  • but
  • however
  • nevertheless
  • correct
  • right
  • like that
  • so
  • thus
  • like this
  • certainly
  • -ly
  • pledge
  • promise
  • pledge
  • promise
  • yes
  1. conj.  &ad.然而,卻,反之   whereas
  2. n.  ' 過期的《自》雜志.   of `Nature
  3.   (不含勞動、資本等的)自地價   prairie value
  4.   (人)處於正常狀態; 顯得自[真誠]; []獨自一人   be oneself
  5.   (大)概(誤)差, 或誤差   a probable error
  6.   (對於希望或理想的)突幻滅猛的醒悟, 突的驚醒; 後悔莫及   rude awakening
  7.   (忽然)轉過身來   turn (short) round
  8.   (思想、意念、回憶等)閃現心頭, 掠過心頭, 忽想起   flash upon
  9.   (更)不用說, 當然   not to speak of
  10.   (朝目標物)飛下來猛撲, 突襲擊   swoop (down) on [upon]
  11.   (滑雪賽中)從跳板上飛躍; [喻]冒險; 貿嘗試   take a flyer
  12.   (滑雪賽中)從跳板上飛躍; [喻]冒險; 貿嘗試   take a flier
  13.   (相形之下)使...黯失色; 使...遠不如(某人)   be eclipsed by sb.
  14.   (突然)離開   walk off
  15.   (突然猛烈地)燃燒起來   burst into flame(s)
  16.   (競賽時)必勝的馬; 勢所必   a dead certainty
  1. 阿拉斯加天氣輸送係統
    Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System
  2. 當她繪聲繪色地描述那件事時,大傢哄大笑起來。
    Everyone roared when she acted out the episode.
  3. 而我要說的是,它們仍不能確保聖潔,或甚至不能保證誠實。它們可以附庸於世故的俗人,附庸於玩世不恭的浪子。唉,當他們用它偽裝起來時,就更增加了他們外表上的冷靜、快活和魅力。
    but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness, they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked out in them.
  4. 強烈的焦慮和恐慌的感覺突出現。
    a sudden acute episode of intense anxiety and feelings of panic.
  5. 這一事件理所當地堪稱是國王間諜活動的的獨一無二的史詩。
    The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!
  6. 發型高貴,穿着幽雅的洛麗塔·揚沿着蠃旋梯款款走下的那個形象似乎令人難忘:後,她開始嚮人們介紹1953~1961年期間每周播出的由她主演的電視節目。
    The image seems indelible:Loretta Young,elegantly coiffed and dressed, sweeping down a spiral staircase to introduce each episode of her weekly 1953~ 1961 TV show.
  7. 德位的手指撕扯着繩子和包裝紙。後是一聲狂嘉的尖叫,哎呀!緊接着又變為滿臉的淚水。
    Della's fingers tore at the string and paper. Then came an excited scream of joy, and then, alas! a quick change to tears.
  8. 在他的愛情中偶發生的;偶發的疼痛。
    episodic in his affections; occasional headaches.
  9. 例如,管製員離開崗位後,仍能從經歷性記憶中敘述出那些曾發生的睏難的情況下所做出的一係列管製行為和有關的航空器。
    The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
  10. 其形式性質類似道義與知識概念的一種邏輯;研究必可能與相關概念的性質的一種邏輯。
    a system of logic whose formal properties resemble certain moral and epistemological concepts.
  11. 同樣,答案也可以是否定的,因為在采用美元的行動中,這些國傢采取的是兩條截相反的方式。
    The answer, alas, is no, because countries are tempted to adopt the dollar under two very different sets of conditions.
  12. 我鄭重地說,這個大膽的隱喻着實令人欽佩,既正逢一個大喜的日子,理應妙語連珠,禮贊王傢婚慶,故這種戲劇形式的博物志,就絲毫不會對獅子生個海豚兒子而深感不安了。
    Now I maintain that this bold metaphor is admirable, and the natural history of the stage has no occasion on a day of allegory and royal epithalamium to take exception at a dolphin who is son to a lion.
  13.  既必須和新的群衆的時代相結合,就必須徹底解决個人和群衆的關係問題。
    Since integration into the new epoch of the masses is essential, it is necessary thoroughly to solve the problem of the relationship between the individual and the masses.
