  • especially
  • very
  • specially
  • for a special purpose
  • Special
  • unusual
  • extraordinary
  • unique
  • distinguished
  • particular
  • exceptional
  • distinguishing
  • spy
  • secret agent
  1.   ( zhǒng fēi xíng ) kuài gǔn   snap roll
  2.   ( wéi wán chéng dìng rèn 'ér shè zhòu fēi chuán shí de ) shè shí xiàn   launch window
  3.   ( wéi mǒu chǎng huò shū yào ) lín shí zào de , lín shí yòng   a nonce word
  4.   ( chēng SirJohn, dàn chēng zuò SirWhite) yuē hàn · huái jué shì   Sir John White
  5.   ( lún dūn ) ā 'ěr niàn táng   The Albert Hall
  6.   ( chuán shuō zhōng de ) luò zhàn zhēng ( shǐ shī 》 Iliad zhàn zhēng wéi zhōng xīn nèi róng )   Trojan War
  7.   ( luó rén yòng bái 'ě zài shàng xìng de shàng hào , zhuǎn wéi ) zuò wéi qìng de shū shū   mark sth. with a white stone
  8.   ( yīn yòu hǎo chù 'ér ) zhí xiáng shù ; hěn jīng cǎi ; zhí shū shū   write home about
  9.   ( kǎn léi de ) zōng jiào cái pàn shàng yuàn   The Court of Arches
  10.   ( zhí xíng dìng rèn de ) gōng zuò , gōng zuò bān   work party
  11.   ( zhí xíng dìng rèn de ) gōng zuò , gōng zuò bān   working party
  12.   ( bào kān ) zài ; bié xiáng de bào dào   featured story
  13.   ( zhì děng de ) kān , hào   special number
  14.   ( mǒu shì de ) de   a marvel of (sth.)
  15.   ( zhǐ 18 shì měi guó de ) chéng rén yīnyuè jiào suǒ ;[ měi ]( jǐng chá de ) xún xùn shì   singing school
  16.   ( děng cāng zhuān yòng de ) cāng jiá bǎn   saloon deck
  1. zhǐ 'ā jiā páng xiè wáng de tuǐ
    legs of especially Alaska king crabs.
  2. zōng jiàoshǔ guān měi guó xīn jiào shèng gōng huì dehuò yòu měi guó xīn jiào shèng gōng huì diǎn de
    (religion) of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Episcopal church.
  3. yīng guó guó jiào deyīng guó shèng gōng huì deměi guó shèng gōng huì de yīng guó shèng gōng huì huò yuán jiào pài yòu guān de jiào pài yīng guó zhù jiào pài jiào huì de yòu guān de huò yòu zhēng de
    Of, having to do with, or characteristic of the Church of England or any of the churches related to it in origin and communion, such as the Protestant Episcopal Church.
  4. ài 'ěr guó zhōng chéng shìwèi lāi nán zuò wéi zhù jiào jiào tíng de suǒ zài gāi chéng gōng yuán 8 shì yóu shèng fèi jiàn hòu lái chéng wéi yóu de guó wáng shǔ chéng bìng wéi zhōng shì yóu 'ěr màn chéng shì shāng rén lián méng de chéng yuánrén kǒu 214, 231
    A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century, it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League. Population,214, 231.
  5. zhì zhù jiào de 'é wài kāi zhī qǐng qiú zǎo hūn fèi kāi zhāi fèiyīng hái qián fèixuān jiào fèiwéi jiào táng huò xiǎo táng zhù shèng fèixíng jié hūn diǎn fèi děng děngzhè wèi zhù jiào dào yòu qián rén shēn shàng lái gěi qióng rén jǐn gěi
    As for the chance episcopal perquisites, the fees for marriage bans, dispensations, private baptisms, sermons, benedictions, of churches or chapels, marriages, etc., the Bishop levied them on the wealthy with all the more asperity, since he bestowed them on the needy.
  6. zài zuì jìn de zǎo shàngdāng rén men xiàn mài 'ěr ·h de shí hòu zhèng shuì zài lán kāi jiāo de shèng bǎo luó shèng gōng huì jiào táng de bǎn shàng jīng yòu yuè méi yòu guā liǎn liǎoshēn biān sǎnluò zhe cóng jiào táng pèi cān shì lái de jīn qiāng de kōng guàn tóu tānɡ
    Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
  7. zài háng hǎi shǐ shàng méi yòu xiān de shì jiàn
    A unique episode, without example in maritime history.
