首頁>> >>安東尼·伯吉斯 Anthony Burgess
  阿力剋斯以殺人罪被判入獄14年,為了縮短刑期,阿歷剋斯自告奮勇,願意把自己當作小白鼠一樣送去為一項叫做“厭惡療法”的充當實驗品。療法很簡單:在註射某種藥物後,醫生們就讓阿歷剋斯目不轉睛地觀看各種令人發指的色情、暴力影片,以使其對色情暴力在生理上産生條件反射式的惡心。但最令阿歷剋斯無法忍受的是,放映納粹暴行的影片時,竟然同時播放着他最喜愛的音樂——貝多芬《第九交響麯》!這樣,阿歷剋斯在實驗結束後成為了一個打不還手、駡不還口、無法接近女色而且絶對不會危害社會的"新人"。 出獄後回到傢的阿歷剋斯發現傢裏已經沒有自己的位置,禍不單行,流浪街頭,又遭到曾經遭到自己痛打的老流浪漢的報復,正在這時,此時兩個警察前來解圍,他們竟是原來的手下!這兩個手下為報前仇,把阿歷剋斯帶到郊外毒打折磨。最後,幾乎奄奄一息的阿歷剋斯爬到一戶人傢前,他萬萬沒想到這竟是他從前的受害者作傢亞歷山大的住所。亞歷山大利用阿歷剋斯報復,意圖推翻現任政府。

  A Clockwork Orange (1962) is a dystopian novel by Anthony Burgess.
  The title is taken from an old Cockney expression, "as queer as a clockwork orange"¹, and alludes to the prevention of the main character's exercise of his free will through the use of a classical conditioning technique. With this technique, the subject’s emotional responses to violence are systematically paired with a negative stimulation in the form of nausea caused by an emetic medicine administered just before the presentation of films depicting "ultra-violent" situations. Written from the perspective of a seemingly biased and unapologetic protagonist, the novel also contains an experiment in language: Burgess creates a new speech that is the teenage slang of the not-too-distant future.
  The novel has been adapted for cinema in a controversial movie by Stanley Kubrick, and also by Andy Warhol; adaptations have also been made for television, radio, and the stage. As well as inspiring a concept album, the novel and films are referred to in, and have inspired, a number of songs and bands.
首頁>> >>安東尼·伯吉斯 Anthony Burgess