·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • bang
  • Boom
  • drive off
  • rumble
  • explosion
  • strike (by thunder or a bomb)
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   (为某事而)吵吵嚷嚷; 成为众人谈论或注意的对象, 动一时   make a noise about sth.
  2.   (为某事而)吵吵嚷嚷; 成为众人谈论或注意的对象, 动一时   make a noise
  3.   (听众)用咳嗽声演讲者   cough down
  4.   B-1轰炸机   B-1 bomber
  5.   B-52E轰炸机   B-52 E bomber
  6.   B-52轰炸机   B-52 bomber
  7.   [口]动一时的事物(尤指戏剧、 歌曲、 电影等)   smash hit
  8.   [美]书记, 办事员, 抄写员, 记者等; [俚]炸机的领航员   pencil pusher
  9.   [美俚](用对肉体或精神的折磨)使软化;【军】(进攻前进行猛烈炸等)削弱(对方的抵抗力), 破坏(对方的士气)   soften up
  10.   a.耸人听闻的;具有动效应的   sensational
  11. n.  goose的复数, 编队飞行的炸机, &, D{goose}的复数   geese
  12.   n.感觉,知觉;轰动   sensation
  13.   【军】(炸机的)标枪队形   javelin formation
  14.   【军】区域轰炸   area bombing
  15.   一时的轰动 (名声)   three days' sensation
  16.   交叉轰击   cross bombardment
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 随后,这雄壮的组合声部还不时略微间歇,让道给念圣母经时那密集和应的赋格曲,乐声鸣,如同星光闪亮。
    Then,again, from time to time, this mass of sublime noises opens and gives passage to the beats of the Ave Maria, which bursts forth and sparkles like an aigrette of stars.
  2. 手提凿岩机的令人厌恶的隆声
    The infernal racket of the jackhammers.
  3. 我们已经展示了人工放射现象的可能性,这种放射现象的特征是用以射线击用咄硼和镁中的正电子或负电子。
    We have shown that it is possible to create a radioactivity characterized by the emission of positive or negative electrons in boron and magnesium, by bombardment with alpha rays.
  4. 随意的选择;任意炸;随意的行为。
    a random choice; bombs fell at random; random movements.
  5. 那个无赖被出大厅。
    That rascal was hooted out of the hall.
  6. 叛军轰炸了兵工厂。
    The rebels bombed the munition factory.
  7. 获得新生的晚晴园,产生了巨大的动效应和良性连锁反应,远在槟城也有热心人士主张,将孙中山当年创办的槟城阅书报社原址建成类似晚晴园的纪念馆。
    The reborn villa has sparked a positive chain of reactions. For instance, some people in Penang have suggested building a similar memorial hall at the original site of the Penang Philomatic Society, which was founded by Dr Sun Yat Sun.
  8. 名古屋日本本州中部一城市,位于伊势湾的顶端、京都以东。是16世纪的一个要塞城镇,在二战遭受狂后被重建。人口2,116,350
    A city of central Honshu, Japan, at the head of Ise Bay east of Kyoto. A fortress town in the16th century, it was rebuilt after heavy bombing in World War II. Population,2, 116, 350.
  9. 埃森德意志联邦共和国西部城市,位于鲁尔河和莱茵河交汇处,位于科隆北部建于19世纪,在第二次世界大战遭受炸后重新大规模建起的一座钢铁工业中心。人口625,705
    A city of west-central Germany near the confluence of the Ruhr and Rhine rivers north of Cologne. Founded in the ninth century, it is a major iron and steel center that was largely rebuilt after heavy bombing during World War II. Population,625, 705.
  10. 炸机最大安全速度为每小时700哩。
    The bomber is redline at 700 miles an hour.
