  • consult
  • plan
  • plot
  • scheme
  • stratagem
  • plan, plot, scheme, stratagem, strategy
  • Seek
  • plan
  • seek, plan, plot, scheme, consult
  1. v.  &n.謀殺, 兇殺, 謀殺   murder
  2.   (使用手段)取; (通過間接途徑)取; (使用手腕)追求   angle for
  3.   [俚]為升遷或利益而努力, 千方百計地求   buck for
  4.   [俚]自己賺飯吃, 獨立生(go)   get one's own chump
  5.   [口]拐彎抹角地打聽[取]   fish for
  6.   [口]搞陰, 幹壞事, 搗蛋   be up to something
  7.   [口]管自己的事; 獨立生[支撐]; 自食其力   paddle one's own canoe
  8.   [喻]離開原居地[原單位]; 另生活   pull up one's roots
  9.   [美]空軍參軍士; 陸軍或海軍陸戰隊上士   staff sergeant
  10.   [美]精明的人, 足智多的人(通常指政治方面)   old coon
  11.   [美]謀求官職的人   office hunter
  12.   [美]謀求官職的人   office seeker
  13.   [諺]狗把許多野免趕出巢穴, 必然一隻也咬不死; 多寡成。   Dogs that put up many hares kill none.
  14.   [諺]事在人, 成事在天。   Man proposes, God disposes.
  15.   [諺]靜水流深; 沉默者深。   Still waters run deep (=Smooth waters run deep.)
  16.   n. 陰 vi. 密,耍詭計 vt. 激起興趣   intrigue
  1. 舉凡有意在這世上求生存者,必須具備三種難得的天資:掩飾感情、含糊其詞、保留己見。
    He that will live in this world must be endowed with the three rare qualities of dissimulation, equivocation, and mental reservation.
  2. -在求發展和消除貧窮過程中,與私營部門和民間社會組織建立穩固的夥伴關係。
    To develop strong partnerships with the private sector and with civil society organizations in pursuit of development and poverty eradication.
  3. 因為他是智,而不是用巫術,所以,雖然他出身於最破舊的雪屋,卻登上了首領的位子,在以後的歲月裏,他的臣民過着幸福的生活,沒有人因為饑餓而在夜裏暗暗哭泣。
    Because he used head craft instead of withcraft, he rose from the poorest igloo to be the chief in the village. And for all the years that followed his people w ere happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.
  4. 故此世人可見,一些較老深算的政界人物在位高權重時常常嚮人傢訴苦,說自己活得多苦多纍;
    Wherefore you shall observe, that the more deep and sober sort of politic persons, in their greataess, are ever bemoaning themselves, what a life they lead, chanting a quanta patimur!
  5. 在科學釋放出可怕的破壞力量,把全人類捲入預的或意外的自我毀滅的深淵之前,讓我們雙方重新開始尋求和平。
    Both sides begin a new quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self destruction.
  6. 取厚利的希望誘使他做不正當的生意。
    The hope of high profits lured him into questionable dealings.
  7. 捲入有嫌疑的活動或犯罪的共犯
    Involvement as an accomplice in a questionable act or a crime.
  8. 他寧願清貧不苟且,不願鑽營以高官厚祿。
    He prefers honest poverty to a high position obtained by questionable means.
  9. 思維敏捷且有足智多的。
    mentally quick and resourceful.
  10. 通過建立相互信任和對話合作求安全,安全合作不干涉別國內政、不針對第三國;
    seeking security by establishing mutual trust, dialogue and cooperation without interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and without aiming at a third party;
  11. 本文引語見《孫子·攻》。
    This quotation is from Chapter 3, "The Strategy of Attack".
  12. 她那為人不正直的丈夫幫她出劃策,想出了一些盜竊和敲詐的旁門左道的辦法。
    Her devious husband, aiding and abetting her, thought out new variations on the theme of burglary and blackmailing.
  13. 這些都是很重要的計,對提高慢速硬盤機的速度或對更多的ram尋址(超過處理器設計所能訪問的地址)是必需的。
    These were important tricks needed to increase the speed of slow hard drives, or to address more RAM than the processor was designed to access.
  14. 戒毒所都對戒毒人員進行安全科學的戒毒治療,進行法製教育、道德教育和嚴格的行為矯正訓練。組織戒毒人員學習科學文化知識,開展豐富多彩的文體活動,參加適當的生産勞動,使其既增強體能,又掌握生技能。
    They offer to addicts safe and scientific treatment, legal and moral education, and strict training to correct their behavior, and organize them to learn scientific and general knowledge, carry out varied and stimulating recreational and sports activities, and engage in appropriate productive labor, by which they can both improve their physical agility and master skills to earn their livings.
