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  魏 颖川荀勖 着明 太仓张溥 阅
  荀勖(xù)(?-289) 西晋大臣、著作家。字公曾,颖川颖阴人。着《中经新簿》,开创图书四部分类法,将群书分成甲乙丙丁四类,即经史子集四部。精通音律,参与整理汲冢竹书。
  荀成侯学古而佞者也。史责其援朱均以贰极煽褒□而偶震。至于斗粟兴谣逾里成咏阶祸已甚诚,无辞焉。勖博文明识牛铎谐乐,劳薪炊饭咸能辨之。茂先伦匹 也。顾其文采则谢弗如泰。始中与传张同造诗歌,荀尤少味,始叹班固明堂宝鼎不可复作。独其条问列和表,正笛声乐家之论,尽称为优。其他简牍亦云清令盖晋初 之文。羹玄尚存,雕几未及,名人吐辞简直近理。江左文士盛谈茂先散珠太冲横锦若,二荀者流忽而不言。不几,乘大辂,笑椎轮乎无惑乎。六朝体制追时为工,登 高望之,旗靡辙乱也。东汉荀氏后多显人。景倩、既让,文若公曾。尤愧慈明,何其子孙,位通而德俭也。已是名克家然乎
Pan YueRead
  余读潘安仁,马汧督诔,恻然思古义士,犹班孟之传,苏子卿也。及悼亡诗赋,哀永逝文,则又伤其闺房辛苦,有古落叶哀蝉之叹史云:善为哀诔,诚然哉, 《籍田赋》客舍议,并以典,则见称陆海潘江,无不善也。独惜其愍怀,诈书呈身,牝后屈长,卿之典册,行江充之,告变重污泥以自辱,闲居一赋,板舆轻轩浮 杯,高歌天伦乐事,足起爱慕。孰知其仕官,情重方思□客,慈母拳拳非所念也。杨骏被诸,纲纪当坐安仁,赖河阳旧客,得脱躯命,而好进不休,举家弥灭害。由 小史生之者公孙宏。杀之者孙秀。祸福何常古人,所以畏蜂虿也。二陆屠门,戎毒相类,天下哀之。遂腾讨檄,安仁东市,独无怜者,士之贤愚,至死益见。余深为 彼美惜焉。
Yuan ShuRead
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  "Songs of the South," also known as "Chu Ci" is the great poet Qu Yuan, the Warring States period to create a verse. The use of Chu works (now lakes area) of the literary style, dialect, rhyme, Narrations Chu mountains figures, historical style, with strong local characteristics. Han Dynasty, the Liu Xiang to Qu Yuan and Song Yu, who works "inherit Qu Yuan," edited into a _set_ of works, called "Songs of the South." And become the "Book of Songs" after the far-reaching impact on China of a literary poetry collection.
  Chu, Chu its original meaning refers to the words, then gradually fixed in two meanings: First, the genre of poetry, one collection of poems in the name (and to some extent, also on behalf of the state of Chu literature.) From the poetry genre, it is represented by the late Warring States to the poet Qu Yuan in the Chu Guomin songs created on the basis of a new Poetry. From the total _set_ name, it is the basis of the Western Han Liu Xiang in the previous one featuring the "Songs of the South" the body of the poetry collection, revenue Warring States Chu Yuan, Song Yu's work, and Han Yi, Huainan hill, Zhuang Ji , Dongfang Shuo, Wang Bao, Liu Xiang Morohito imitation show works.
  In the Han Dynasty, also known as speech or Chu Fu. Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xiang to Qu Yuan, Song Yu, and Han Huainan hill work, Dongfang Shuo, Wang Bao, Liu Xiang, who inherited the imitation of Qu Yuan, Song Yu's works were compiled into a _set_ of 16, known as "Songs of the South." Chu Suiyou the name of a collection of poems. Since Qu Yuan's "Lament" is "Songs of the South" masterpiece, it is also known as Chu Sao Sao, or.
  Romantic Poetry Collection
  "Songs of the South" as China's first romantic poetry collection, poetry in the form of the song in the Chu Guomin formed the basis of processing, but also a large number of papers cited in the climate and natural resources and Chu dialect vocabulary, so called "Songs of the South" . "Songs of the South" is mainly the works of Qu Yuan, whose masterpiece is the "Lament", later is also called "Songs of the South" to "Sao." Western Han Dynasty,, Liu Xiang collect Qu Yuan, Song Yu, who works, compiled into a _set_. "Chu Ci" far-reaching impact on later literature, not only opened later Fu, and prose of history, is the creation of a positive source of romantic poetry.
