首页>> 旅游天下>>曼纽尔·普格 Manuel Puig
    对于同性恋的产生与存在,作者以严肃的态度进行了具体的分析。他采用新颖的表现手法,颇具匠心地将许多艺术技巧巧妙地糅合在一起,精心构筑了小说的结构,一部部异彩纷呈的电影故事,与小说正文相互呼应的理论柱石,穿插在对话当中的意识流,还有简洁明快的行书公文,让人读起来兴味盎然,余丝不断,真可谓集严肃文学与通俗小说于一身,既有引人入胜的故事情节,又有对社会学和性心理学等问题的深刻探求, 还有耐人琢磨的文学魅力。这种将文学性、趣味性、社会性、科学性融合在一起的特点是这部小说取得成功的主要原因。

  Kiss of the Spider Woman (Spanish: El beso de la mujer araña) is a novel by the Argentine writer Manuel Puig. It is considered his most successful. The novel's form is unusual in that there is no traditional narrative voice, one of the primary features of fiction. It is written in large part as dialogue, without any indication of who is speaking, except for a dash (-) to show a change of speaker. There are also parts of stream of consciousness. What is not written as dialogue or stream of consciousness is written as metafictional government documentation. The conversations that the characters engage in, when not focused on the moment at hand are focused on films that Molina has seen, which act as a form of escape from their environment. Thus we have a main plot, all of the subplots that are involved in that, and four additional mini stories that comprise the novel. The author includes a long series of footnotes on the psychoanalytic theory of homosexuality. These act largely as a mini representation of Puig's political intention in bringing an objective opinion of homosexuality. The footnotes end up including both factual information with that of the fictional Anelli Taub. The footnotes tend to appear at points of the greatest misunderstanding between both Molina and Valentin.
  The novel can be read as an indictment of a disengaged aesthetic perspective in the context of a world where people have to take sides. Valentin, the Marxist protagonist, has risked his life and willingly endured torture for a political cause and his example helps transform his cell-mate into a citizen, someone who will enter the world. Likewise, the other protagonist, Molina's love of aesthetics and cultural life teaches Valentin that escapism can have a powerfully utopian purpose in life; escapism has the potential to be just as subversive and meaningful as actual political activity.
  The novel was adapted into a stage play by Puig in 1983 (English translation by Allan Baker). It was also made into a film (1985) and a Broadway musical (1993).
首页>> 旅游天下>>曼纽尔·普格 Manuel Puig