  15. 公司要求員工為推出成功産品出劃策,並對這些設想加以廣泛論證,以確保其質量和安全性,然後積極地將這些設想付諸實施,推嚮市場,傳遞給消費者。
    Employees are expected to think up successful product ideas, to test those ideas extensively to ensure quality and safety, and to push those ideas aggressively into the market to the customer.
  16. 這種陰,被蘇德互不侵犯條約擊破了。
    The Soviet-German non-aggression treaty smashed this plot.
  17. 區域法院也審理較嚴重的刑事案件,但不包括殺、誤殺及強姦案。
    The District Court tries more serious criminal cases but not murder, manslaughter and rape.
  18. 區域法院審理較嚴重的刑事案件,但不包括殺、誤殺及強姦案,可判處最高刑期七年。
    The District Court tries the more serious criminal cases except murder, manslaughter and rape. The maximum term of imprisonment is seven years.
  19. 重罪,大罪如殺、強姦或搶劫等該處以比輕罪更嚴厲的懲罰的嚴重罪行
    One of several grave crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor.
  20. 年內,殺、傷人、嚴重毆打、強姦、非禮、綁架、勒索、刑事恐嚇、搶劫及縱火等暴力罪案,減少至13749宗,而一九九六年則錄得15191宗。
    Violent crimes, including murder, wounding, serious assault, rape, indecent assault, kidnapping, blackmail, criminal intimidation, robbery and arson, declined to 13 749 cases, compared with 15 191 in 1996.
  21. 當我腦海裏一方面不停地想象着可怕的強姦和殺景象,一個新想法卻在另一面打開了一片寧靜而清新的天地。
    While one aspect of me was busy fantasizing horrendous scenes of rape and murder, a clear, quiet space opened inside that was intrigued by this new possibility.
  22. 真不知道馬可斯跟誰站在一邊。馬可斯是曼哈頓最高法院法官。上星期他對一個有殺前科的強姦犯不但量刑過輕而且鼓勵有加。
    You have to wonder whose side Jerome Marks is on. Marks is the Manhattan Supreme Court Justice who last week gave a slap on the wrist and a pat on the head to a rapist whose prior record included a conviction for murder.
  23. 該特工跟蹤那個間
    The secret agent tailed the spy.
  24. 雇主要為生意減少和盈利下降而籌,雇員更要面對減薪和裁員的威脅,雙方都各有很大的難處。
    Thinner margins and lower returns will put a strain on employers, while workers will face pay adjustments and rationalisation of staff numbers.
  25. 中國求更加經濟、更加高效的航天發展道路,力求技術先進性和經濟合理性相統一。
    China strives to explore a more economical and efficient development road for its space activities so as to achieve the integration of technological advance and economic rationality.
  26. 香港人口不斷增加,並且日漸老化,帶來各種問題,我們要求對策;市民對房屋的需求日殷,對房屋質素的要求日高,我們要設法滿足;香港經濟轉型,勞工市場出現混亂情況,我們必須加以處理;生活在貧窮綫下的人口不斷上升,我們亦須施以援手。
    We have to meet the challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, satisfy demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy and rising level of population under the poverty line.
  27. 香港人口不斷增加,並且日漸老化,帶來各種社會問題,我們要求對策;市民對房屋的需求日殷,對房屋質素的要求日高,我們要設法滿足;香港經濟轉型,勞工市場出現混亂情況,我們亦須加以處理。
    We have to meet the challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, satisfy the pressing demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy.
  28. 香港人口不斷增加並且日漸老化,帶來各種問題,我們要求對策;市民對房屋的需求日殷,對房屋質素的要求日高,我們要設法滿足;香港經濟轉型,勞工市場出現混亂情況,我們亦須加以處理。
    We have to face challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, meet the pressing demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy.
  29. 這位42歲的電視節目主持人在剛剛獲悉自己在一個新的bbc壓軸節目中得了一個好差事後不久,就被告知,過去20多個月裏在她身上肆虐的癌細胞又進一步擴散了。
    No sooner had the 42-year-old heard that she had landed a plum job on a new BBC flagship programme than she was given the news that the cancer that has ravaged her body for the past 20 months had spread even further.
  30. 剋萊登妮絲特拉亞格門農的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的幫助下,在其從特洛伊戰爭返回中將其殺,之後她自己也為其子奧瑞提斯所殺
    The wife of Agamemnon who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.
  31. 珍妮:我教功夫並不是為了生,我教功夫是為了發揚中國文化。
    Raymond:I don't teach kungfu to make a living. I teach kungfu to promote Chinese culture.
  32. 珍妮:我教功夫並不是為了生,我教功夫是為了發揚中國文化。
    Raymond: I don't teach kungfu to make a living. I teach kungfu to promote Chinese culture.