  8. dàn shì rén men men chēng wéi xíng zhěér shì chēng wéi yóu shì jiè dōuyòu men de zōng yòu de yán sūn shùn liú 'ér xiàyòu de chéng chuán dào 'ā jiā yòu de cóng liǎo fēi wǎng dǎohái yòu de pāi shè nuó wēi de jiào táng tǎn rén de shì
    But instead of being called travelers, they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world floating down the Amazon , cruising to Alas-ka, flying from Timbuktu to Easter Island, and taking pictures of Norwegian churches and Pakistani costumes.
  9. ér bān tài tài jiāng zhè chāqǔ kàn chéng shì gǒng jié yīng tóng bīn lāi zhī jiān guān de hǎo huì
    Bennet sees the episode as a great opportunity to cement relations between Jane and Bingley.
  10. nín zài zǒng jié wèn shí dào hái zhè duì lái shuō yòu zhe bié de
    It meant a lot to me that you ended this episode on the same note.
  11. fēi cháng shū dewēi de atc xíng shì wēi xiǎn jiē jìnnéng zài jīng xìng zhōng bǎo chí hěn cháng shí jiānjiù xiàng men rén shēng de wēi xiǎn jīng bǎo cún zài jīng xìng zhōng yàng
    Episodic memories of highly specific, critical ATC situations, such as a near mid-air collision, can persist for years, just as do our episodic memories for critical personal experiences.
  12. duǎn dǎo gào zài dìng suǒ niàn de duǎn de zhèng shì de dǎo wén
    A brief formal prayer that is used in various Western liturgies before the epistle and that varies with the day.
  13. bāo huà bìng rèn qīn shàng bāo bìng shǐ biàn de pào zhěn bìng zhè yàng de bìng huì yǐn zhǒng 'ér bìng zhēng shì xún huán xìng néng liáng xíng xiǎo tóu
    Any of a group of herpes viruses that attack and enlarge epithelial cells. Such viruses also cause a disease of infants characterized by circulatory dysfunction and microcephaly.
  14. lèishǔ fēn lèi xué zhōng jiè zhǒng zhī jiān de yóu bāo hán xiǎn shì xiāng diǎn de zhǒng suǒ chéng de qúnzài fēn lèi xué shù zhōngshǔ bèi dān shǐ yòng huò hòu miàn gēn dīng xíng róng huò dìng lái xíng chéng zhǒng de míng chēng
    A taxonomic category ranking below a family and above a species and generally consisting of a group of species exhibiting similar characteristics. In taxonomic nomenclature the genus name is used, either alone or followed by a Latin adjective or epithet, to form the name of a species.
  15. jiù shì shí dài de diǎn
    The characteristics of the epoch.
  16. kāi xīn yuán de xīn yuán huò zhēng yòu guān de
    Of, relating to, or characteristic of an epoch.
  17. bīng yòu bīng chuān cún zài zhēng de huò yóu bīng chuān de cún zài 'ér kòng zhì deyòng zhì yuán
    Characterized or dominated by the existence of glaciers. Used of a geologic epoch.
  18. xīn dài de shǔ huò shì zhì shí dàiyán de duàn chén kuàng chuáng sān de shí dài dezǎo shǐ xīn shì shí dài bìng qiě tāi shēng dòng de chū xiàn wéi zhēng
    Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the first epoch of the Tertiary Period, preceding the Eocene Epoch and characterized by the appearance of placental mammals.
  19. dào běn zhù shè huì de guó zhù shí zhàng jiù bié guǎng bié cán
    In the imperialist epoch of capitalist society, wars are waged on a particularly extensive scale and with a peculiar ruthlessness.
  20. dàn shì men de shí dài chǎn jiē shí dàiquè yòu diǎn : shǐ jiē duì jiǎn dān huà liǎozhěng shè huì fēn liè wéi liǎng duì de zhèn yíngfēn liè wéi liǎng xiāng zhí jiē duì de jiē : chǎn jiē chǎn jiē
    Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms: Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes, directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.