  "Songs of the South" is the first romantic poetry collection is the main author of Chu Yuan. He created the "Lament", "Nine Songs" "Nine," "Heaven" and other immortal works. Under the influence of Qu Yuan, Chu has generated Yu, Donlar, King of Chu of the poor. The existing "Chu" total concentration, mainly the works of Qu Yuan and Song Yu; Donlar, King works most of the poor not passed down.
  Chu characteristics, Song Huang Bosi in the "Calibration Chu sequence," In summary: "cover all Sao Qu and Song, Chu language books are for Chu sound, recorded Chu, Chu things were, Gu can be described as the 'Songs' . "This statement is correct. Besides, "Chu Ci" Qu, Song works involved in the historical legends, myths, customs, Customs and the use of artistic means, rich lyrical style, all with a distinctive color of Chu culture. This is the basic characteristics of Songs, which are illuminated and the Central Plains culture, an important part of Chu culture.
  Chu Literature Collection
  Series Han Liu Xiang, Han Wang Yi Chapters. The original collection Chu Yuan, Song Yu and Han Huainan hill, Dongfang Shuo, Wang Bao, Liu Xiang Fu and others a total of sixteen, after the entry has been made by Wang Yi "Nine thinking", as seventeen. The book in the works of Qu Yuan, of which "Lament," "Nine Songs," "Heaven" and other articles of historical data preserved and more myths and legends, history of reference for governance. Qu Yuan (about 278 before the 339 ~ about before), were flat. Beginning left only grandson, Sam Lo doctor. Advocated exposing the result of the testimonies, the virtuous empowerment, Qi Gang Qin, vanilla and little children by huai Jin Shang et al traduce destroyed and dismissed. Hectare entered, the Qu Yuan was banished, he was unable to save Chu peril, and could not achieve a political ideal, then vote Miluo River died. "Lament" is a masterpiece of Qu Yuan. Political Lyrics in this magnificent performance of the ideal of progress, in order to achieve the ideal and the tireless struggle, and struggles and _set_backs encountered in their distress. Qu Yuan to express feelings is often cited by the history and find the lessons learned, "the Don, runs the risk of the system after three, the next sequence, Jie, Zhou, Yi, cast of lost, Ji-jun awareness, anti in the right way and also with yourself." Which history books in some places can be added to each other reference cards, such as "Lament," says: "Debate with Nine Nine Kai Xi, Xiakang longitudinal self-entertainment. despite the difficult figure after the fortune, five children with a loss of almost Wenjiaxiang. kinky tour to Yi Yi Tin Xi, and good shooting day closure Fox. Solid end the fresh turbulence Xi, Zhuo greedy husband Jue home. pouring body linen strong prince Yu Xi, lust and the bear. day of recreational self-forgetting Xi, Jue Britain's first meteorite with a husband . The often illegal Xi Xia Jie, Yan and every calamity is then. "Xia described in this section is very complete history, with" Zuo Zhuan "see each other, and make" Records of the summer of the Millennium, "speaks Yi, Zhuo of things omissions. In addition, from the "Li Sao" and on Xi, Wang Shu, Fei Lian, Hong Leong, Mi Fei's account can also be seen a glimpse of ancient myths and legends; and "Photo provided Zou Xi Chen on Mon, CD GY Wu dynasty" , is the research of ancient astronomy and calendar information.
  "Nine Songs" This is the ancient songs, the legendary XIA Qi stolen from the sky. Folk Ritual Songs of Qu Yuan in the creation of the basis of "Nine Songs", Xi Yong names of ancient songs, a total of eleven. God save them on the cloud, mountain, Xiang God, the river god, the sun god myths, etc., is the study of ancient Chu culture, folklore and valuable information.
  Historic Status
  Meanwhile, Chu Chu and the South and the North Central Plains culture and cultural product of the combination. After the Spring and Autumn has always been known as Jing Man, the increasingly powerful state of Chu. Its aspirations to the Central Plains, the process of hegemony princes frequent contact with the Northern countries, and promote a wide range of North-South cultural exchanges, Chu has also been a profound impact on the North Central Plains culture. It is this confluence of cultures north and south, gave birth to this great poet Qu Yuan and the "Songs of the South" This colorful great poems.
