (1881年11月28日1942年2月22日)