  21. " shù 'ào yùn " shì " 'ào yùn " de shí dài zhēngshì " rén wén 'ào yùn " de hóng yáng shǒu duànshì " 'ào yùn " de zhòng yào zhī chēng
    Digital Olympics is the epoch feature of “ High-Tech Olympics” , developing means of “ people s Olympics” and important back-up of “ Green Olympics” .
  22. zhōng xīn shì de cǎo běn zhí shí cǎo dòng de zhǎn wéi zhēng de sān shì de zhì shí dàiyán chén céng yòu guān deshǔ zhè shì de
    Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the fourth epoch of the Tertiary Period, characterized by the development of grasses and grazing mammals.
  23. xiǎng dāng chūluó bèi 'ěr · sài céng shèng yuàn zuò 'āi fèi suǒ de zhù míng de 'ān shén miào héng héng bèi dài jiào fèng ruò shén míng bìng shǐ 'āi luó míng yǒng liú shì héng héngrèn wéi shèng yuàn zhè zuò gāo rén jiào tángzài cháng kuān gāo jié gòu shàng yuǎn shèng chóu”。
    How far it is from the epoch when Robert Cenalis, comparing Notre-Dame de Paris to the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus, *so much lauded by the ancient pagans*, which Erostatus *has* immortalized, found the Gallic temple "more excellent in length, breadth, height, and structure."
  24. guī yóu kuài tiě duō duō bǐng chū de gōng chéng shī xué jiā jiā cóng shì jiè lái zhè zhuī qiú chéng míng zhì bìng tóu shēn shù mìng de cháo yǐng xiǎng rén lèi jiāng yuǎn chāo guò huàshídài de 'ōu zhōu wén xīng chǎn mìng .。
    Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock to in search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age.
  25. shí shàng zhǐ yòu dào liǎo guò de shì bié shì zài guò 15 nián héng héng zài rén men yán jiū chū tàn -14 nián dài dìng hòu héng héng men cái kāi shǐ liǎo jiě zhè xiē huàshídài shì jiàn de shí jiānzhèng shì zhè xiē shì jiàn jué dìng liǎo rén lèi de mìng yùn
    In fact, it has only been within the past century, and especially within the last 15 years since the development of the effective radio-carbon dating systems that we have begun even vaguely to understand the timing of these epochal events which have shaped the world's destiny.
  26. zhè míng jiào " ài màn 2" de yǐngpiān jiǎng shù de shì zài 2012 niányǐngpiān de tóng míng nán zhùjué " běn · dēng " xiāng zuò zhàn de shì lái dào shí xún qiú bìnànbìng zài 'ōu méng zǒng zhú jiàn shòu dào zhòng yòng
    The film -- "Afterman 2" -- is set in 2012 and pits the eponymous hero against "bin Laden," who comes to Belgium as an asylum seeker and rises through the ranks of the European Union.
  27. biàn qiáng yìng de zhè nóng hēi shòu liǎnnéng shì yìng qiáng fēng - luó . lín men de chéng zhě shì diāo shīshì gèng jiān qiáng gèng wěn dìng de rén -v.s ruì qiē
    hardened fishermen; a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured- Robert Lynd; our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men- V.S.Pritchett.
  28. de de
    Being without equal; unique.
  29. fēi cháng méi yòu xiāng děng de shì
    radically distinctive and without equal.
  30. tóng bàn men bìng wèi shēng shénme bié lìng rén dān jīng shòu de shì qíng
    Nothing particularly alarming is happening to its companions.
  31. dàn dāng gāng cháo mài shí shàng jǐng jué lái liè máojiù yào tóu shèzhè shí zhū xiàn liǎo bìng shí zhì zhǐ liǎo zhè zhǒng xíng wéi 'èr rén cóng shàng dài zǒufàng zhì zài tiān shàngchéng wéi xióng xīng xiǎo xióng xīng
    As she was about to approach, he, alarmed, raised his hunting spear, and was on the point of transfixing her, when Jupiter, beholding, arrested the crime, and snatching away both of them, placed them in the heavens as the Great and Little Bear.
  32. měi guó wén huà de sān diǎn shì qiáng diào píng děng
    A third aspect of American culture is the emphasis placed on equality.