  "Songs of Chu" in Chinese poetry played an important role. It appears, breaking the "Book of Songs" after two or three centuries of silence in poetry shine. Future generations will therefore "The Book of Songs" and "Songs of the South" and called the Wind, show. Fifteen wind means the wind, on behalf of "The Book of Songs", full of realism; show that "Lament", on behalf of "Songs of the South", full of romantic atmosphere. Wind, show a classical Chinese poetry of realism and romanticism of the creation of two schools.
  Songs List
  Sao Nine Buju Fisherman Heaven IX excursion Evocation attracts the nine argued swear Hermits seven remonstrance cherish sorrow sigh when ordered nine nine nine pregnant thinking
  Nine Songs: East Huangtai a cloud Dongjun Jun Xiang Jun Xiang Fu Bo NPC Siming Siming Mountain Ghost little soul of the War Ceremony
  IX: Xi River of Sorrow chanting pumping Sihuaishasi beauty Xi Ying Ju Song sad old days return air
  Seven remonstrance: Chen Jiang blame the early release from the sad life thinking the world complain admonished Samuel said chaos
  Nine pregnant: Jun Zhao Wei Kuang machine access storage Buddha Ka Ying Sizhong said Tao Yongzhuzhaoluan
  Nine sigh: Every divergent thinking there anymore unfortunately passed away resentment Min Yin sorrows life's deep excursion
  Nine thinking: Every blame on the disease, especially the children of Benjamin on the world when Zaoe Mourning Mourning injured chaos chaos-year-old said Shouzhi
  Formation of Culture and Chu Chu
  Yellow River Basin with the Yangtze River as long ago gave birth to the ancient culture. After the national rise of Chu, a representative of the local culture. Later than the Shang Dynasty, Chu had a relationship with the northern regime; to the early Western Zhou Dynasty, is said to vend Bear had "sub-something King Wen" Later, they were as Yi Xiong Wang Feng in the Chu ("Chu family Historical Records"). It should be understood as the actual control of Chu Zhou Dynasty Jianghan region recognition. To the Spring and Autumn Period, Chu rapid development and expansion, mergers and the size of the Yangtze River in many nations, becoming enough to compete with the power of the Central Plains. Chuzhuang Wang is one of the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons, once there take the Central Plains of the North blog. Warring States Period, Chu Yue and then swallowed, the forces of the West arrived in Hanzhong, east of the sea, all males in the Warring States, the territory's largest and most populous. Was a "cross the Qin Emperor, the king of longitudinal," saying, meaning Qin, Chu Erguo, the most likely of National Unification. Finally, the eradication of Qin Chu. But of Chu Fan Qin uprising, has become a major force to overthrow the Qin Dynasty. The establishment of the Han Dynasty, in a sense can be thought of Chu's victory. Qin, Han unification, and ultimately complete fusion of cultures north and south, has thus formed a great "Han."
  And Chu himself, unwilling to acknowledge the authority of weeks, when the royal family, often claimed: "I have barbarians." (See "Records of the Chu family")
  Chu culture than is generally believed that the Central Plains and cultural backwardness, not saying that absolutely right. Chu culture perhaps more than the Central Plains culture, the rise of late, but in the Spring and Autumn Period, Chu cultural backwardness, it is mainly manifested in the state system is not mature enough, especially for the maintenance of rule of order and hierarchy is far from the political and ethical thought and culture in North End secret. - So need to introduce the theory of Chu and books. Correspondingly, the original religion - the popularity of shamanism, but also can be seen as lagging behind the performance of Chu culture. But in other areas, not necessarily behind the Chu culture, and even far more than in many parts of the Central Plains culture. Understand this is very important for understanding the Chu.