  11. "国家航空航天器"项目开始于1994年,目的是设计一种超音速喷气机,能够像航天飞机一样把负载运送到太空,还可以用作炸机,在数小时内到达世界上任何指定地点。
    The National Aerospace Plane program,created to design a supersonic jet that could fly payloads into space like the shuttle and also be used as a bomber to reach destinations around the world in a couple of hours,was scrapped in1994.
  12. 不管敌机炸,摆渡日夜坚持。
    Regardless of enemy bombing, the ferry kept operating day and night.
  13. 托尼对航空术所具有的知识使他明白,这种像蜜蜂形状的巨型飞机将动报界。
    Tony knew enough of things and the problems of aeronautics to realize that this gigantic imitation of a bee would give the newspapers fits.
  14. 第二次世界大战期间德国用飞机炮英国的战争并且伴随着空战。
    the bombardment of British cities by German aircraft during World War II and the aerial combat that accompanied it.
  15. 从低空进行水平炸或跳弹炸。
    attack with delayed release bombs.
  16. 然后英方又以炮火对敌不断猛,西班牙舰船被狂风暴雨打散进入北海,被迫逃往苏格兰且兵力大减。
    The Spanish came under relentless gunfire and were scattered into the North Sea by the tremendous storms. They were forced to flee around Scotland where their numbers were depleted by the storms.
  17. 当588团飞行员正准备对敌进行猛烈炸时,师长完全改变了作战方案。
    But as the 588ths aviators set to work pounding the enemy, the division commander's opinion of them improved remarkably.
  18. 但我们的新闻批评与西方也有所不同,那就是我们的新闻报道一定要经过认真的调查,保证消息的真实性,这与西方新闻有时为了追求时效或引起动效应而产生失实的报道就不一样。
    But our media criticism is different from theirs. Our news reports are based on serious investigations to ensure the fidelity of the news, which is obviously different from some fake reporting in the Western news media which simply seek temporary or sensational effects.
  19. 影片突如其来的动效应显示了典型的瑞恩风格:有点儿糊涂,偶尔发疯,可爱至极,永远是爱情喜剧片中惹人爱的女主角。瑞恩和丹尼斯·奎德结婚后,她的个人感情生活便稳定下来。
    The sudden cinematic sensation had found her stock in trade characterization: the slightly befuddled,occasionally daffy,endlessly adorable,and always endearing comic? romantic heroine.
  20. 他的辞职引起了相当大的动。
    His resignation made/caused/created quite a stir.
  21. 回声;听见鸣的雷声。
    a resonant voice; hear the rolling thunder.
  22. 以引起动效应的方式。
    in a resounding manner.
  23. 他的发现动全世界。
    His discovery resounded through the world.
  24. 如果萨达姆公开拒绝最后通牒,两年以前在海弯战争中与萨达姆作战的反伊拉克盟国可能炸他的导弹以为报复——或提高赌注攻击伊拉克空军基地或战机。
    If Saddam defies the ultimatum, the anti-Iraq allies who fought Saddam in the Gulf War two years ago could retaliated by bombing his missiles –or up the ante and go after Iraqi air bases or was planes.
  25. 火车的鸣声在隧道中回响着。
    The roar of the train reverberated in the tunnel.
  26. 低空飞行的飞机突然鸣,吓得我们呆在那里一动不动。
    The sudden roar of low-flying aircraft riveted us to the spot.
  27. 机器一声鸣开动了。
    The machine started up with a roar.
  28. 地震爆炸时,那桥梁然一声被炸毁了。
    The bridge went up with a roar when the mine exploded.
  29. 的一声,敌人的司令部被炸为一片火海。
    With a roar the enemy headquarters was sent up in flames.
  30. 地雷爆炸时,那座桥然一声被炸毁了。
    The bridge went up with a roar when the mine was exploded.
  31. 他按了一下启动电钮,发动机就的一声运转起来。
    He pushed the starter button, and the engine came to life with a roar.
  32. 随着火箭发动机发出的巨大的鸣声,卫星被送上了天空。
    With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky.