杂曲歌辞·妾薄命 Potpourri Songs concubine (usu
杂曲歌辞·车遥遥 Potpourri Songs vehicle far away
杂曲歌辞·独不见 Potpourri Songs alone vanish
草檄答南蛮有咏 Cao xi answer (originally) a sarcastic remark by mencius about xu xin, a southerner-- those who speak a different tongue than one's own There Yong
薄命妾 Born unlucky concubine
交河塞下曲 Cross river Cyprus under the curve
早发潜水驿谒郎中员外 Premature Dive Relay Ye Physician trained in herb medicine ministry councillor
赠渔者 present Fisheries are
自岭下泛鹢到清远峡作 Since the Heights and to Qingyuan Gap for Pan Yi
题周瑜将军庙 ) Check temple
咏史诗·章华台 Yong shi poem Zhang China and Taiwan
咏史诗·细腰宫 Yong shi poem Slender waist Palace
咏史诗·沙苑 Yong shi poem sand Townhouse
咏史诗·石城 Yong shi poem Fortress
咏史诗·荆山 Yong shi poem Vitex Mountain
咏史诗·阳台 Yong shi poem balcony
咏史诗·沛宫 Yong shi poem Pei Gong
咏史诗·金谷园 Yong shi poem Jingu Garden Garden
咏史诗·湘川 Yong shi poem China Land
咏史诗·黄金台 Yong shi poem Gold Desk
古诗 ancient style poetry
古人未遇即衔杯,所贵愁肠得酒开。 何事山公持玉节,等闲深入醉乡来。
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