  Should first be noted that economic conditions in the South than the North has certain advantages. "Geography" said Chu, "there are mountains of Jiang Han Chuanze Rao; south to Canton, or fire, water, hoe farming, people eat fish rice, fishing and hunting mountain cutting for the industry, the fruit Luo win clams, food often enough . " Youyu easier to make a living, it may have more manpower from the Danchun subsistence activities, inputs more complex the more advanced material production. So at least in the spring and later, Chu's financial and material resources have been significantly more than the North. "Zuo Zhuan" Ben Chu Kee Chong Er, right into the king said: "The children of instruments of peace, the king has the; feathers, leather gear, to grow wherever the king. Its spread to Jin who is also the king of Yu." Has to get a glimpse or two . According to historical records, the Warring States Chu is a lot of countries have gold. In recent years, archaeological excavations from the underground point of view, the Warring States period Chu bronzes, enough to represent the highest level of pre-Qin bronze smelting. As for the Chu lacquer ware, silk of the fine, and that the North can not be compared. Qu Yuan's "Evocation," Chu portrayed in a very luxurious pleasure palace scene, of course, must have a strong material foundation. The same as living in the south easier way too much, do not need to form a powerful collective force to overcome nature, to maintain life, so there is no formation of Chu as tight as the northern countries of the patriarchal political system. According to "Han Fei Zi," said Chu aristocrats always have a more independent force. This is Chu confrontation with the North may be a disadvantage. On the other hand, in this environment, individuals less suppressed by the collective and individual consciousness of corresponding to strong. Until the Han Dynasty, Chu rebellious character is still renowned. "Historical Records", "Han", you can find many examples.
  In conclusion, it should be said: The terms of the Warring States period, Chu culture and the Central Plains culture is indeed different characteristics, strengths. If the arts alone, the Chu culture is high achievement. Literature is one aspect of the art general. We have to be discussed in Chu, Chu culture is both out of the wonderful work the soil, and they represent the achievements of Chu culture. Chu Chu culture, especially the general characteristics of the art, such as a strong individual consciousness, intense emotional turmoil, fantasy and ornate forms, etc., are also present in the Songs of the South.
  Chu formation factor from the direct, first of all closely related with the songs of Chu. As mentioned earlier, developed Chu is a place where music and dance. Now from the "Songs" and other books can also see the names of many music Chu, such as "She Jiang", "Cailing", "labor-business", "Nine Debate", "Nine Songs", "Xie Lu," " spring, "" Snow "and so on. Songs in the existing, earlier the "Mencius" recorded "children songs", is said to Confucius, Chu Yu local children singing to hear:
  Zhen Qing Xi, I wash my tassels; Kaleidoscope cloud Come, I wash my feet.
  There are Liu Xiang, "said Court," contained in the "Song of Yue People", is said to be translated Yue Chu Sing Mariner's speech:
  Jinxi He Xi Xi, 搴 boat mid-stream. Come what day today, have the same boat with the Prince. Shame is a good fortune, not Zi sense of shame shame. Come a few heart trouble and not absolute, that the prince. Shan Xi wood with wooden sticks, Jun Xi Yue Jun heart I do not know.
  This very popular songs to the Qin dynasty Shihai. If Liu has "wind song" Xiang Yu as "Gaixia song." Its songs of different style and the Central Plains, the body is not neat four words, each sentence can be short and long end of the sentence or sentence in the multi-modal "Xi". These have become a significant feature of Chu.
  Han has "Odes, ancient poems are," said one (see Ban Gu "two Du Fu Xu"), when the Confucian classics in order to cling to, and taking into account the characteristics of Fu extravagant.
  Chu popular shamanism, but also penetrate the Ci, so that it has a strong mythic. According to historical records, when the Central Plains culture, shamanism has long been obvious color faded after the Chu in the south until the Warring States, monarch and his subjects are still down, "the letter Witchcraft, heavy prostitution Temple" ("Geography"). Grandson had been "Long rituals, things supernatural," and attempt to return the help by the spirits of Qin (see "Han Zhi Jiao Si"). More prevalent the witchcraft of the private sector. "Geography" and Wang Yi "guo", etc., the good witch Speaking Chu Renxin Temple, "The temple will sing, music, music inspired by the gods," the custom. This shows that in the era of Qu Yuan, Chu still immersed in the field of a singular imagination and the intense emotion of the myth of the world. Living in this cultural atmosphere of the Yuan, not only created a ritual of poems - "Nine Songs", and writing according to the word folk, "Evocation" and express their feelings in, they make extensive use of mythological material, galloping imagination, heaven into the earth, wandering Luhe Kyushu, gives a mysterious feel. Even the "Li Sao" This masterpiece of architecture, from the "Bu name", "submit", "first ring", "fugue" to "divination", "seance", are borrowed folk magic way.
  Of course, "do not have Qu Yuan, Qi see" Lament, "" ("Wenxindiaolong Lisao").
  Chu Chu is a product of culture, specifically, can not do without the creation of the great poet Qu Yuan.
