楚国 List of Authors
Xiong Liangfu
楚国  (?369 BC340 BC)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 宣王
Reign369 BC340 BC

  Chu Xuan Wang (- 340 BC), formerly Xiongliang Fu, Chu Su Di Wang, Su Wang no son, good husband successor. Removal invasion of Pakistan to the West Division (Chongqing, Sichuan Province to the southeast of Dongba States), 343 years and his troops before the demise of Chen, Cai. Yoshitada Zhao Xi-shirt in power, the North Asian countries are afraid of him. Xuan Wang even differences, the Minister told the King Xuan Jiang B, Zhao Xi-shirt is sure they, relying on the power of lord Xuan Wang. Chu Xuan Wangzu, child-bear legislation is to King Wei of Chu.
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(369 BC340 BC)
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