唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Wu Rong
唐代  唐

Poetry《Potpourri Songs ancient leave》   《Potpourri songs Water transfer》   《Feng and poems and writings authored by the emperor》   《和集贤相公西溪侍宴观竞渡》   《To live away from civilization that matter 4》   《Red peony》   《中秋陪熙用学士禁中玩月》   《题豪家故池》   《Dual problem》   《渚宫立春书怀》   More poems...

Read works of Wu Rong at 诗海
  Wu Rong, son of Chinese characters, the more people the state Sanin. Long Ji early and Scholars section. Shu Wei Zhaodu discussion, table charge of secretary, tired to move Shi Yu Shi, Quguan by Jingnan Cheng Rui. The long, called for the left Buque, prayer books Scheeren. Akimune Anyway, rash grass Chao, are all that purpose, into the Hubushilang. Fengxiang robbery to move from a financial not be able to go off Wen village, also called Imperial Russia, moved to Cheng Zhi pawn. The "Tang Collection" three volumes, four volumes of poetry this series.
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