  "Songs of the South," the representative figure of Qu Yuan (formerly 340? - 278 years before), first appeared in Chinese literature in the history of the patriotic poet. In "Songs of the South" in the beginning of the 16-volume, accounted for most of the works of Qu Yuan, a total of 8-volume collection of his poems more than 20 articles. Including "Lament," "Nine Songs" (11), "days to", "IX" (9), "excursion", "Buju", "Fisherman", "Evocation" and so on. Volume 8 other is Song Yu's "Nine Debate", King bad the "big move", and Han Jia Yi's "pity oath", Huainan hill "Hermits", Dongfang Shuo's "seven Remonstrance", Yan stir " When sad life, "Wang Bao's" Nine pregnant, "Liu Xiang's" Nine sighed, "and so on. Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi those compiled on the basis of "Songs of the South Annotations", increasing into the Jia Yi's "When the bird fu" and "hanging Qu Yuan Fu," two; deleting "seven Remonstrance", "Nine pregnant" and "Nine sighed," and other works Zhu Xi that these works lack the true thoughts and feelings. He also designated as the works of Qu Yuan, "Li Sao class", the other works to "continued Sao class", according to the original chapter in the order of numbered as Volume 8. Qu Yuan's works can be divided into two categories: one is the "Lament," "Nine" and wrote in political exile in the poetry and poetry; one category is "Nine Songs" as the representative poet festival songs and reflect the world, life The "Heaven." Qu Yuan's masterpiece "Lament" is one of the longest ancient romantic poems and poetry, is "Songs of the South," the representative works. As a result, the world called "Songs of the South" to "Sao Poetry" and the "Book of Songs" and that "the Book of Songs." "Lament" is a poet, was the second time in exile, full of "the letter and see the suspect, loyalty was slander," the grievance, the combination of Anger, written with emotion in his writings. This is the first poem of nearly 2500 words, describing the poet's life experience and aspirations, through the unremitting struggle of performance poets life and determination to put their lives the tragedy of martyrdom blog, reflecting the state of Chu in the integrity of the ruling class and the evil forces of the sharp struggle of two, Chu exposed the dark reality and the political crisis, expressed his unyielding fight for the nation and the people, to "die without regret" spirit.
  "Songs of the South" in the "Lament," "Nine Songs", "Nine", "Heaven" and "Evocation" and a total of 23 chapters, the works of Qu Yuan (In addition, the works of Song Yu and others), the vast majority of the body of the poems of Chu, is that we now see, "Chu Ci" masterpiece. Chu Yuan's works are mainly based on folk literature, combined with their own life experience and political experience and write. Description "Nine Songs" features artistic expression.
  One. Qu Yuan, "Nine Songs" written in both the supernatural God, but God wrote "human" unity of divinity and humanity together. Such as "Xiang Jun", "Xiang Fu Man", the performance of mutual love Xiang pursuit of God has finally met the twists and turns do not change the state of mind. Writing between God and God, the love between God and man the story of the ritual songs of the world flavors with Lennon Lennon. II. The activities of gods and spirits Narrations emotion, depicting the gods of the environment and atmosphere, is a fresh quiet subtle realm.
  Description "Evocation" art features.
  One. Structural precision perfect. Layers of narration based on location and things rendering expression. II. Longer than the layout of tracing, for example, write it on the Quartet of terror, a list of many terrible things, but they depict the horrible image.
  Songs on the relative test elements of Syria.
  III. Chu Chu is full of description of scenery, the use of the genuine dialects such Chu. IV. Chu is the new era of North-South cultural environment, Chu was born in the new Poetry distinctive regional characteristics.
  Above, that Chu Chu is indeed a product of culture, with strong regional characteristics.
  On the Style of Chu.
  One. Words from the poetry, the layout of hyperbole, imaginative, is a common feature of Chu. Such as "Lament" is full of fantastic imagination informal, to express the layer into the truth over and over again.
  II. From the style statement, Chu than "Book of Songs", the size of a substantial increase, the sentence has four words into the length of the main informal, scattered mixed.
  III. To the language that the language of Chu Chu Chu multi-sound, Chu dialect words in large numbers, addition, "Xi", "more" word as a function word sigh language to become a striking symbol of Chu.
  On the "Li Sao" ideological content.
