  • float
  • float, flutter, wave to and fro
  • Gone with the Wind
  1.   [美俚]得意洋洋; 心情非常舒畅; (过足了瘾)处于然的状态   on cloud nine [seven]
  2.   [美俚]醉; 自高自大; 然   in one's altitude
  3.   vi.(鸟)振翼;飘动   flutter
  4. adj.  为商业上初次成功而然.   giddy with their first business success
  5. adj.  为权势、 成功等而然.   drunk with power, success, etc
  6.   云的飘移   cloud drift
  7. adj.  从面包房里出了诱人的香味.   An enticing smell came from the bakery
  8. v.  他们的声音过湖面传到我们这里.   The sound of their voices wafted across the lake to us
  9. n.  他吻她时, 她欲仙了.   She was in heaven when he kissed her
  10. v.  使某人[某物])升空荡(尤指藉超自然力).   rise and float in the air, esp by means of supernatural powers (
  11. v.  使某物)(似)在空中流、 浮或荡   through the air (
  12.   使浮起, 使不下沉; 使在空中浮   buoy up
  13. vt.  使荡, 使漂浮, 使浮, 送, 使…荡, 使…浮   waft
  14. n.  使(某物)漂流, 飘动   to drift
  15. vi.  倾注, 流出, 蜂拥而进, 鱼贯而行, 扬, 招展, 按能力等级分类   stream
  16. adj.  偷偷摸摸的, 体态富于曲线的, 偷偷的, 行动诡秘的, 线条优美的, 蜿蜒的, 轻的, 合身的, 美观的, 诡秘的, 线条优美的   slinky
  1. 一个年轻的滑雪运动员见观众很多又有雪打扰,比赛中的表现令人失望,教练马上把他拽到一边,对他说“看着前方”,提醒他要像原来滑的那样滑时注意前方的旗门。
    A young ski racer, bothered by spectators and blowing snow, was having a disappointing competition when his coach pulled him aside. “ Look ahead,” the coach said, reminding the skier to focus on the gates ahead as he skied the ones before.
  2. 柔:成功之路,从头开始。
    Rejoice:start ahead.
  3. 筏子被洋流送到一座小岛上。
    The raft was-ried by ocean currents to a small island.
  4. 午后飘忽不定的微风
    An errant afternoon breeze.
  5. 旗在空中飘扬。
    The flags were aflutter in the breeze.
  6. 旗帜在空中飘扬。
    The flag was aflutter in the air.
  7. 在某个水体的表面上浮着。
    afloat on the surface of a body of water.
  8. 漂流乘皮艇顺水流或溪流浮的运动或消遣
    The sport or recreation of floating down a stream or river in an inner tube.
  9. 太阳无情地炙烤着那个架着救生艇在海上流的可怜汉。
    The sun glared down with merciless intensity on the poor man adrift in the lifeboat.
  10. 暴风雨过后,小船都在流着。
    after the storm the boats were adrift.
  11. 带是马赢得的,不是我。
    It was the horse that had won the blue ribbon,not me.
  12. 我以很大优势赢得了蓝带。
    I won that blue ribbon by a mile and then some.
  13. 泛着波浪的池塘;旗帜扬。
    the rippled surface of the pond; with ruffled flags flying.
  14. 由于月球上没有大气,波动无法停止,结果旗子看起来像在随风动。
    But on the Moon, where there is no atmosphere, the rippling carried on, making it look like wind.
  15. 胶片上,宇航员们将美国国旗插到月球表面的场景中,旗帜随风动。
    The film shows astronauts planting the American flag on the Moon. It shows the flag rippling in the wind.
  16. 巨大的绳索经受着强大的压力,大桥路面被吹得如同舞动的带。
    Giant cables are under stupendous strain as the great roadway of the bridge whips about like some fluttering ribbon.
  17. 飘零似客心
    They're dreary like a roamer's heart that their fall grieves.
  18. 长外衣,长袍一种肥大垂的外衣,如长袍或睡衣
    A long, loose, flowing garment, such as a robe or nightgown.
  19. 笛福,丹尼尔1660-1731英国作家,其著名的小说为鲁滨逊流记,由一个叫亚历山大·塞尔科克的苏格兰海员在荒岛上的探险经历激发灵感创作而成。他还著有摩尔弗兰德斯和疫年记事(都作于1722年)
    British writer whose most famous novel, Robinson Crusoe(1719), was inspired by the exploits of a Scottish sailor and castaway, Alexander Selkirk. He also wrote Moll Flanders and A Journal of the Plague Year(both1722).
  20. 雾飘过了城市上空。
    A fog rolled over the city.
  21. 他看着云儿飘散。
    He saw the clouds rolling away.
  22. 公园飘着玫瑰花香。
    The park was sweet with roses.
  23. 热带的浮水生草本属,叶片数枚聚生而成一杯状体,有少数花组成肉穗花序;在河流、湖泊中广泛生长的一种野草。
    pantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves; a widespread weed in rivers and lakes.
  24. 玫瑰花的芳香在四周荡。
    The smell of roses floated around.
  25. 欧洲的一种水生浮草本植物,叶心形略圆,花白色。
    European floating plant with roundish heart-shaped leaves and white flowers.
  26. 丢了桨之後我们划艇的航向忽不定。
    Our rowboat's course is erratic after we lose the oar.
  27. 这四座大厦都座落在诺南迪埃尔街和塞莱斯坦修道院之间,四座府邸的山墙和雉堞被修道院的尖顶一衬托,轮廓线益发显得优雅逸。
    These four edifices filled the space from the Rue des Nonaindi鑢es, to the abbey of the Celestins, whose spire gracefully relieved their line of gables and battlements.
  28. 《落花生》提醒我们继承而来的财产是短暂的,而在《五孙舍哥》我们看到理智的脆弱,当内心深处的情感之舵受伤时,人们将轻易地游迷失。
    In ''Peanuts'' we are reminded that inherited wealth is indeed ephemeral and in ''Elder Brother 5th Sun-she'', we see the vulnerability of our hold on sanity and how easy it is to drift away when our deepest emotion anchors are brutally yanked out.
  29. 船飘向下风。
    The ship sagged(away) to leeward.
  30. 风停后,这条小船向下风去。
    When the wind dropped, the boat sagged away to leeward.
  31. 说到我祖父,他继承了这个亚弄店,去广州盘货,乘坐小帆船,往返一次最快要半年到一年时间。日夜在海上泊。
    My grandfather took over the warung from his father. He used to go to Canton (now known as Guangzhou) for supplies in a small sailboat. A round trip took at least six months to a year.
  32. 空气中飘荡着花香。
    The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.