現在,已經很少人能夠清楚劃分政治和宗教之間的界綫,任何理性的分析都將徒勞無功。 Alas, when no one can see the fine line between politics and religion anymore, any level-headed ditch to reason will prove futile.
糾正的方法:應指出絶對平均主義不但在資本主義沒有消滅的時期,衹是農民小資産者的一種幻想;就是在社會主義時期,物質的分配也要按照“各盡所能按勞取酬”的原則和工作的需要,决無所謂絶對的平均。 The method of correction: We should point out that, before the abolition of capitalism, absolute equalitarianism is a mere illusion of peasants and small proprietors, and that even under socialism there can be no absolute equality, for material things will then be distributed on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" as well as on that of meeting the needs of the work.
在堅忍主義中,與勞格斯平等 In Stoicism, the equivalent of Logos.
勞動者素質的提高 Improve the quality of laborers
雇傭勞動的平均價格是最低限度的工資,即工人為維持其工人的生活所必需的生活資料的數額。 The average price of wage-labour is the minimum wage, i.e., that quantum of the means of subsistence, which is absolutely requisite in bare existence as a labourer.
我們看到勞工們挖出一大塊大理石。 We watched the workmen quarry out a huge block of marble.
藍天航空公司訂座部,能否為您效勞? Bluesky airlines, Reservations. May I help you?
由於有更多企業精簡人手和裁減員工,令總就業人數未能追上勞工供應的增長,因此,經季節性調整的失業率由第一及第二季的4.5%飆升至第三季的5.3%,第四季再升至6.1%。 As total employment growth fell behind labour supply growth upon more extensive corporate downsizing and lay-offs, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate leaped from 4.5 per cent in both the first and second quarters to 5.3 per cent in the third quarter and further to 6.1 per cent in the fourth quarter.
在魁北剋省的一座橫跨聖勞倫斯河的吊橋。 a suspension bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at Quebec.
魁北剋省南部的一城市,位於聖勞倫斯河畔;魁北剋省最大城市,加拿大第二大城市;世界上說法語人數第二的城市。 a city in southern Quebec province on the Saint Lawrence River; the largest city in Quebec and 2nd largest in Canada; the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world.
在法語中是魁北剋省的省會;位於聖勞倫斯河畔。 the French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec; situated on the Saint Lawrence River.
加蒂諾加拿大魁北剋西南部一鎮,赫爾的東北部,靠近加蒂諾河的河口,大約長386公裏(240英裏),發源於勞倫琴高原,大致以西南流嚮註入渥太華河。此城市是一工業中心。人口74,988 A town of southwest Quebec, Canada, northeast of Hull near the mouth of the Gatineau River, about386 km(240 mi) long. The river rises in the Laurentian Plateau and flows generally southwest to the Ottawa River. The city is an industrial center. Population,74, 988.
他過度勞纍而損害了健康。 Overwork has reduced him to a physical wreck.
他因過度勞纍而弄壞了身體。 He is a complete wreck from overwork.
1959年叛亂平息後,中央人民政府順應西藏人民的願望,在西藏進行了民主改革,廢除了極端腐朽、黑暗的封建農奴制度,百萬農奴和奴隸翻身解放,不再被作為農奴主的個人財産加以買賣、轉讓、交換、抵債,不再被農奴主強迫勞動,從此獲得了人身自由的權利。 After the quelling of the armed rebellion in 1959, the central people's government, in compliance with the wishes of the Tibetan people, conducted the Democratic Reform in Tibet and abolished the extremely decadent and dark feudal serfdom. The million serfs and slaves were emancipated. They were no longer regarded as the personal property of serf-owners who could use them for transactions, transfer, mortgage for a debt or exchange or exact their toil. From that time on they gained the right to personal freedom.
但是,勞拉·多伊爾的某些觀點看起來似乎有損自尊,很成問題。 But some of Doyle's ideas seem demeaning and questionable.
他們不顧疲勞堅持工作,比計劃提前3個星期完成了任務。 Ignoring fatigue, they kept at the job and finished it three weeks quicker than planned.
