悯农二首 Benjamin agricultural 2
趋翰苑遭诬构四十六韵 John Yuanzaowugou trend Forty six charm
忆春日太液池亭候对(长庆三年) recall Spring Very fluid Pool pavilion Waiting on the Changqing triennium
忆夜直金銮殿承旨 Recalling the night straight plahap bevea vinichhl Cheng Zhi
过荆门 across Jingmen
涉沅潇 Yuan Xiao involved
逾岭峤止荒陬抵高要 to exceed The five ridges to stop Shortage corner Arrived Gaoyao
移九江(效何水部。余自九江及今周一纪矣) change Jiujiang city effect He mizube I own Jiujiang city And carry on this Monday discipline
过钟陵(余长庆三年除江西观察使,奉诏不之任) Guo Zhong Ling Yu Changqing Triennium apart from Jiangxi View So that the office is not Feng Zhao
早发 premature
守滁阳深秋忆登郡城望琅琊 Shou-Chu Yang Late autumn Yi Deng Jun Cheng Wang Langya
滁阳春日怀果园闲宴(园中杂树,多手植也) Name of a river no-frills day pregnant orchard busy feast Garden Zashuduo Plant by oneself Also
悲善才 sad skilled hand
闻里谣效古歌 Wenliyaoxiao Ancient Song
转寿春守太和庚戌岁二月祗命寿阳时替裴…诗人之末云 Tai Geng-Xu Shou-year-old switch Shouchun February Only when ordered for Pei Shouyang Swan Cloud the end of
忆寿春废虎坑余以春二月至郡主吏举所职称霍…去郡三载 Yi-Hang Yu Shouchun waste tiger to spring February extremely Infanta Officials cite the Lectureship Howard County 3 to _set_
寿阳罢郡日有诗十首与追怀…物·肥河维舟阻冻祗待敕命 There is a poem Shouyang stop the county 10 days and Bring to mind Victoria River Boat fat resistance properties only to be frozen Chi Ming
寿阳罢郡日有诗十首与追怀不殊今编…纪瑞物·别连理树 There is a poem shouyang stop the county 10 days and bring to mind No special Century this series Swiss property allo- Two trees whose branches interlock or join together tree
寿阳罢郡日有诗十首…不殊今编于后兼纪瑞物·虎不食人 There is a poem on strike Shouyang County 10 No special After this series and discipline in Swiss property Tiger does not anthropophagy
古诗 ancient style poetry
天将南北分寒燠,北被羔裘南卉服。寒气凝为戎虏骄, 炎蒸结作虫虺毒。周王止化惟荆蛮,汉武凿远通孱颜。 南标铜柱限荒徼,五岭从兹穷险艰。衡山截断炎方北, 回雁峰南瘴烟黑。万壑奔伤溢作泷,湍飞浪激如绳直。 千崖傍耸猿啸悲,丹蛇玄虺潜蜲蛇。泷夫拟楫劈高浪, 瞥忽浮沉如电随。岭头刺竹蒙笼密,火拆红蕉焰烧日。 岭上泉分南北流,行人照水愁肠骨。阴森石路盘萦纡, 雨寒日暖常斯须。瘴云暂卷火山外,苍茫海气穷番禺。 鹧鸪猿鸟声相续,椎髻哓呼同戚促。百处谿滩异雨晴, 四时雷电迷昏旭。鱼肠雁足望缄封,地远三江岭万重。 鱼跃岂通清远峡,雁飞难渡漳江东。云蒸地热无霜霰, 桃李冬华匪时变。天际长垂饮涧虹,檐前不去衔泥燕。 幸逢雷雨荡妖昏,提挈悲欢出海门。西日眼明看少长, 北风身醒辨寒温。贾生谪去因前席,痛哭书成竟何益。 物忌忠良表是非,朝驱绛灌为雠敌。明皇圣德异文皇, 不使无辜困鬼方。汉日傅臣终委弃,如今衰叟重辉光。 高明白日恩深海,齿发虽残壮心在。空愧驽骀异一毛, 无令朽骨惭千载。
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