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  Guan-guan go the ospreys,
  On the islet in the river.
  The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady: --
  For our prince a good mate she.
  Here long, there short, is the duckweed,
  To the left, to the right, borne about by the current.
  The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady: --
  Waking and sleeping, he sought her.
  He sought her and found her not,
  And waking and sleeping he thought about her.
  Long he thought; oh! long and anxiously;
  On his side, on his back, he turned, and back again.
  Here long, there short, is the duckweed;
  On the left, on the right, we gather it.
  The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady: --
  With lutes, small and large, let us give her friendly welcome.
  Here long, there short, is the duckweed;
  On the left, on the right, we cook and present it.
  The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady: --
  With bells and drums let us show our delight in her.

【白话文】 关关鸣叫的水鸟,栖居在河中沙洲。

【注释】 雎鸠:水鸟名,即鱼鹰。传说它们情意专一

【赏析】 《关雎》是《风》之始也,也是《诗经》第一篇。古人把它冠于三百篇之首,说明对它评价很高。《史记·外戚世家》曾经记述说:“《易》基乾坤,《诗》始《关雎》,《书》美厘降……夫妇之际,人道之大伦也。”又《汉书·匡衡传》记载匡衡疏云:“匹配之际,生民之始,万福之原。婚姻之礼正,然后品物遂而天命全。孔子论《诗》,一般都是以《关雎》为始。……此纲纪之首,王教之端也。”他们的着眼点是迂腐的,但对诗的本义的概括却基本正确。问题在于它所表现的是什么样的婚姻。这关系到我们对《风》的理解。朱熹《诗集传》“序”说:“凡诗之所谓风者,多出于里巷歌谣之作,所谓男女相与咏歌,各言其情者也。”又郑樵《通志·乐略·正声序论》说:“《诗》在于声,不在于义,犹今都邑有新声,巷陌竞歌之,岂为其辞义之美哉?直为其声新耳。”朱熹是从诗义方面论述的,郑樵则从声调方面进行解释。我们把二者结合起来,可以认为《风》是一种用地方声调歌唱的表达男女爱情的歌谣。尽管朱熹对《关雎》主题的解释并不如此,但从《关雎》的具体表现看,它确是男女言情之作,是写一个男子对女子爱情的追求。其声、情、文、义俱佳,足以为《风》之始,三百篇之冠。孔子说:“《关雎》乐而不淫,哀而不伤。”(《论语·八佾》)此后,人们评《关雎》,皆“折中于夫子”(《史记·孔子世家》)。但《关雎》究竟如何呢?




对《关雎》,我们应当从诗义和音乐两方面去理解。就诗义而言,它是“民俗歌谣”,所写的男女爱情是作为民俗反映出来的。相传古人在仲春之月有会合男女的习俗。《周礼·地官·媒氏》云:“媒氏(即媒官)掌万民之判(配合)。……中春(二月)之月,令会男女,于是时也,奔者不禁(不禁止奔);若无故而不用令者,罚之,司男女之无夫家者而会之。”《关雎》所咏未必就是这段史事的记实,但这段史实却有助于我们了解古代男女相会、互相爱慕并希望成婚的心理状态和风俗习尚。文学作品描写的对象是社会生活,对社会风俗习尚的描写能更真实地再现社会生活,使社会生活融汇于社会风习的画面中,从而就更有真实感。《关雎》就是把古代男女恋情作为社会风俗习尚描写出来的。就乐调而言,全诗重章叠句都是为了合乐而形成的。郑樵《通志·乐略·正声序论》云:“凡律其辞,则谓之诗,声其诗,则谓之歌,作诗未有不歌者也。”郑樵特别强调声律的重要性。凡古代活的有生气的诗歌,往往都可以歌唱,并且重视声调的和谐。《关雎》重章叠句的运用,说明它是可歌的,是活在人们口中的诗歌。当然,《关雎》是把表达诗义和疾徐声调结合起来,以声调传达诗义。郑玄《诗谱序》云:“《虞书》曰:‘诗言志,歌永言,声依永,律和声。’然则诗之道,放于此乎?” (选自《中华文学鉴赏宝库》,陕西人民教育出版社1995年版)


  How the dolichos spread itself out,
  Extending to the middle of the valley!
  Its leaves were luxuriant;
  The yellow birds flew about,
  And collected on the thickly growing trees,
  Their pleasant notes resounding far.
  How the dolichos spread itself out,
  Extending to the middle of the valley!
  Its leaves were luxuriant and dense.
  I cut it and I boiled it,
  And made both fine cloth and coarse,
  Which I will wear without getting tired of it.
  I have told the matron,
  Who will announce that I am going to see my parents.
  I will wash my private clothes clean,
  And I will rinse my robes.
  Which need to be rinsed, which do not?
  I am going back to visit my parents.