小孩子容易感到疲勞。 Young children tire quickly.
安靜進行單調沉重勞動的馬。 a quiet plodding horse.
弗勞爾小姐給她的學生來了個下馬威-他們都比以前安靜多了。 Miss Flower has put the fear of God into her pupils-they're all much quieter than they used to be.
詹姆斯·奎爾再一次讓人出乎意料:勞拉懷孕了。 Once again,James Quill had defied expectations.As it turned out,Laura was pregnant.
那時奎爾一傢人暫時湊合着住在候診室裏,他們的遭遇引起了一位護士的同情。這護士名叫勞拉·丹尼斯,在詹姆斯患心肌梗塞後一直護理他。 While the Quills camped out in a waiting room, the family caught the attention and sympathy of a nurse named Laura Danis who had been caring for James since the heart attack.
從今年春天開始,這些廣告便陸陸續續地出現在以女性雜志為主的許多法國雜志上。該廣告的策劃商法國巴黎靈智廣告公司指出,他們在廣告中援引了專傢的見解,旨在把麥當勞食品定位成"每周均衡膳食結構的一部分"。 The advertisements, quoting information from specialists, aim to show that "McDonald's meals are part of a balanced weekly diet," said Euro RSCG, the agency that came up with the ads, which appeared this spring, mostly in French women's magazines.
這種原料生産方面的勞動,還包括農民的下述勞動,如種植亞麻、大麻、棉花、油料作物,養蠶,種飼料,剝樹皮,生産染料以及很多其他東西,生産這些東西僅僅是為了滿足其他工業部門的需要。 Under the same head are also comprised the labours of the agriculturist in growing flax, hemp, cotton, feeding silkworms, rising food for cattle, producing bark, dye-stuffs, some oleaginous plants, and many other things only useful because required in other departments of industry.
很明顯,9000年前,在紮格羅斯山脈山麓的人們已經成為了農藝師和畜牧師,而這又導致了勞動的分工與村莊文明的發展。 Apparently, nine thousand years ago, in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains man had already become both agriculturist and animal husbandry man which, in turn, soon led to the specialization of labor and development of village life.
農民的勞動雖然不一定在整個時期都持續進行,但肯定會占用相當長一段時間。 and though the labours of the agriculturist are not necessarily continuous during the whole period, they must occupy a considerable part of it.
試圖將熊熊大火中的遇難者救出的徒勞舉動 Pointless attempts to rescue the victims of the raging fire.
雇傭勞工修好了欄桿扶手;大農場的雇傭勞工。 the hired hand fixed the railing; a ranch hand.
在鐵路維修組的勞工。 a laborer in a railroad maintenance gang.
第十四條國傢通過提高勞動者的積極性和技術水平,推廣先進的科學技術,完善經濟管理體製和企業經營管理制度,實行各種形式的社會主義責任製,改進勞動組織,以不斷提高勞動生産率和經濟效益,發展社會生産力。 Article 14. The state continuously raises labour productivity, improves economic results and develops the productive forces by enhancing the enthusiasm of the working people, raising the level of their technical skill, disseminating advanced science and technology, improving the systems of economic administration and enterprise operation and management, instituting the socialist system of responsibility in various forms and improving organization of work.
紐約還有一傢非常不錯的巧剋力店叫sweetbliss.它的主人伊列娜·沙恩曾是名設計師拉爾夫·勞倫的私人廚師。 There's also Sweet Bliss, a New York-based company started by Ralph Lauren's former personal chef, Ilene Shane.
戒毒所都對戒毒人員進行安全科學的戒毒治療,進行法製教育、道德教育和嚴格的行為矯正訓練。組織戒毒人員學習科學文化知識,開展豐富多彩的文體活動,參加適當的生産勞動,使其既增強體能,又掌握謀生技能。 They offer to addicts safe and scientific treatment, legal and moral education, and strict training to correct their behavior, and organize them to learn scientific and general knowledge, carry out varied and stimulating recreational and sports activities, and engage in appropriate productive labor, by which they can both improve their physical agility and master skills to earn their livings.