·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • cremation
  • fever
  • roast
  • burning
  • fever
  • grill
  • be cooked in this way
  • burn down
  • Burn
  • cook
  • stew
  • bake
  • roast
Chinese English Phrase
  1. n.  &a.烘烤, 烘烤, 焙固, 固低温干燥, 二次加热, 烘烤量, 烘焙, 一次烘焙的量   baking
  2.   (使)烧坏, 烧光, 烧尽   burn out
  3.   (突然猛烈地)燃烧起来   burst into flame(s)
  4.   WZ碳化钛粉末烧结合金   WZ alloy
  5.   [俚]杜松子酒, 烧酒   white satin
  6.   [军]液体燃烧剂   liquid fire
  7.   [美]青菜烧肉   boiled dinner
  8.   [苏, 爱]开始燃烧   go on fire
  9.   [谚]压住的火得更旺(一般指抑制情欲)。   Fire that's closest kept burns most of all.
  10.   [谚]留得青山在, 不怕没柴。   While there is life there is hope.
  11.   dl型带式烧结机   dwight lioyd sintering machine
  12.   dl型带式烧结机   d.l. sintering machine
  13.   n.火;闪光 vi.燃烧   blaze
  14.   【化】锥瓶, 锥形瓶; 厄伦美氏()瓶   Erlenmeyer flask
  15.   【机】热配合; 冷缩配合; 嵌   shrink fit
  16.   一下子做好[好](菜等); 掷钱(以决定某事); [口]呕吐   toss up
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 印度的寡妇自愿在丈夫葬礼的柴堆上焚自己。
    the act of a Hindu widow willingly cremating herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband.
  2. (猎鸟,猎禽)鹌鹑的肉;如果是幼鸟,适合于烘烤或烤;否则必须炖。
    (game bird) flesh of quail; suitable for roasting or broiling if young; otherwise must be braised.
  3. 它们也是被充满氢气;其中一些不幸失火,是由于氢气泄漏后被发动机加热而引燃,几秒钟之后,飞艇就整个燃起来。
    They were also filled with hydrogen and some of them caught fire because the hydrogen escaped and the engines heated it. Then the airship was completely burnt in a few seconds.
  4. 本酒楼还供应烟脂香鹅,鹅,白切鸡,广州文昌鸡。如果你们喜欢鱼的话,我们还供应清蒸鲩鱼和清蒸桂鱼。
    We also serve the Carmine Goose, the Roast Goose, the Soft-Boiled Chicken, the Sliced Chicken with Chicken liver and Ham, and the Steamed Grass Carp and the Steamed mandarin Fish, if you like fish.
  5. 淬钢就是热的钢置入水中骤冷使之坚硬。
    To quench steel is that hot steel is quenched to harden it.
  6. 治疗伤的最佳办法是任其敞露于空气之中。
    Leaving the burn open to the air is the quickest way to heal it up.
  7. 自燃的在空气中自发地燃
    Spontaneously igniting in air.
  8. 它几乎可以在我的球拍上一个洞。
    It nearly burnt a hole through my racket.
  9. 用小瓶装有易燃液体和少量易燃物的天然燃弹。
    a crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick.
  10. 火花引起油布燃烧。
    The sparks set fire to the oily rags.
  11. 火花引起油布燃烧。
    The sparks set fire to the only rags.
  12. 察哈尔、上海等地的烽火已经燃起来了。
    The flames of war are already raging in Chahar and in Shanghai.
  13. 他们眼巴巴见他活活死而五内如焚。
    They suffer the agony of watch him burn to death.
  14. 谢尔曼统率下的联邦军队切断供应亚特兰大的铁路并毁城市;1864年。
    Federal troops under Sherman cut off the railroads supplying Atlanta and burned the city; 1864.
  15. 在小锅中用奶油或黄油单个烹制的鸡蛋。
    egg cooked individually in cream or butter in a small ramekin.
  16. 克服了这一缺点,就把日本侵略者置于我们数万万站起来了的人民之前,使它像一匹野牛冲入火阵,我们一声唤也要把它吓一大跳,这匹野牛就非死不可。
    When this defect is remedied, then the Japanese aggressor, like a mad bull crashing into a ring of flames, will be surrounded by hundreds of millions of our people standing upright, the mere sound of their voices will strike terror into him, and he will be burned to death.
