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"华河杯"2007中外华文诗歌联赛暨华文民间报刊联展于2007年元旦正式开始。终评委:洛夫、非马、巫逖、谢冕、高平、向明、痖弦、陈铭华,Lorna Crozier写英文评语。 本次比赛得到上海华河工贸有限公司董事长何小芳先生的大力赞助。
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zt:Settlement and Social Services

註册時間: 2007-02-24
帖子: 293
來自: toronto
帖子發錶於: 2008-06-19 10:12:00    發錶主題: zt:Settlement and Social Services 引用並回復

Settlement and Social Services
JOB TITLE/POSITION: Community Development Worker
DEPARTMENT: Settlement and Social Services
REPORTS TO: Director, Settlement and Social Services
DATE AD POSTED: June 6, 2008

University Settlement is a multi-service agency that was founded in 1910 and has the distinction of being the first community-based social service centre in the City of Toronto. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto and bordering on the revitalized Grange Park, University Settlement is part of a culturally rich and vibrant neighbourhood. As an active member of this diverse community, University Settlement strives to meet the social, economic, and cultural needs of its neighbours and users through its many programs and services.
To develop and implement community development strategies, which enable community members to become involved and respond to community issues and needs. Specific areas of focus include community safety, civic planning, housing, youth and senior issues.
• Degree in Social Work/Social Sciences or College Diploma with at least 2 years experience in a relevant field
• Experience working in a community and social services agency for one (1) to two (2) years, including community development, settlement service, child and youth service, seniors’ service and service for the homeless
• Familiar with community and social services in the City of Toronto, in particular the west central downtown and experienced in working with community organizations
• Demonstrated conflict resolution and group facilitation skills
• Ability to analyze and problem solve complex issues towards creative solutions
• Outstanding project management skills and the ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously
• Experienced in working in multicultural setting with staff, clients and volunteers from different ethno-racial backgrounds
• Good verbal and written communication skills
• Exceptional people skills
• Ability to speak an additional language is a plus – Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese
• Willingness to work flexible schedules, including evenings and occasionally weekends
• Conduct public meetings, community forums and small-group discussions which provide opportunities for community members to identify shared concerns, and articulate their needs
• Support community groups in their development of action plans and gathering together community resources and information needed to build a healthy community
• Plan, attend and coordinate meetings and events representing University Settlement
• To attend regular community meetings, events and liaise with community organizations to develop a basis for interagency collaboration
• Prepare for and participate in regular departmental meetings
• Develop and implement social and recreational activities for participants
• Maintain accurate monthly statistical records and programs/project reports
• Coordinate volunteers and provide training to volunteers to work with community members
• Other duties as assigned by Director, Settlement and Social Services
SALARY RANGE: $18.44 per hour
SCHEDULE: Full-time Position, 35 hours per week
DETAILS: Unionized position
Please send resume and cover letter, quoting File #S08-05, by June 20, 2008, to:
Helen Tam
Director, Settlement & Social Services
University Settlement
23 Grange Road
Toronto, ON M5T 1C3
Email: jobs@usrc.ca
**University Settlement is an equal opportunity employer. We would like to thank everyone for submitting an application; only those chosen for an interview will be contacted.
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