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  Li - a comedy way into the world, but the tragic fate of whistle darling. That he is the darling of destiny, because God in casting when Li and demonstrates the richness of human nature, complexity and mystery. I write Li motives are very clear, sober and confusion that comes from the weaving - an extreme sober is an extreme confusion. This confusion is clearly linked with, is the integration of. It is not just for their own confusion and sober Li is a confusion of Chinese culture and sober, but also for the world and human thought and behavior of confusion and sober.
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Zhao YanRead
  著名作家、安徽商报高级编辑赵焰的第二部电影随笔集《蝶影抄——赵焰电影随笔选》日前由上海远东出版社出版,国庆节前后在全国各新华书店上市。继2005 年出版电影随笔集《夜兰花》之后,赵焰先后在《信息时报》、《江南晚报》、《时代信报》、《DVD导刊》等报刊开设电影随笔专栏,并在《美文》、《清明》等报刊陆续推出了诸多有关电影的散文。此部《蝶影抄——赵焰电影随笔选》就是这些文章的整理合集,该书收集了赵焰电影随笔近70篇。
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