yinxiaoyuan 举人

注册时间: 2007-06-08 帖子: 1181 来自: 中国北京 yinxiaoyuan北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-11-30 00:08:10 发表主题: (原创、向《北美枫》纸刊投稿)《刀疤一代》(中、英、德、日) |
die narbige Genenation
das ist eine zerstreutete Sippe über Grenze des Schutzes. der wilde sternbes?te Himmel
hatte sich gewellt und entfaltet w?sserig, nicht ein Haarbreit von ihren K?pfen aufw?rts
wie eine heilige Matrix nur mit ihren Augen sichtbar. Seine gro?mütige Augen
erbten die Einsamkeit der Sterne, und erbrennten bis sie würden gel?scht in einer Dürre in die ferne Zukunft
diese Augen wandern nur an der Himmelskugel. Diese obdachlosen sind weit entfernt von einander
mit dem Abstand eines Echos dazwischen. Die Silhouetten auf den Gipfeln
sind unverg?nglich aber desolat. Sie werden Wachsfiguren wenn sie auf nichts Jagd machen
und den Kummer goutieren gegen den Himmel, die nicht mehr azurblau. von Berg
zu einem anderen, sie fanden Gründe für Existenz in H?hen einandern:
sie waren unvergleichliche Edelsteine auf einer Krone. Sie waren gewohnt,
den traumhaften Rauch zu verachten, die von der Schüssel stieg. Seine weite Neffen
die gez?hmt und versklavet wurden, kl?fften und kr?hten in dem Nebel
jenseits der Chrysanthemen und der Terrassen. Sie warfen einen flüchtigen Blick zu einander
mit gemeinsamen Eifersucht, die würde wegen Mangels an Augenkontakten enden.
Mit Narben wie Abzeichen auf ihren Gesichtern reckten sie ihre K?pfe vor
mit Federn, die aufw?rts zerzausten, und H?lse,die dehnten sich aus in Zorn
obwohl keine Feinde in Sicht waren. Zwischen Zeiten stiegen unschuldige Kinder
diese Berge auf, sa? neben der Geier und Schakale, und sahen
die wunderbar-geformten flamboyanten Wolken an. Sie sanken in den Schlaf gelegentlich. Aber
diese grausame verletzten nie diese zarten Kreaturen——eine r?tselhafte spezies.
Als Herbst den Kern der Erde abkühlte, und die Landschaft zerzaust mit bernsteinfarbenem Ahorn war.
Sie standen wie Grabsteine,von Verg?nglichkeit und Ewigkeit innerhalb ihrer Herzen bewegt werden
Die Grabe, die sie mit sich herumtragten, waren in den Brisen, in den Flüssen und den Jahreszeiten
die mit abgefallenen Bl?ttern brennen, Ihr Flug dauret nach dem Tod fort, bei einer H?he, wo kalte Fronten ging vorbei
Sie sahen nach unten, auf Leuten von D?rfern umgebenen; und von Klischee gut bew?sserten
und auch auf L?ss, wo h?usliche G?nse und Katzen begraben wurden.
The Scarred Generation
This is but a species scattered over the shelters. The wild starry sky
crimpled and smoothed out with silky luster, only several inches above their head
like a divine matrix visible to nobody but them. Their haughty eyes
where solitude of stars were incarnated, burned until the oil ran dry.
They moved only within the vault of heaven. They stood aloof
keeping one another at an echo’s distance. The silhouettes on the mountains
were immortal but desolate, which became wax figures when not preying,
and feasted on sorrow against a sky no longer azure. From a peak
to another, they found reasons for existence in each other’s altitudes:
they were matchless jewels on a crown. They were used to carping at
the fascinating wisps of smoke rising from the basin some hundred away, or listening to their
distant nephews tamed and enslaved, who were barking or crowing in the mist
beyond the chrysanthemum and terraced fields. They darted a glance to one another
with sympathetic jealousy,which would end for lack of eyes’ contacts.
With scars like insignias across their faces, they craned backwards and forwards
with feathers ruffling up, and necks stretched in wrath,
although no enemies were in sight. Between times innocent children
ascended these mountains, and sat beside vultures and jackals, watching
the wonderfully-shaped flamboyant clouds. Sometimes they fell asleep. But these savage ones
never hurt these fragile creatures——an enigmatical species.
When autumn cooled the core of the earth, and the landscape tousled with amber-colored maple,
They stood still like gravestones, moved by ephemerality and permanence within their hearts.
The tombs they carried on them, were in the breezes, in the waters and in the seasons
conflagrating with fallen leaves. Their flight continues after death, at an altitude where cold fronts moved by
and looked down at lives encircled by villages, irrigated with cliché and at the loess
where domestic geese and cats were buried. |
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戴玨 秀才

