提姆·利尔本 Tim Lilburn   加拿大 Canada   现代加拿大   (1950年6月27日)



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提姆·利尔本(Tim Lilburn-)1950年生于加拿大萨省的里贾纳。他出版过八本诗集,包括《杀戮场》(Kill-site)(2003年)和《俄耳甫斯政治学》(Orphic Politics)(2008年)。他曾以《杀戮场》赢得加拿大声望最高的文学奖——总督奖;威尔弗里德-洛里耶大学2007年出版了他的诗文集《欲望从未离去:提姆·利尔本的诗》。利尔本也是随笔作家,写了《在这权当家园的世界里活着》(Livingin the World As If It Were Home)(1999年)以及《回家》(Going Home)(2008年),这两本书从哲学、心理学以及政治学角度探究欧洲在北美殖民的复杂因素与诸方面的失败。他还主编并参与撰写了两本诗学论文集《诗与知》以及《思与唱:诗歌与哲学实践》。他在萨省大学圣彼得学院教授了近15年的哲学和英语文学之后,现在英属哥伦比亚的维多利亚大学教授写作。2017年,他获得了获得了欧洲诗歌与艺术荷马奖。他的作品被广泛编选进加拿大国内外的多种文集,诗作被译成法语、塞尔维亚语、德语、波兰语以及汉语。

  Tim Lilburn is the author of eleven books of poetry, including Kill-site, To the River, and Moosewood Sandhills, Assiniboia and Orphic Politics. He has been nominated for the Governor General's Award in Literature twice: in 1989, for Tourist to Ecstasy, and in 2003, when he received the award for Kill-site. His most recent book of poetry is the masque The House of Charlemagne, published by the University of Regina Press, 2018. His essay collection The Larger Conversation: Contemplation and Place came out with the University of Alberta Press in 2017.
  He is also the author of the earlier book of essays Living in the World as if It Were Home (1999), a book on ecology and desire. Going Home, from House of Anansi (2008), continues to explore the preoccupations of Living in the World, tracing the nearly forgotten Western contemplative tradition from Plato through Christian monasticism, and considering the relevance of this tradition to both contemporary poetry and politics. With the publication of The Larger Conversation, Lilburn completes his trilogy on eros, politics and the environment, a project that spans more than two decades.
  Lilburn is the editor of, and a contributor to, two influential essay anthologies on poetics, Poetry and Knowing and Thinking and Singing: Poetry and the Practice of Philosophy. Lilburn's work has been translated into French, Chinese, Serbian, German, Spanish, and Polish. It has been widely anthologized both in Canada and internationally. In addition to the Governor General's Award, Lilburn's work has received the Canadian Authors Association Award, the Saskatchewan Book of the Year Award, and the Saskatchewan Nonfiction Award. He is currently at work on new poems and essays.
  Tim Lilburn was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2014. In, 2017, he became the first Canadian to be awarded The European Medal of Poetry and Art, the Homer Prize. A Selected Poems will be released in China in 2020. Lilburn taught at Middlebury College in the fall term of 2018, where he gave a three-part lecture series, “Contemplative Practices, Contemplative Pedagogies,” to faculty as part of the Middlebury’s long-term mindfulness project. He was a Faculty Fellow at UVic’s Centre for the Study of Religion and Society in 2019.