又名: Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman
譯者: 吳程遠
作者: 費曼(美)
副標題: 科學頑童的故事
ISBN: 9787108011114 [十位: 7-108-01111-5]
頁數: 449
定價: 22.00
出版社: 三聯書店
裝幀: 平裝
出版年: 1997-12
The anecdotes were edited from taped conversations that Feynman had with his close friend and drumming partner Ralph Leighton. Its surprise success led to a sequel entitled What Do You Care What Other People Think?, also taken from Leighton's taped conversations. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! sold more than 500,000 copies.[citation needed]
The title derives from a woman's response at Princeton University when, after she asked the newly-arrived Feynman if he wanted cream or lemon in his tea, he requested both (not knowing that they would curdle).
又名: Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman
譯者: 吳程遠
作者: 費曼(美)
副標題: 科學頑童的故事
ISBN: 9787108011114 [十位: 7-108-01111-5]
頁數: 449
定價: 22.00
出版社: 三聯書店
裝幀: 平裝
出版年: 1997-12
The anecdotes were edited from taped conversations that Feynman had with his close friend and drumming partner Ralph Leighton. Its surprise success led to a sequel entitled What Do You Care What Other People Think?, also taken from Leighton's taped conversations. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! sold more than 500,000 copies.[citation needed]
The title derives from a woman's response at Princeton University when, after she asked the newly-arrived Feynman if he wanted cream or lemon in his tea, he requested both (not knowing that they would curdle).