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"华河杯"2007中外华文诗歌联赛暨华文民间报刊联展于2007年元旦正式开始。终评委:洛夫、非马、巫逖、谢冕、高平、向明、痖弦、陈铭华,Lorna Crozier写英文评语。 本次比赛得到上海华河工贸有限公司董事长何小芳先生的大力赞助。
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Congratulatory Letters for North American Maple
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註册時間: 2006-05-25
帖子: 8106

帖子發錶於: 2007-01-13 21:15:40    發錶主題: Congratulatory Letters for North American Maple 引用並回復

Congratulation letter from Prime Minister of Canada

On February 16, 2006, a warmful congratulation letter was received from the most honorable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada.

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註册時間: 2006-05-25
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帖子發錶於: 2007-01-13 21:21:05    發錶主題: Congratulation letter from Premier of BC 引用並回復

Congratulation letter from Premier of BC

Gordon Campbell, Premier of the province of British Columbia, Canada

On January 6, 2006, a congratulation letter was received from the most honorable Gordon Campbell, Premier of the province of British Columbia, Canada.

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註册時間: 2006-05-25
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帖子發錶於: 2007-01-13 21:27:09    發錶主題: 引用並回復

Congratulation letter from Premier of BC

Gordon Campbell, Premier of the province of British Columbia, Canada

On June 26, 2006, another congratulation letter was received from the most honorable Gordon Campbell, Premier of the province of British Columbia, Canada.

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註册時間: 2006-05-25
帖子: 8106

帖子發錶於: 2007-01-13 21:33:18    發錶主題: Message from Mayor Alan Lowe 引用並回復

Message from Mayor Alan Lowe

On July 10, 2006, a congratulation letter was received from Alan Lowe, the 50th Mayor of Victoria, BC, Canada, to congratulate the successful publication and distribution of the Journal of North American Maple.

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註册時間: 2006-05-25
帖子: 8106

帖子發錶於: 2007-01-13 21:36:28    發錶主題: Letter from Consul General Tian Chunyan 引用並回復

Letter from Consul General Tian Chunyan

On June 28, 2006, a letter was received from the Consul General Tian Chunyan, the Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Vancouver, to congratulate the successful publication and distribution of the Journal of North American Maple.

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註册時間: 2006-05-25
帖子: 8106

帖子發錶於: 2007-01-13 21:42:08    發錶主題: Lo Fu's Congratulations 引用並回復

Lo Fu's Congratulations

On November 20, 2005, a congratulation letter with a handwriting of the magazine name was received from one of the best-known Chinese poets, Lo Fu.

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註册時間: 2006-05-25
帖子: 8106

帖子發錶於: 2007-01-13 21:51:35    發錶主題: 引用並回復

Lo Fu's Congratulations

On May 9, 2006, another congratulation letter was received from one of the best-known Chinese poets, Lo Fu. Mr. Lo Fu is also the honourable president of the Chinese Literature Society of North America.

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註册時間: 2006-05-25
帖子: 8106

帖子發錶於: 2007-01-13 21:55:47    發錶主題: 引用並回復

Xie Mian's Congratulations

On December 1, 2005, a congratulation letter was received from one of the best-known poetry critics in China, Xie Mian.

Xie Mian: Born in January, 1932, in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China. He is a professor at Beijing University, Ph.D advisor, director of Chinese Language and Literature Institution at Beijing University. He serves as one of the key members of China Writers' Association and the vice chairman of Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association. He is the editor-in-chief of Poetry Exploration¡ªa journal publishing critical articles on contemporary Chinese poetry. Xie Mian began to write since 1948. In 1950s, he began to do research on modern and contemporary Chinese literature as well as poetry criticism. His major literary works include Poetry Critique by the Lake, Starlight of the Republic (1983), Green Revolution in Literature (1988), Poet's Creation (1989), Fire of the Earth Still in Motion (1991), Sun of the New Century, Great Transformation---Literary Study of Post-New Era Literature (co-author), 1898: The Hundred-Year Turmoil (1998), Chinese Literature in the 20th Century (1998), Literary Critique: Methodology and Practice. His prose and essay collections include Messages to the Century, Everlasting Campus, Water Flowing to Distance, Landscapes in My Heart, etc. He was the editor-in chief of Selective Works of Contemporary Chinese Young Poets (1986), Chinese Literature of the 20th Century Series (10 volumes), Classical Chinese Literature of One Hundred Years (8 volumes, 1997), Anthology of One Hundred Years' Chinese Literature (12 volumes, 1998) and a co-editor of The Best of Contemporary Chinese Poetry (1988). In 1986, his name entered Biography of the Eminences (12th edition) at the Oxford's International Biography Center. In 1991, his name was listed in American Biography Institute's (ABI) Dictionary of Biographies of International Eminences (3rd edition). He was awarded by ABI the Certificate of Outstanding Achievement and also invited to be an honorary adviser for ABI in the same year.

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註册時間: 2006-11-30
帖子: 2642
來自: Singapore
帖子發錶於: 2007-01-30 22:55:46    發錶主題: 引用並回復

Cheers my friends ... Happy for you Cool Laughing

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註册時間: 2006-05-25
帖子: 8106

帖子發錶於: 2007-02-06 23:14:53    發錶主題: 引用並回復

On January 28, 2007, at the new Spring reception held by the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver, Ms. Charlene, Sectariat of Chinese Literature Society of North America, gave a copy of the 2nd issue of the Magazine of North American Maple to Mr. Alan Lowe, the Mayor of Victoria, BC, Canada.

This is a photo of the Mayor, holding the magazine

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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Idea Arrow
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