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"华河杯"2007中外华文诗歌联赛暨华文民间报刊联展于2007年元旦正式开始。终评委:洛夫、非马、巫逖、谢冕、高平、向明、痖弦、陈铭华,Lorna Crozier写英文评语。 本次比赛得到上海华河工贸有限公司董事长何小芳先生的大力赞助。
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北美楓 首頁 -> 西方文学 Western Literature 發錶新帖   回復帖子
Autumn Window

註册時間: 2007-01-09
帖子: 1286

帖子發錶於: 2008-06-29 01:06:18    發錶主題: Autumn Window 引用並回復

Autumn Window

    For William Marr

Here on the vast prairies,
Amid ten-thousand lakes -
Your book, your autograph –
In the summer morning.

I look from my window
Into your window of autumn
In the fragrant wind softer
Than that of Chicago.

The white picture frame
Over the black backdrop.
The slender lady turns sideways,
Whose eyes a bright window.

I think of you at work –
Of war, an old woman
Who lost her only child;
Of bird, the freedom to the cage.

Your poems give help to
The natural disasters.
All proceeds like rivulets
Flowing into the ocean.

Seasons revolving in cycles.
When red maple leaves fall
I open the window once again
To read your autumnal profusion.

the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins
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William Zhou周道模

註册時間: 2007-06-10
帖子: 3950
來自: 中国四川广汉
William Zhou周道模北美楓文集
帖子發錶於: 2008-06-29 01:26:19    發錶主題: 引用並回復

I'm also reading the book Autumn Window of Mr. William Marr. Thanks!
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註册時間: 2007-01-09
帖子: 1286

帖子發錶於: 2008-07-06 07:38:32    發錶主題: Version 2 引用並回復

Autumn Window

   for William Marr    

Here on the top of the hill,
over the rose dale –
your book, my companion –
in the cool morning.

I look from my window
into your autumn window
in the fragrant wind, softer
than that of Chicago.

Over the black backdrop
the white picture frame
is suffused with balmy softness,
those tender eyes -
a window into wisdom.

I think of you at work –
of war, an old woman
who lost her only child;
of freedom, a bird
which leaves its cage.

Your every line,
every thought, like rivulets
from all directions
flowing into the sea.

Flowers are now in full bloom.
When red maple leaves fall
I'll open the window once more
to read this mellow autumn.

the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins
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William Zhou周道模

註册時間: 2007-06-10
帖子: 3950
來自: 中国四川广汉
William Zhou周道模北美楓文集
帖子發錶於: 2008-07-06 14:44:18    發錶主題: 引用並回復

yes,just this one!
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Idea Arrow
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