Day drunk lake.
Yu Cong used to identify the West Lake Road,
Pride cries too, shall buy wine front.
Apricot Xiao Hong in the drums,
Luk Yeung Sun shadow in the swing.
Heater Beauty ten days,
Partial pressure coming from the clouds to spend.
Huachuan _set_ to take Chungui,
I love to pay, the lake lake smoke.
Tomorrow heavy Fucan drunk
Laixun Mo flower tin.
【Notes】 ①玉骢:白马。
【Review】 此词记述西湖盛景。上片写游湖的兴致与西湖美景。西湖路上,车马纷繁。“红杏香中”,笙歌处处。点染了绿杨红杏,歌舞连绵的西湖风光。下片写湖上天气晴和,春光明媚。
据周密《武林旧事》卷三,这首词是太学生俞国宝题写在西湖一家酒肆屏风上的。已作太上皇的宋高宗一次偶然的机会看见了这首词,“称赏久之”,认为“甚好 ”,还将其中“明日再携残酒”句改为“明日重扶残醉”,俞国宝也因而得到即日解褐授官的优待。
1164 年(隆兴二年),宋金签订“隆兴和议”,此后的三十年内双方都挂起了免战牌。暂时的和平麻痹了人们的意志 ,也为上流社会提供了醉生梦死的可能性。
词篇由描写词人的自我形象开头。这里虽然没有直接描摹西湖的美景 ,可是“一春”“长费”“日日”“醉”等词语却传达了作者对西湖的无比留恋 ;“玉骢”两句写马 ,然而马的“惯识”是由于人的常来,马的“骄嘶”是由于人的惬意,所以三、四句是借马写人,再因人写湖,最后达到了人与境、情与景的高度融合。总之,开头四句是用作者浓烈的情绪感染读者,使人对西湖产生“未睹心先醉”式的向往,因此下文描写的游湖盛况,也就预先被蒙上了一层美的面纱。再说,词人、玉骢、酒楼都是西湖游乐图的组成部分,因之这四句所表现的词人情致有以小见大的作用 ,并使词篇“起处自然馨逸”(明沈际飞《草堂诗余正集》评)。
“红杏”以下四句是游乐图的主体。这里仅仅二十余字,可是所含的信息量是极丰富的:有繁盛的红杏,浓密的绿柳,如云的丽人;有抑扬的箫鼓,晃荡的秋千 ,漂亮的簪花;有氤氲的香气,和暖的春风。——作者抓住了西湖游春的热点,浓墨渲染,为读者提供了再造想象的最佳契机,词人旺盛的游兴,也借此得到了充分的表现。
“画船”两句为暮归图,是游乐的尾声。在这里,作者把“春”写成有形有质、可取可载的物事,不仅使词句贴切生动,也写出了西湖春天的特色:春在游舟中。“馀情付湖水湖烟”,在热闹浓烈之后补充幽悄淡远,在载春归去的满足之后补充馀情,表现的是西湖的另一面目和作者游兴中高雅的一面 。人去湖空,论理词篇也该收尾了。不料作者别出心裁,反以明日之事相期,收得别致而又耐人寻味,也更加突出了今日之尽兴欢乐 。陈廷焯说:“结二句馀波绮丽,可谓‘ 回头一笑百媚生’。”(《白雨斋词话》)“重扶残醉”是说前一日醉得很深,隔日余醉尚不解。不过到底是酒醉呢,还是景醉呢,还是情醉呢,还是三者兼而有之,读者可以自己判断。这一句的原文作“明日再携残酒”,是一个尚未解褐的太学生清寒潇洒 、忘情山水的性格的反映,未必不工,只是没有高宗那种皇帝派头就是了。
这首词受前人喜爱,还有一个原因是词风香艳绮丽,情致浓而近雅。在我国文学史上,词,很长一个阶段是作为歌馆酒筵间的佐料而存在的。因此旧日的词人们,对于香丽流美型的词风就有着特殊的偏爱。这首词的结构也颇别致,归纳言之,大约有三个特点:一、完整。从概说醉心西湖叙起,次写玉骢近湖 ,继写全天游况,再写画船归去,终以来日预期,可谓严密得滴水不漏。二、分片。根据填词的通常规矩,前后两片总应有个分工 。《古今词论》引毛稚黄的话说 :“前半泛写,后半专叙,盖宋词人多此法。”但是这首词上下两片的意思是成一个整体的,过片的地方不仅没有大的转折,反而同前半阕的后两句结合得更紧。三、照应。比如 :“日日醉湖边”之与“明日重扶残醉”,“玉骢”之与“画船”,“西湖路”之与“陌上”,“花压鬓云偏”之与“花钿”等等。这种结构形式的选用,使得词中所描绘的西湖游乐图更加浑然一体密不可分了。
And Yan into the Yangtze River, geese go Hengyue.
