白云起封中诗(题中用韵,六十字成) Bai township A poem from the letters in Of use charm Threescore Word into
终南精舍月中闻磬声诗(题中用韵,六十字成) Zhongnanzhen Teaching room Ides Sheng Wen Qing poem Of use charm Threescore Word into
青出蓝诗(题中有韵,限四十字成) Green out of the blue Shitizhongyouyunxian The number 40 *40 Zicheng
奉和李相公早朝于中书候传点偶书所怀奉呈门下…郑相公 Feng and li xiang gong levee books wait to be at the point even the book the ideas in one's mind bong was phylum Zheng Xiang Gong under
吐蕃别馆和周十一郎中杨七录事望白水山作 Ancient name for tibet Annexe And Zhou Eleven Physician trained in herb medicine Young 7 Copyist hope Water Hill for
和恭听晓笼中山鹊 And respectfully listen to the dawn of cage Zhongshan magpie
和舍弟让笼中鹰 And Shedi to caged eagle
同恭夏日题寻真观李宽中秀才书院 With Christine Summertime True View of Lee Kwan in the title search Xiucai college
同舍弟恭岁暮寄晋州李六协律三十韵 Tongshedigong The dying year Jijinzhouliliuxielv Thirty rhyme
蕃中拘留岁馀回至陇石先寄城中亲故 Fan in Arrest Years remaining before send back to the city Long Stone relatives and old acquaintances
吐蕃别馆卧病寄朝中诸友 Ancient name for tibet Annexe Be on one's back Send the DPRK and other friends
吐蕃别馆中和日寄朝中僚旧 Ancient name for tibet Annexe Correction Send the DPRK on the old bureaucratic
及第后答潼关主人 Pass an imperial examination After A Tongguan baas
看浑中丞山桃花初有他客不通晚方得入因有戏赠 See Hun An official's name Prunus davidiana There he took off early Atresia Late into the party was due to Xi Zeng
赠友人 present friend
道州夏日郡内北桥新亭书怀赠何元二处士 State road Summertime County North bridge New Pavilion Form was He donated two dollars Department disabilities
道州弘道县主簿知县三年颇著廉慎秩满…赴衡州题其厅事 the court-room
道州将赴衡州酬别江华毛令 State road Do not go to Hampshire paid gross so Ganghwa
道州夏日早访荀参军林园敬酬见赠 State road Summertime Xun early visit Enroll Lin Yuanjing See grants paid
古诗 ancient style poetry
古人犹悲秋,况复岁暮时。急景迫流念,穷阴结长悲。 阳乌下西岭,月鹊惊南枝。揽衣步霜砌,倚杖临冰池。 怳怳若有失,悄悄良不怡。忽闻晨起吟,宛是同所思。 有美壮感激,无何远栖迟。摧藏变化用,掩抑扶摇姿。 时杰岂虚出,天道信可欺。巨川望汔济,寒谷待潜吹。 剑匣益精利,玉韬宁磷缁。戒哉轻沽诸,行矣自宠之。 伊我抱微尚,仲氏即心期。讨论自少小,形影相差池。 比来胸中气,欲耀天下奇。云雨沛萧艾,烟阁双萎蕤。 几年困方枘,一旦迷多岐。道因穷理悟,命以尽性知。 事去类绝弦,时来如转规。伊吕偶然得,孔墨徒尔为。 早行多露悔,强进触藩羸。功名岂身利,仁义非吾私。 万物自身化,一夫何驱驰。不如任行止,委命安所宜。 劝君休感叹,与予陶希夷。明年郊天后,庆泽岁华滋。 曲水杏花雪,香街青柳丝。良时且暂欢,樽酒聊共持。 闲过漆园叟,醉看五陵儿。寄言思隐处,不久来相追。
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