  One. "U.S. government" ideals and deep patriotic feelings. Qu Yuan's desire, "the former St." rule of the Ming Jun Chen Yin, monarch of the realm of harmony, that "the virtuous and the empowerment Come, follow Shengmo not quite" specific governing strategy. II. Nine refuses to regret pursuing the ideal of tough materials and abhorrence of evil in the critical spirit. Minister Qunqiergong nobility, persecuted Qu Yuan, Qu Yuan Ren, but do not give up his pursuit of political ideals and hard, "Li Sao" to write his heaven into the earth, seeking a way out, that he realized the pursuit of the ideal image portrayed. Critical spirit is his unswerving pursuit of the ideal light, but also directly expose the darkness to denounce crafty and fawning.
  On the "Li Sao" The main artistic characteristics.
  One. Strong passion and fantasy of the imagination. "Lament" Looking back the first half, recalling the life experience, vision and experience, is basically realistic, but those elaborate hyperbole than metaphor poem their own good qualities, has the characteristics of singular imagination; the latter half of the road for the future exploration of writing, even is the same as the strong fire of passion, loyalty deep patriotic feelings flowing through the Pentium, the imagination of heaven and earth erupted vividly. II. Pure clean, independent and unyielding lyrical hero image. Noble birth, noble ideals, Jun Jie pure, independent indomitable personality, and abnormal intense emotions, constitute the perfect lyric protagonist imagine a sight to behold, with symbolic significance, showing the essence of this lyric. III. Expansion than the metaphor. It is the "Book of Songs" fragments become lengthy Xing Xing poetry of continuous use, also "The Book of Songs" as the kind of metaphor, Metaphor separate simple metaphor combined. In the "Book of Songs," based on the development of focussed on the matter, child care, and lyrical performance practices, formed a well-known literature in the beauty care herbs traditional figurative techniques, far-reaching. IV. Structural characteristics. The poem revolves around the poet faithful to the homeland and the pursuit of high ideals of emotional refuses to regret the spirit of nine rules and layout of the. Recalling the first part of the history of real writing, the latter part of the realization of the ideals of exploration, virtual write. Five. Form and language features. Both the use of folk forms, but also learned the technique of writing prose, into a sentence length of the informal, casual language sentences rhyme and white of a new literary forms. "Lament," the latter half of the performance of activities of the poet's thoughts, questions and answers are often subjective and objective _set_, the layout of description. Language colorful, two-tone stacked rhyme abound.
  Of "the September debate," the artistic characteristics of extremely "Lament" thinking, artistic differences.
  One. "Nine debate" less than the ideological realm of "Li Sao" although it also has the chant from the noble and critical standard, exposing the darkness of political, but the mind sees the lack of Qu Yuan and the pursuit of that ideal of impassioned refuses to regret the spirit of the nine. The face of injustice of fortune, he retreated to preserve one's attitude, or even suspected of flattery Thanksgiving.