Dongfeng Xiao to evil.
No thread around the West Park, tears with flowers.
Melancholy minutes hate angle.
Dream no guarantee, easy to feel too hard.
Susceptible to spring, Hanxiang Dayton by Shen, such as cut back.
From the cable.
Burning the midnight oil accounted for the letter, listen to magpies seek sound, can not help but spring is weak.
Light rain clouds thin.
Balcony far, the letter difficult to care.
Read an AU Chai, phoenix light two broken elements have negative CHANGCHUN COMMUNIST about.
But Mo education, green shade, but the human error.
Courts, cold desolate.
Shaotou autumn willow over it.
No leaves for the wind down.
Keren even worse Fuqu.
Dan Zhuangshu cold to the people.
Clouds Zhenghong had to do, the sun still Pingwu.
Dongfeng outside of my worries, want to make Midnight Rain.
Yuk heart night after night, day pavilion road.
Bean Blossom DEA2 letters do not come, dust filled nobile shares.
Duo Yu Qian Yu steam cloud, strange the world.
Fengcheng no sword, no species of Ottawa lying spirit, no pole of the dragon.
Outstanding students when this economy, the rationale for the total related disorder.
Into the phase out of the will, two more than idle.
Loyalty and Brave Heart, who will be stuck on the Happening Yen.
MULTIPURPOSE good to peace and prosperity, while taking river clearing ripe peach, Chitose Feng Majestic.
Grass was seized Dengfeng, Shuangbin not spot.
One toward playing, no is Aijun tonight's.
Jun Yang wins will be tours, Dongxi on Ouniao phase entertainment.
Who knows, feel Wei Que, the body temporarily sent rivers and lakes.
Dongxi, where all that Mei Xia Dong Liu, Qi spring and autumn lotus.
谩 Looking back, the number of cage bird pond fish.
Look toward the city of mountains; by the line at the other is the Qu.
At the present is good, a glass of wine, life, volume of health books.
Yellowstone a hand-writing a book.
Xin ridge drunk on sleep, leisure fishing Wei River fish.
Three feet to see that Yu-chieh, Si Jun Tang Yu terms.
Star isolated Antarctic night comes.
I do not know the emperor dream, went to Fu Yan None.
Direct the gas Ruba Chuan.
Curry favor with the sky off to be in line cents.
Man holding a cup to listen to elaborate, only this company who seems to Yin.
Fu Yao willing to push Exploits years.
Sun and the moon will be free to drink before the flowers.
Shop Green Grass Yin, is コ tea, peony time.
Jia Chen Shui Society, to lower core Palace cents, bead volume, deep-drawing hall, Xiang Wu Tang gold beast.
ZHU Yan Lv Bin, do not change the old Chang.
Calendula Mo speech deep, fight night, do leak from the silver.
Shengge bushes, laughing degree of Love.
Look Ronggui have children and grandchildren, never Zhu Songchun life.
Shear Fragrance wind, boast that Yao Tai Sin Road.
Y nada Peng, last night out of Penglai, its shallow thin, Yuemei fiber, meta is Feiqiong companion.
Notification of literacy, the book with a female President.
Come to terms with natural home, and their goods and so on, lord one thousand.
Valley, the amount of cattle, but the amount of gold by fighting, not years old, infinitely rich, often as a peach Lord.
Moon Bashan days like water, blows clouds swoop.
One o'clock Venus, Ruiteng Guang Cai, Duzhao plum fairy houses.
Ten Chau islands, it was the beginning of fall extraordinary.
Shu Li Bai long strange crazy, riding a whale go by while you're nobody.
Also important to be short of solutions, the number of human mass song.
Zhiyuan kings, and promote return batch Chao, the night of the lotus candle.
Peng Xian day drunk, I do not know the island ripe peach.
Jade pack also heaven, we fear no such flower Yang Yun.
Journey to the West eyes return of live, human knowledge had not been spent.