Could not obtain entry information
SQL Error : 1055 Expression #8 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'baikeshu.u.user_id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
SELECT e.entry_id, e.entry_subject, e.entry_replies, e.entry_time, e.entry_last_post_id, e.entry_access, e.no_replies, u.user_id, w.*, COUNT(r2.reply_id) AS prev_posts
FROM phpbb_weblog_entries e, phpbb_weblogs w, phpbb_users u, phpbb_weblog_replies r, phpbb_weblog_replies r2
WHERE r.reply_id = 45 AND e.entry_id = r.entry_id AND r2.entry_id = r.entry_id AND r2.reply_id <= 45
AND w.weblog_id = e.weblog_id
AND e.entry_deleted <> 1
AND u.user_weblog = w.weblog_id
GROUP BY r.reply_id, e.entry_id, e.entry_subject, e.entry_replies, e.entry_time, e.entry_last_post_id, e.no_replies, w.weblog_name, w.weblog_id, w.template_id, w.weblog_auth, w.replies_auth ORDER BY r.reply_id ASC
Line : 93 File : weblog_entry.php |