  14. 我們依堅持平等互利的原則。
    We still keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.
  15. 對於這種必性的認識是必要的,否則遊擊戰爭的領導者們全無準備,一旦遇到敵人嚴重地進攻的形勢,必至驚惶失措,被敵擊破。
    It is essential to recognize the inevitability of such attacks, for otherwise the guerrilla commanders will be caught wholly unprepared, and in the face of heavy enemy attacks they will undoubtedly become alarmed and confused and their forces will be routed.
  16. 發展現代武器所需的費用使雙方負擔過重,致命的原子武器的不斷擴散理所當使雙方憂心忡忡,但是,雙方卻爭着改變那製止人類發動最後戰爭的不穩定的恐怖均勢。
    Both sides over-burdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, and yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.
  17. 他對此感到氣憤,也有所警覺,就在他張口提出抗議之時,一隻巨大的動物忽出現在飛機的航道上,飛機被逼迫降在了叢林的樹梢上。
    Angry and alarmed,Grant begins to protest when out of nowhere an enormous creature appears in the path of the plane,forcing it to crash into the jungle treetops.
  18. 而一些不為人所熟悉的結果也可能同樣具有危害性。
    Yet less familiar effects could be equally detrimental.
  19. 賢明的,達觀的,沉着的具有哲學家特點的,如泰自若、開明和智慧
    Characteristic of a philosopher, as in equanimity, enlightenment, and wisdom.
  20. 面對着述種荒謬無禮的行為,很難處之泰
    It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such preposterous impertinence.
  21. 他們被地下忽傳來的隆隆聲嚇了一跳。
    They were alarmed by the sudden rumbling in the earth.
  22. 目前在他那驚煌的外表下仍體察着對方。
    and beneath his alarmed exterior that sympathetic process went on.
  23. 他們因受到突襲擊而驚恐不安。
    They were alarmed by a sudden attack.
  24. 在位移或突的變化之後一個係統回到或調整到平衡狀態。
    the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance.
  25. 阿蘭突意識到他必須得做些什麽了。
    Alan suddenly realized what he had to do.
  26. 於是,他就一直等着阿拉丁離開那幢房子,後他對公主說:“把你的舊燈給我,我給你新燈。”
    When he waited till Aladdin went out of the house, he said to the Princess, "Give me your old lamps and I will give you new lamps."
  27. 阿拉丁心想:“他會把門關上,後把我留在這裏讓我死去的。”
    Aladdin thought, "He will shut the door and leave me here to die."
  28. 有一天,阿拉丁的母親叫他去田裏采花,後把花賣了換食物回來。
    One day Aladdin's mother told Aladdin to get flowers in the fields and sell the flowers for food.
  29. 這件事過去以後,達西要求彬格萊小姐和伊麗莎白小姐賞賜他一點音樂聽聽,彬格萊小姐便敏捷地走鋼琴跟前,先客氣了一番,請伊麗莎白帶頭,伊麗莎白卻更加客氣、更加誠懇地推辭了,後彬格萊小姐纔在琴旁坐下來。
    When that business was over, he applied to Miss Bingley and Elizabeth for the indulgence of some music. Miss Bingley moved with alacrity to the piano-forte, and after a polite request that Elizabeth would lead the way, which the other as politely and more earnestly negatived, she seated herself.
  30. 約翰的祖父雖年近八十,但動作仍很敏捷。
    Although John's grandfather was almost eighty years old, he still moved with alacrity.
  31. 他雖很老,動作仍很敏捷。
    Although the man was very old, he still moved with alacrity.
  32. 發展中國傢固需要依靠自已的力量作出努力,但國際社會特別是發達國傢,也應承擔責任,積極緻力於建立公正合理的國際政治、經濟新秩序,為發展中國傢的發展和繁榮創造必要的外部條件。
    While they should mainly rely on their own strength and efforts to achieve the aforesaid goals, the rest of the international community, developed countries in particular, should also take up their due responsibilities and actively work toward the establishment of a new, fair and equitable international political and economic order, with a view to creating necessary external conditions for the development and prosperity of developing countries.