  17. 使…迅速燃使燃或处于火焰之下,特别是使用极快,极有力量的手段完全达到此目的
    To cause to burn or undergo combustion, especially with extraordinary rapidity, force, or thoroughness.
  18. 的房子冒出滚滚浓烟;滚滚的浓烟;波涛起伏的海面;翻腾的急流。
    billowing smoke from burning houses; the rolling fog; the rolling sea; the tumbling water of the rapids.
  19. 托尼撞毁过快速行驶的汽车,从燃的房屋里跳出来过,被一下子扔进急流中去过。他说:“特技替身演员需要神明护佑。”
    Tony has crashed fast cars, jumped from burning building, been swept down rapids. "A stunt man," he says, "needs to have a guardian angel."
  20. 他在路上遇到那个流氓,立即怒火中
    He blazed up the moment he came across the rascal on his way.
  21. 他在路上遇到那个流氓,立即怒火中
    He was blazing the moment he came across the rascal on his way.
  22. 由于身体上的虱子传播特征是皮肤疹和发
    transmitted by body lice and characterized by skin rash and high fever.
  23. 普罗旺斯杂烩是一道蔬菜经煮制再加上普罗旺斯浓汁的菜。
    Ratatouille is a provencal dish of stewed vegetable.
  24. 解热剂,退热剂一种退的药剂
    An agent that reduces fever.
  25. 这可能是发高时的渴念,不眠之夜的幻梦,谵妄发作时的反应;
    It may be a craving of the fever which burns in me, a dream born of sleepless nights, an effect of my ravings;
  26. 青德鸡,上海风味华荣鸡,麦当劳,加州牛肉面和虾仁麦。
    Fried kentuky chicken. Huarong chicken with shanghai flavour, Macdold. California beef noodle, and steamed shelled shrimps ravioli.
  27. 敌人退却时往往将所踞城市中的房屋和所经道路上的村庄放火毁,目的在给予游击战争根据地以破坏,但同时就使得敌人第二次进攻时没有房子住和没有饭吃,害了他们自己。
    When the enemy retreats, he often burns down the houses in the cities and towns he has occupied and razes the villages along his route, with the purpose of destroying the guerrilla base areas; but in so doing he deprives himself of shelter and food in his next offensive, and the damage recoils upon his own head.
  28. 1900年八国联军杀抢掠,将5万多人的塘沽镇变成空无一人的废墟,使拥有100万人的天津在杀之后仅存10万人,进入北京后,杀人不计其数,仅庄王府一处就杀死1700多人。
    In 1900, the troops of the Eight Allied Powers -- Germany, Japan, Britain, Russia, France, the United States, Italy and Austria -- killed, burned and looted, razing Tanggu, a town of 50,000 residents, to utter ruins, reducing Tianjin's population from one million to 100,000, killing countless people when they entered Beijing, where more than 1,700 were slaughtered at Zhuangwangfu alone.
  29. 退烧后的亚洲房地产
    Real Estate - an alternative investment
  30. 我反对一些人在白厅里所提倡的焦土战术。他们的理由是:由于德国朝伦敦挺进,我们撤退时,就该毁整个农村。
    I rebelled against the "scorched earth" policy which had advocated in Whitehall: their reasoning was that as the Germans advanced inland towards London, we should burn and destroy the countryside as we retreated.
  31. 孙权出兵三万,并且同刘备联合,利用曹军有疫疾,又不习水战,在赤壁一带用火攻曹军船只,大破曹军。
    The latter, in alliance with Tsao Tsao's antagonist Liu Pei, mustered a force of 30,000. Knowing that Tsao Tsao's army was plagued by epidemia and was unaccustomed to action afloat, the allied forces of Sun Chuan and Liu Pei set fire to Tsao Tsao's fleet and crushed his army.
  32. 他脸上充满了激动-布莱姆·斯托克;他被欲望燃着。
    his face all ablaze with excitement- Bram Stoker; he was aflame with desire.