注册时间: 2007-01-03 帖子: 808
戴玨北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-02 13:38:28 发表主题: Re: (原创、向《北美枫》纸刊投稿)《刀疤一代》(中、英、德、日) |
yinxiaoyuan 写到: |
...The wild starry sky
crimpled and smoothed out with silky luster, only several inches above their head |
用的是crimp吧?不過crimp多用作使動,可考慮curl或wrinkle。幹嗎不用watery luster?
... Their haughty eyes
incarnated the solitude of the stars, and blazed till the oil ran dry.
They only moved on the inside of the welkin.
...The silhouettes on the mountains
were significant but desolate, which became wax figures when not hunting,
and feasted on sorrow against a sky no longer azure. From one peak
to another, they found ...
yinxiaoyuan 写到: |
they were matchless jewels on a crown. They were used to carping at |
they were a circle of jewels on a crown.
hundreds of meters away
darted a glance at one another
When they looked around, with scars like medals across their faces,
with feathers ruffled up, they stretched their necks viciously like in a cockfight,
although no enemies were in sight. Betweentimes some innocent children
might ascend these mountains, sit down not far from the vultures and the jackals,
and watch the grotesque clouds.... _________________ I labour by singing light
我的專欄 |
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yinxiaoyuan 举人

注册时间: 2007-06-08 帖子: 1181 来自: 中国北京 yinxiaoyuan北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-02 21:54:28 发表主题: |
叩谢。。。 |
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戴玨 秀才

注册时间: 2007-01-03 帖子: 808
戴玨北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-05 04:30:40 发表主题: |
指點不敢當,大家相互交流。 _________________ I labour by singing light
我的專欄 |
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博弈 榜眼
注册时间: 2006-12-21 帖子: 4381 来自: SFO 博弈北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-05 06:37:13 发表主题: Re: (原创、向《北美枫》纸刊投稿)《刀疤一代》(中、英、德、日) |
yinxiaoyuan 写到: |
The Scarred Generation
This is but a species scattered over the shelters. The wild starry sky
crimpled and smoothed out with silky luster, only several inches above their head
like a divine matrix visible to nobody but them. Their haughty eyes
where solitude of stars were (was?) incarnated, burned until the oil ran dry.
They moved only within the vault of heaven. They stood aloof
keeping one another at an echo’s distance. The silhouettes on the mountains
were immortal but desolate, which became wax figures when not preying,
and feasted on sorrow against a sky no longer azure(azured?). From a peak
to another, they found reasons for existence in each other’s altitudes:
they were matchless jewels on a crown. They were used to carping at
the fascinating wisps of smoke rising from the basin some hundred away, or listening to their
distant nephews tamed and enslaved, who were barking or crowing in the mist
beyond the chrysanthemum and terraced fields. They darted a glance (glances?)to one another
with sympathetic jealousy,which would end for lack of eyes’ contacts. (eye contacts?, eyes' contacts means different thing)
With scars like insignias across their faces, they craned backwards and forwards
with feathers ruffling up, and necks stretched in wrath,
although no enemies were in sight. Between times (In between times or Betweentimes) innocent children
ascended these mountains, and sat beside vultures and jackals, watching
the wonderfully-shaped flamboyant clouds. Sometimes they fell asleep. But these savage ones
never hurt these fragile creatures——an enigmatical species.
When autumn cooled the core of the earth, and the landscape tousled with amber-colored maple,
They (they?) stood still like gravestones, moved by ephemerality and permanence within their hearts.
The tombs they carried on them, were in the breezes, in the waters and in the seasons
conflagrating with fallen leaves. Their flight continues after death, at an altitude where cold fronts moved by
and looked down at lives encircled by villages, irrigated with cliché and at the loess
where domestic geese and cats were buried. |
例最后结尾句,逗点,主词,主词的动词,所想表达的很好,但和原意不同了。我是先提出几个一般的问题. 其它的,例,with cliché? azure?(即物动词否?)等的用法,选字等,还得再查查。之后再信雅达。
浅见。 _________________ (在不斷的審醜裡終將建立起新的審美) |
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yinxiaoyuan 举人

注册时间: 2007-06-08 帖子: 1181 来自: 中国北京 yinxiaoyuan北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-05 16:50:58 发表主题: Re: (原创、向《北美枫》纸刊投稿)《刀疤一代》(中、英、德、日) |
博弈 写到: |
例最后结尾句,逗点,主词,主词的动词,所想表达的很好,但和原意不同了。我是先提出几个一般的问题. 其它的,例,with cliché? azure?(即物动词否?)等的用法,选字等,还得再查查。之后再信雅达。
至于语法,非常欢迎博弈诗兄指出有争议的地方,以便及时学习提高。 |
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白水 大学士

注册时间: 2006-10-02 帖子: 14102 来自: TORONTO 白水北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-06 04:17:53 发表主题: |
真高兴北美枫有这许多有才学的朋友. 旁听一下  |
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博弈 榜眼
注册时间: 2006-12-21 帖子: 4381 来自: SFO 博弈北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-06 08:27:11 发表主题: Re: (原创、向《北美枫》纸刊投稿)《刀疤一代》(中、英、德、日) |
yinxiaoyuan 写到: |
博弈 写到: |
例最后结尾句,逗点,主词,主词的动词,所想表达的很好,但和原意不同了。我是先提出几个一般的问题. 其它的,例,with cliché? azure?(即物动词否?)等的用法,选字等,还得再查查。之后再信雅达。
至于语法,非常欢迎博弈诗兄指出有争议的地方,以便及时学习提高。 |
I agree with your view, and I also like it that way in terms of poetry. This is a nice one, but I don't have much time these days, so I pick on the first two sentences, for the matter of discussion only (I could be worng). I would not modify your choice of words, but discussing usage in your original context. So without looking at the Chinese version, here it goes;
This is but a species scatters over the shelters. /* E.g., Immigrants Will Scatter Over the Land Instead of Congregating, as Now, at the Centres. [The New York Times]
Or what you meant could be "This is but a species that scattered over the shelters." It would not be nice if you meant a species was scattered over the shelters, right? */
The wild starry sky, crimpled and then smoothed out by silky luster, only several inches above their heads, appeared to be a divine matrix visible to nobody but them. (nobody 兄也来看看,只有你看得到啊 )
/* crimpled is good, I think, crimp-le, -le to a verb implies repetitiveness in original verb semantics; “The wild starry sky” is the subject, its verb is missing, so I suppose like is to mean “appear to be” and "with silky luster" should be by silky luster? "their head?", two heads are better than one, heads up, the singular 'head' after 'their' may imply common mind or psyche*/
To make tenses consistent in the paragraph, maybe "This is a species..." should be "This was a species..." _________________ (在不斷的審醜裡終將建立起新的審美) |
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博弈 榜眼
注册时间: 2006-12-21 帖子: 4381 来自: SFO 博弈北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-06 11:07:06 发表主题: |
看了会儿你在“守望的岁月 – 全球诗友大接龙”的诗
写得很好啊,多才多艺。 _________________ (在不斷的審醜裡終將建立起新的審美) |
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nobody 进士出身
注册时间: 2006-12-31 帖子: 2651 来自: Madtown nobody北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-06 16:52:29 发表主题: Re: (原创、向《北美枫》纸刊投稿)《刀疤一代》(中、英、德、日) |
博弈 写到: |
(nobody 兄也来看看,只有你看得到啊
well, i almost never came to this forum. chinese, java, c++, perl, php ... are my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th ... languages. english is in the far end of the list. It seemed that you made a mysterious call ...
well, not only me, i believe everyone can see that 晓媛 is an amazingly talented individual. I also read her 接龙诗, all good. Her works are full of inspiring images yet with depth, hard to believe they're from a young lady (sorry, i googled ).
anyway, welcomed to post your chinese poetry in the modern poetry forum, there's a larger crowd over there  _________________ I'm nobody! Who are you? |
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白水 大学士

注册时间: 2006-10-02 帖子: 14102 来自: TORONTO 白水北美枫文集 |
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yinxiaoyuan 举人

注册时间: 2007-06-08 帖子: 1181 来自: 中国北京 yinxiaoyuan北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-06 19:01:47 发表主题: |
博弈 写到: |
This is but a species scatters over the shelters. /* E.g., Immigrants Will Scatter Over the Land Instead of Congregating, as Now, at the Centres. [The New York Times]
Or what you meant could be "This is but a species that scattered over the shelters." It would not be nice if you meant a species was scattered over the shelters, right? */ |
I meant ‘a species that was scattered over the shelters’ by ‘this is but a species scattered…’, the words ‘that was’ was omitted.
博弈 写到: |
The wild starry sky, crimpled and then smoothed out by silky luster, only several inches above their heads, appeared to be a divine matrix visible to nobody but them. (nobody 兄也来看看,只有你看得到啊 )
/* crimpled is good, I think, crimp-le, -le to a verb implies repetitiveness in original verb semantics; “The wild starry sky” is the subject, its verb is missing, so I suppose like is to mean “appear to be” and "with silky luster" should be by silky luster? "their head?", two heads are better than one, heads up, the singular 'head' after 'their' may imply common mind or psyche*/
To make tenses consistent in the paragraph, maybe "This is a species..." should be "This was a species..." |
I got the word ‘crimple’ (it was supposed to be a single word) from http://dict.iciba.com/crimple/, it meant ‘wrinkle’ according to this dictionary. But it might be wrong because sometimes words found there are not frequently-used ones…
As for the sentence ‘The wild starry sky crimpled and smoothed out with silky luster’, I used ‘crimpled’ and ‘smoothed’ as the past tense of the two transitive verbs. So I used ‘with silky luster’.
‘Head’ was a grammatical mistake. It should have been ‘heads’. Sorry for that. |
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yinxiaoyuan 举人

注册时间: 2007-06-08 帖子: 1181 来自: 中国北京 yinxiaoyuan北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-06 19:09:31 发表主题: |
我们一起为诗而奋斗吧。 |
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William Zhou周道模 探花
注册时间: 2007-06-10 帖子: 3950 来自: 中国四川广汉 William Zhou周道模北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-06 19:20:04 发表主题: |
I can only read and learn from all of you! _________________ 诗歌是灵魂的歌唱.
周道模 |
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博弈 榜眼
注册时间: 2006-12-21 帖子: 4381 来自: SFO 博弈北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-06 23:44:28 发表主题: |
crimple 源自中古英语crimp, 这个动词加了 suffix –le 后,仍是一字, 动词 (verb)
加了 le 与原字的小区别在于 原意上又加上了隐含重复的动作与力量. 用这字是可以的(我反倒较喜欢其中蕴含的动象).下面的字同样源理:
dazzle; twinkle, wrinkle, sizzle
这些自都可用为tr. (used with object) 及 intr. (used without object).
回到”….. The wild starry sky
crimpled and smoothed out with silky luster, only several inches above their head
like a divine matrix visible to nobody but them…”
smooth out 只能是 tr. , 以and 接连
crimple (对应当取tr. 用法)
(and, used to connect words, phrases, or clauses that have the same grammatical function in a construction.)
那么, 就缺了 object, 这种情形, 就是被动式形容字句来形容 “The wild starry sky”.
The wild starry sky, crimpled and then smoothed out by silky luster, only several inches above their heads, appeared to be a divine matrix visible to nobody but them.
如果不把smooth out 当一个集合的片语用法, 把它用成类似 run away (v. + adv.) with, 则采取主动句式以 both verbs 取 intr. Verb 用法也是可以的,但两者的意思有些不同了.
第一句, 你那样解释也可以,但我觉得 a species (like a human race)scatters 比较好;
被 scattered 通常指无自主权的, 无生命的 的类别.
写得多了,交流. _________________ (在不斷的審醜裡終將建立起新的審美) |
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Lake 举人

注册时间: 2007-01-09 帖子: 1286
Lake北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-07 18:08:28 发表主题: |
Wow, multilingual! _________________ the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins |
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yinxiaoyuan 举人

注册时间: 2007-06-08 帖子: 1181 来自: 中国北京 yinxiaoyuan北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2007-12-09 16:44:29 发表主题: |
另:Lake诗兄,久违了!多切磋,多指教! |
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