  II. Performance, "Nine Debate" Songs of the South may well be a fine. A. Longer than the layout of tracing, and create more harmony in portraying the mood. If at the beginning of that period of widespread transmission Chung text, rendering the chill autumn air Joseph Su, vegetation decline, thin mountain air, water, sky and clean air of the thinning of the King Kongkuo desolate and so on. Sense of the poet's sad fate was bleak autumn chill even more deeply strong contrast. B. Characterization of nuanced description. Fall on the branches withered leaves to write bad, from the leaves to the branches, from the shape to the color, subtle portrait of both real. C. "Nine Debate" phrase-making word is also laudable. Yun bulk phase, the length of informal, has caused mixed
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Wang YiRead
Su ShiRead
  《野处集》四卷,元邵亨贞撰。亨贞字复孺。杨枢《淞故述》,载其本淳安人。至正间为松江训导,占籍华亭。今考集中有《送族兄安仲还乡序》云:“至元 中,大父处县君以弗终仕于宋,晦迹华亭别业,先子遂生华亭。至德间,大父归葬故里,先子弗克举家去,至今为华亭人。”则自其祖已占籍松江,枢所述犹未尽 也。是编后有冯迁、汪稷二《跋》,谓其书本出上海陆深家,深之孙郯以授稷而刊行之。并所著《蛾述诗选》、《蛾术词选》为十六卷。今诗词二选世已无传,惟此 本独存。共杂文六十八首。亨贞终于儒官,足迹又不出乡里,故无雄篇巨制以发其奇气。而文章大致清快,步伐井然,犹能守先民遗矩者。其诗词世不多见。陶宗仪 《南村辍耕录》载所作《咏眉目沁园春词》二首,隽永清丽,颇有可观。盖所长尤在于是,惜《词选》今已久佚矣。
Liu ZongyuanRead
Cao ZhiRead
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Jin JunqingRead
  原本久佚,今掇拾《永乐大典》所载,仅得十之一二,然北宋文集传者日稀,此本尤世所罕见,残珪碎璧,弥少弥珍。谨以类编次,分为上下二巻。《集》中所 作有【文彦博、韩琦生日诗】【范仲淹移镇杭州次韵诗】【和殴阳修颍州西湖及芍药二诗】,是君卿所与逰者,皆一代端人正士,故诗文皆清醇雅饬,犹有古风。 【陈灾事贡举诸疏】剀切详明,尤为有禆世用。又如【和介甫寄安丰张无仪一首】即用《临川集》中【安丰张令修芍陂之韵】,而据君卿诗,知张字为公仪。为李璧 注所未引。又【和曽子固直言谪官者一首】,检《元丰类槁》无其原唱,知此篇为巩所自删。均可互资考证。
Wang HanRead
  《友石山人遗稿》一卷,元王翰撰。此本乃其子偁所辑,凡诸体诗八十四首。前有《陈仲述序》。后附志铭表词等七篇,皆 吴海所作也。
Xiao TongRead
  全书共60卷,分为赋,诗,骚,七,诏,册,令,教,文,表,上书,启,弹事,笺,奏记,书, 檄,对问,设论,辞,序,颂,赞,符命,史论,史述赞,论,连珠,箴,铭,诔,哀,碑文,墓志,行状,吊文,祭文38类。所选多大家之作,时代愈近入选愈 多。其中以楚辞、汉赋和六朝骈文占有相当比重,诗歌则多选对偶严谨的颜延之、谢灵运等人作品,陶渊明等人平易自然之作则入选较少。作品划分的类别,则能反映汉魏以来文学发展、文体增多的历史现象。
  首先对《文选》作注释的是《文选》问世六、七十年后的《文选音》,这是萧统的侄子萧该对《文 选》语词作的音义解释。隋唐时期的曹宪、许淹、李善、公孙罗等人将其发展成为了一门「文选学」。曹宪撰有《文选音义》。许淹、李善、公孙罗等都曾是曹宪的 学生,他们都曾批注《文选》,其中以唐高宗显庆年间的李善注被认为最好。
  北宋哲宗元佑九年(1094年)2月的秀州州学本是第一个五臣与李善合并注本,其后的六家注本 (即五臣在前李善在后)如广都裴氏刻本、明州本,是此本的重刻本;又其后,六臣注本(即李善在前五臣在后)如赣州本、建州本,又据六家注本重刻,只不过是 将五臣与李善的前后次序调换了一下。
  清代汪师韩的《文选理学权舆》 8卷
  清代孙志祖《文选理学权舆补》 1卷
Yi MingRead
  词综(cí zōnɡ)
  此书体例能吸取前代词选之长,以时代先后为序,各家下有词人姓氏、籍贯及其著作,间附宋、元人评语。书前有汪森所撰序文,为浙西词派奠定了理论基础。序中指出不应把词作为“诗之余”,推尊姜夔为词家正宗,以张辑、卢祖皋、史达祖、吴文英、蒋捷、王沂孙、张炎、周密为羽翼。然而只字不提苏、辛词派。朱彝尊在《凡例》中又提出“词至南宋始极其工,至宋季而始极其变,姜尧章氏最为杰出”。此编“以醇雅为宗”的选录标准,意在纠正明词的流弊,同时也反映了浙西词派重格律形式,忽视思想内容的偏向,所以文廷式批评朱彝尊“所选《词综》,意旨枯寂。后人继之, 尤为冗漫。以二窗为祖祢,视辛、刘若仇雠,家法若斯,庸非巨谬”(《云起轩词抄序》),言辞虽不免偏激,但观点是正确的。
  此书有康熙三十年(1691)经汪森等增订的刊本,有 《四部备要》本,1978年上海古籍出版社校点本。
Geng WanchengRead
Liu ReyingRead
  Rene Liu's book is the first of the poems. This book published in Taiwan, the popular audience favorite, known as a rich spiritual pain and pleasure of those files. Honest, pure, deep feeling ... ... the book open in the heart of Rene Liu Fei, talk about love in words, the interpretation of happiness.
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