杂曲歌辞·东飞伯劳歌 Potpourri songs Dong Fei Shrike cantus
秋山望月酬李骑曹 Autumn mountain Full moon Choulijicao
和同府李祭酒休沐田居 And closed with the Government Li Mu Tian Ji Jiu Home
扈从还洛呈侍从群官 Equipage Luo was also Minister Qun Guan
奉使筑朔方六州城率尔而作 Ancient Korea building North hexad A town within a "zhou" Lver And for
早发苦竹馆 Premature Bitter bamboo house
安辑岭表事平罢归 Safety series The front, or southern, side of the five ridges (i.e., guangdong) Something flat Stop go
鹧鸪(一作韦应物诗) francolin 1 for Wei yingwu poem
清明日龙门游泛 Clear tomorrow The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. Yu Pan
云 cloud
宝剑篇 Sword Posts
汾阴行 Fen Yin line
中宗降诞日长宁公主满月侍宴应制 In cases Happy birthday Changning Archduchess Quartering Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和送金城公主适西蕃应制 Feng and Accompany golden city archduchess fitness western barbarians write poem according to the emperor's order
侍宴长宁公主东庄应制 Changning Yan Shi Archduchess Dongzhuang write poem according to the emperor's order
立春日侍宴内殿出剪彩花应制 Establish spring Shi Yan Penetralia to help a joint cause Cut the ribbon flower write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和人日清晖阁宴群臣遇雪应制 Feng and Man-days Ching Fai House dinner the ministers Case of snow write poem according to the emperor's order
春日侍宴幸芙蓉园应制 Spring Shi Yan Xing Lotus rong garden write poem according to the emperor's order
甘露殿侍宴应制 Manna Dian Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和七夕两仪殿会宴应制 Feng and The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) Astrotech Banquet Hall will write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和九月九日登慈恩寺浮图应制 Feng and September the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Teng Jionji Buddha write poem according to the emperor's order
古诗 ancient style poetry
四海帝王家,两都周汉室。观风昔来幸,御气今旋跸。 雷奋六合开,天行万乘出。玄冥奉时驾,白拒参戎律。 后队咽笳箫,前驱严罕毕。辉光射东井,禁令横西秩。 帐殿别阳秋,旌门临甲乙。将交洛城雨,稍远长安日。 邙巩云外来,咸秦雾中失。孟冬霜霰下,是月农功毕。 天道向归馀,皇情美阴骘。行存名岳礼,递问高年疾。 祝鸟既开罗,调人更张瑟。登原采讴诵,俯谷求才术。 邑罕悬磬贫,山无挂瓢逸。施恩浃寰宇,展义该文质。 德泽盛轩游,哀矜深禹恤。申歌地庐骇,献寿衢尊溢。 瑞色抱氤氲,寒光变萧飋。宗枝旦奭辅,侍从王刘匹。 并辑蛟龙书,同簪凤凰笔。陶甄荷吹万,颂汉归明一。 欢与道路长,顾随谈笑密。叨承廊庙选,谬齿夔龙弼。 喜构大厦成,惭非栋隆吉。
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