  I was gathering and gathering the mouse-ear,
  But could not fill my shallow basket.
  With a sigh for the man of my heart,
  I placed it there on the highway.
  I was ascending that rock-covered height,
  But my horses were too tired to breast it.
  I will now pour a cup from that gilded vase,
  Hoping I may not have to think of him long.
  I was ascending that lofty ridge,
  But my horses turned of a dark yellow.
  I will now take a cup from that rhinoceros' horn,
  Hoping I may not have long to sorrow.
  I was ascending that flat-topped height,
  But my horses became quite disabled,
  And my servants were [also] disabled.
  Oh! how great is my sorrow!

  In the south are trees with curved drooping branches,
  With the doliches creepers clinging to them.
  To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : --
  May she repose in her happiness and dignity!
  In the south are the trees with curved drooping branches,
  Covered by the dolichos creepers.
  To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : --
  May she be great in her happiness and dignity!
  In the south are the trees with curved drooping branches,
  Round which the dolichos creepers twine.
  To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : --
  May she be complete in her happiness and dignity!

  Ye locusts, winged tribes,
  How harmoniously you collect together!
  Right is it that your descendants
  Should be multitudinous!
  Ye locusts, winged tribes,
  How sound your wings in flight!
  Right is it that your descendents
  Should be as in unbroken strings!
  Ye locusts, winged tribes,
  How you cluster together!
  Right is it that your descendents
  Should be in swarms!

  The peach tree is young and elegant;
  Brilliant are its flowers.
  This young lady is going to her future home,
  And will order well her chamber and house.
  The peach tree is young and elegant;
  Abundant will be its fruits.
  This young lady is going to her future home,
  And will order well her chamber and house.
  The peach tree is young and elegant;
  Luxuriant are its leaves.
  This young lady is going to her future home,
  And will order well her family.

  Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets;
  Clang clang go the blows on the pegs.
  That stalwart, martial man
  Might be shield and wall to his prince.
  Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets,
  And placed where many ways meet.
  That stalwart, martial man
  Would be a good companion for his prince.
  Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets,
  And placed in the midst of the forest.
  That stalwart, martial man
  Might be head and heart to his prince.

  We gather and gather the plantains;
  Now we may gather them.
  We gather and gather the plantains;
  Now we have got them.
  We gather and gather the plantains;
  Now we pluck the ears.
  We gather and gather the plantains;
  Now we rub out the seeds.
  We gather and gather the plantains;
  Now we place the seeds in our skirts.
  We gather and gather the plantains;
  Now we tuck out skirts under our girdles.

  In the south rise the trees without branches,
  Affording no shelter.
  By the Han are girls rambling about,
  But it is vain to solicit them.
  The breath of the Han
  Cannot be dived across;
  The length of the Jiang
  Cannot be navigated with a raft.
  Many are the bundles of firewood;
  I would cut down the thorns [to form more].
  Those girls that are going to their future home, --
  I would feed their horses.
  The breadth of the Han
  Cannot be dived across;
  The length of the Jiang,
  Cannot be navigated with a raft.
  Many are the bundles of firewood;
  I would cut down the southern wood [to form more].
  Those girls that are going to their future home, --
  I would feed their colts.
  The breadth of the Han
  Cannot be dived across;
  The length of the Jiang
  Cannot be navigated with a raft.

  Along those raised banks of the Ru,
  I cut down the branches and slender stems.
  While I could not see my lord,
  I felt as it were pangs of great hunger.
  Along those raised banks of the Ru,
  I cut down the branches and fresh twigs.
  I have seen my lord;
  He has not cast me away.
  The bream is showing its tail all red;
  The royal House is like a blazing fire.
  Though it be like a blazing fire,
  Your parents are very near.

  The feet of the Lin: --
  The noble sons of our prince,
  Ah! they are the Lin!
  The forehead of the Lin: --
  The noble grandsons of our prince,
  Ah! they are the Lin!
  The horn of the Lin: --
  The noble kindred of our prince,
  Ah! they are the Lin!

  The nest is the magpie's;
  The dove dwells in it.
  This young lady is going to her future home;
  A hundred carriages are meeting her.
  The nest is the magpie's;
  The dove possesses it.
  This young lady is going to her future home;
  A hundred carriages are escorting her.
  The nest is the magpie's;
  The dove fills it.
  This young lady is going to her future home;
  These hundreds of carriages complete her array.

  She gathers the white southernwood,
  By the ponds, on the islets.
  She employs it,
  In the business of our prince.
  She gathers the white southernwood,
  Along the streams in the valleys.
  She employs it,
  In the temple of our prince.
  With head-dress reverently rising aloft,
  Early, while yet it is night, she is in the prince's temple;
  In her dead-dress, slowly retiring,
  She returns to her own apartments.

  Yao-yao went the grass-insects,
  And the hoppers sprang about.
  While I do not see my lord,
  My sorrowful heart is agitated.
  Let me have seen him,
  Let me have met him,
  And my heart will then be stilled.
  I ascended that hill in the south,
  And gathered the turtle-foot ferns.
  While I do not see my lord,
  My sorrowful heart is very sad.
  Let me have seen him,
  Let me have met him,
  And my heart will then be pleased.
  I ascended that hill in the south,
  And gathered the thorn-ferns.
  While I do not see my lord,
  My sorrowful heart is wounded with grief.
  Let me have seen him,
  Let me have met him,
  And my heart will then be at peace.

