總教堂主教管區內的大教堂,設有主教座位 The principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing the episcopal throne.
一天,他騎着一頭毛驢,走到塞內士,那是座古老的主教城。 One day he arrived at Senez, which is an ancient episcopal city. He was mounted on an ass.
內皮被覆於漿液腔、淋巴管及血管的扁平上皮細胞的薄層 A thin layer of flat epithelial cells that lines serous cavities, lymph vessels, and blood vessels.
他說“aggressive”並沒有中文譯詞,這說明在中國文化內沒有類似“”的作風或態度。 The epithet has no Chinese equivalent, he noted, probably because "aggressive" ways and attitudes are missing in Chinese culture.
當我們面臨驚恐的局面時,我們的大腦會釋放出腎上腺素及其他化學物質。這些化學物質會導致我們心跳加速、血壓增高(使血液流嚮我們的肌肉和大腦)、呼吸急促、消化速度放慢。我們會感到體內能量一陣快速涌流。 When confronted by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster,our digestion to slow down,and we feel a sudden rush of energy.
性別平等的呼聲中有少量自相矛盾的內容。 Claims of gender equality are laced with contradictions.
稍作些調節就會使兩間房內的溫度相等。 A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two room.
卡德摩斯驚恐萬狀,準備迎戰這群敵人。但是其中的一個武士嚮他說:“不要插手我們的內戰。” Cadmus, alarmed, prepared to encounter a new enemy, but one of them said to him,"Meddle not with our civil war."
赤道幾內亞歷史 history of Equatorial Guinea
赤道幾內亞共和國 The Republic of Equatorial
赤道幾內亞使用的貨幣單位。 monetary unit in Equatorial Guinea.
比奧科,費爾南多波赤道幾內亞的一個島,位於幾內亞灣 An island of Equatorial Guinea in the Gulf of Guinea.
芳人居住在加蓬、赤道幾內亞及喀麥隆的人 A member of a people inhabiting Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Cameroon.
內亞海灣內的一個島嶼,是赤道幾內亞的一部分。 an island in the Gulf of Guinea that is part of Equatorial Guinea.
委內瑞拉哥斯達黎加赤道幾內亞巴拉圭和西班牙使用的輔助貨幣單位。 a fractional monetary unit of Venezuela and Costa Rica and Equatorial Guinea and Paraguay and Spain.
赤道幾內亞首都和最大城市,位於幾內亞灣的比奧科島。 the capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea on the island of Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea.
馬拉博,聖伊莎貝拉赤道幾內亞的首都和最大城市,位於幾內亞灣的比奧科。1827年由英國人建城。人口30,710 The capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea, on Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea. It was founded by the British in1827. Population,30, 710.
西部低地大猩猩的壽命可以長達50年,原産於濃密的熱帶雨林之中,大量生活在非洲一些國傢中,主要是尼日利亞、喀麥隆、加蓬、赤道幾內亞和中非共和國。 Western lowland gorillas can live to about 50 years and come from areas of dense rain forest and swamp in African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Central African Republic.
(生理學)人體內酸和鹼的正常平衡。 (physiology) the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalis in the body.
內平衡一個生物體或細胞通過調整其生理過程從而保持體內平衡的能力或趨勢 The ability or tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.
阿倫瓊斯在兩分鐘內跑完一圈。 Alan Jones lapped in under two minutes.
阿蘭想着自己內嚮的性格。 Alan thought about his introverted personality.
在阿拉摩戰役中,不滿二百人的守軍在十二天內擊退了幾千墨西哥人一次又一次的進攻。 In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.
香港亦通過本地的證券及債務市場,協助內地籌集國際資金。 Hong Kong has also facilitated the Mainland's overseas fund-raising activities via its equity and debt markets.
香港亦通過本地的證券及債務市場,協助內地籌集國際資金。 Hong Kong has also facilitated the Mainland's overseas fund-raising activities via the SAR's equity and debt markets.
美國東南部一地區,通常包括亞拉巴馬州、佐治亞州、路易斯安娜州、密西西比州和南卡羅來納州;在美國內戰以前這些州生産棉花和支持奴隸製。 the southeastern region of the United States: South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana; prior to the American Civil War all these states produced cotton and permitted slavery.
在實體內部各成分之間或者在不同實體之間表現出同等性或者相應性。 exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities.
若想對比兩個對象的實際內容是否相同,又該如何操作呢? What if you want to compare the actual contents of an object for equivalence?
等於和不等於適用於所有內建的數據類型,但其他比較不適用於boolean類型。 Equivalence and nonequivalence works with all built-in data types, but the other comparisons won’t work with type boolean.
迪凱特阿拉巴馬州北部一城市,位於伯明翰以北的田納西河上。該城最初的大部分建築,在內戰中被摧毀。人口48,761 A city of northern Alabama on the Tennessee River north of Birmingham. Most of the original city was destroyed during the Civil War. Population,48, 761.
阿拉巴馬州內的一條河流,南流形成木比耳河的一條支流。 a river in Alabama that flows southwestward to become a tributary of the Mobile River.
因此,必須堅决肅清由“四人幫”帶到黨內來的無政府主義思潮以及在黨內新出現的形形色色的資産階級自由主義思潮。 Therefore, we must resolutely eradicate the trend towards anarchism that was introduced into the Party by the Gang of Four as well as the trend towards various kinds of bourgeois liberalism that is emerging within the Party.