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sonnet XIV

注册时间: 2009-11-01
帖子: 22

帖子发表于: 2009-11-01 01:05:41    发表主题: sonnet XIV 引用并回复

to 戏雨飞鹰

i envy not a wanton king
whose linens women's scents imbue
so scents they have, yet none a wing
his heaven thus no heaven true

i envy not zhuge the great
who seized and swept a mighty state
he kept his war for vaster land
but never touched a beauty's hand

my flying eagle's wings and breast
shine in her beauty, grace and brain
und' which i slide and soar in rain:
my body, soul and mind are blest

forbidden love is aged wine
in smell so sweet, in taste so fine
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注册时间: 2007-01-09
帖子: 1286

帖子发表于: 2009-11-01 22:41:20    发表主题: 引用并回复

Wow, XIV already! I only managed to write one, a failed one. And then I gave up.

The narrator doesn't want to be an eagle without wing, or a hero without woman; he wants both.

What kind of rhyme scheme are you using? But who cares? Smile

Glad to see you posting again, just.
the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins
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注册时间: 2009-11-01
帖子: 22

帖子发表于: 2009-11-03 01:06:55    发表主题: 引用并回复

True, it is not a sonnet in the precise sense. Here the rhyme is ABAB CCDD EFFE GG (not defined anywhere)
Also instead of pentameter, I chose tetrameter (4-footed meter, inspired by Lord Tennyson's poem introduced in this forum).
I try to write sonnets because i think that writing a sonnet is a way to learn english and appreciate its structure and works of shakespeare. I learned quite a bit after I attempted sonnets. About one or one and a half years ago, I could not even count syllables, and now for most part I understand meters such as iambs, trochees etc
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注册时间: 2007-01-09
帖子: 1286

帖子发表于: 2009-11-03 22:15:51    发表主题: 引用并回复

justjust123 写到:
I try to write sonnets because i think that writing a sonnet is a way to learn english and appreciate its structure and works of shakespeare. I learned quite a bit after I attempted sonnets. About one or one and a half years ago, I could not even count syllables, and now for most part I understand meters such as iambs, trochees etc

Good for you. A great way to learn English sonics and musicality.

This can be read as a sonnet variation, which is very popular in contemporary poetry - variations in structure and voice, epiphany, line, rhyme, meter etc.

Keep them coming.
the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins
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