  She gathers the large duckweed,
  By the banks of the stream in the southern valley.
  She gathers the pondweed,
  In those pools left by the floods.
  She deposits what she gathers,
  In her square baskets and round ones
  She boils it,
  In her tripods and pans.
  She sets forth her preparations,
  Under the window in the ancestral chamber.
  Who superintends the business?
  It is [this] reverent young lady.

  [This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree; --
  Clip it not, hew it not down.
  Under it the chief of Zhou lodged.
  [This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree; --
  Clip it not, break not a twig of it.
  Under it the chief of Zhou rested.
  [This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree; --
  Clip it not, bend not a twig of it.
  Under it the chief of Zhou halted.

  Wet lay the dew on the path: --
  Might I not [have walked there] in the early dawn?
  But I said there was [too] much dew on the path.
  Who can say the sparrow has no horn?
  How else can it bore through my house?
  Who can say that you did not get me betrothed?
  How else could you have urged on this trial?
  But though you have forced me to trial,
  Your ceremonies for betrothal were not sufficient.
  Who can say that the rat has no molar teeth?
  How else could it bore through my wall?
  Who can say that you did not get me betrothed?
  How else could you have urged on this trial?
  But though you have forced me to trial,
  I will still not follow you.

  [Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins,
  With their five braidings of white silk!
  They have retired from the court to take their their meal;
  Easy are they and self-possesed.
  [Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins,
  With their five seams wrought with white silk!
  Easy are they and self-possessed;
  They have retired from the court to take their their meal.
  The seams of [those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins,
  The five joinings wrought with white silk!
  Easy are they and self-possessed;
  They have retired to take their their meal from the court.

  Grandly rolls the thunder,
  On the south of the southern hill!
  How was it he went away from this,
  Not daring to take a little rest?
  My noble lord!
  May he return! May he return!
  Grandly rolls the thunder,
  About the sides of the southern hill!
  How was it he went away from this,
  Not daring to take a little rest?
  My noble lord!
  May he return! May he return!
  Grandly rolls the thunder,
  At the foot of the southern hill!
  How was it he went away from this,
  Not remaining a little at rest?
  My noble lord!
  May he return! May he return!

  Plop fall the plumns; but there are still seven.
  Let those gentlemen that would court me
  Come while it is lucky!
  Plop fall the plums; there are still three.
  Let any gentleman that would court me
  Come before it is too late!
  Plop fall the plums; in shallow baskets
  We lay them. Any gentleman who would
  Court me had better speak while there is time.
  Another version:
  Biao You Mei
  Translated by James Legge (1898)
  Dropping are the fruits from the plum-tree;
  There are [but] seven [tenths] of them left!
  For the gentlemen who seek me,
  This is the fortunate time!
  Dropping are the fruits from the plum-tree;
  There are [but] three [tenths] of them left!
  For the gentlemen who seek me,
  Now is the time.
  Dropt are the fruits from the plum-tree;
  In my shallow basket I have collected them.
  Would the gentlemen who seek me
  [Only] speak about it!

  Small are those starlets,
  Three or five of them in the east,
  Swiftly by night we go;
  In the early dawn we are with the prince.
  Our lot is not like hers.
  Small are those starlets,
  And there are Orion and the Pleiades.
  Swiftly by night we go,
  Carrying our coverlets and sheets.
  Our lot is not like hers.

  The Jiang has its branches, led from it and returning to it.
  Our lady, when she was married,
  Would not employ us.
  She would not employ us;
  But afterwards she repented.
  The Jiang has its islets.
  Our lady, when she was married,
  Would not let us be with her.
  She would not let us be with her;
  But afterwards she repressed [such feelings].
  The Jiang has the Tuo.
  Our lady, when she was married,
  Would not come near us
  She would not come near us;
  But she blew that feeling away, and sang.
召南 Zhao Na

  In the wild there is a dead antelope,
  And it is wrapped up with the white grass.
  There is a young lady with thoughts natural to the spring,
  And a fine gentleman would lead her astray.
  In the forest there are the scrubby oaks;
  In the wild there is a dead deer,
  And it is bound round with the white grass.
  There is a young lady like a gem.
  [She says], Slowly; gently, gently;
  Do not move my handkerchief;
  Do not make my dog bark.
召南 Zhao Na

  How great is that luxuriance,
  Those flowers of the sparrow-plum!
  Are they not expressive of reverence and harmony, --
  The carriages of the king's daughter?
  How great is that luxuriance,
  The flowers like those of the peach-tree or the plum!
  [See] the grand-daughter of the tranquillizing king,
  And the son of the reverent marquis!
  What are used in angling?
  Silk threads formed into lines.
  The son of the reverent marquis,
  And the grand-daughter of the tranquillizing king!
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