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  It is widely believed that "Dracula's Guest" is actually the deleted first chapter from the original Dracula manuscript, which the publisher felt was superfluous to the story. However, some scholars, such as David J. Skal and Elizabeth Miller, disagree.[1] In the preface to the original edition of Dracula's Guest and Other Weird Stories, Stoker's widow Florence wrote, "To his original list of stories in this book, I have added an hitherto unpublished episode from Dracula. It was originally excised owing to the length of the book, and may prove of interest to the many readers of what is considered my husband's most remarkable work."[2]
  Leslie S. Klinger, who had access to Stoker's original Dracula manuscript[3] while researching his 2008 book The New Annotated Dracula, saw evidence of "Dracula's Guest" having been deleted from the manuscript, such as a deleted sentence of Harker commenting that his throat is "still sore from the licking of the gray wolf's file-like tongue"[4] and the first and second chapters of the finished novel being labeled in the manuscript as "ii"[5] and "iii".[6] Klinger ultimately concludes the following:
   And so what may we make of ["Dracula's Guest"]? Without the name "Dracula" appearing in the title and [Dracula's] message [sent to the narrator], there would be very little to connect this traveler's tale with [the novel Dracula]. The style is completely different; the narrator shares few characteristics with Jonathan Harker; and the action somehow fails to connect the story set forth in [Dracula]. However, there are numerous references in the [Dracula] Manuscript to some version of the tale eventually published as "Dracula's Guest." Most likely, a different draft — one that identified the narrator as Harker — was included in ... an early version of [the Dracula manuscript]. It may be that Stoker's publisher requested that the book be shortened, or the publisher (or Stoker) may have felt that the "stylistic" aspects of the narrative were more important than its veracity. For whatever reason, the material was excised, and only later did Stoker return to the material and work it into its published form.[7]
  Plot summary
  "Dracula's Guest" follows an Englishman (whose name is never mentioned but is presumed to be Jonathan Harker) on a visit to Munich before leaving for Transylvania. It is Walpurgis Night, and in spite of the hotelier's warning to not be late back, the young man later leaves his carriage and wanders toward the direction of an abandoned 'unholy' village. As the carriage departs with the frightened and superstitious driver, a tall and thin stranger scares the horses at the crest of a hill.
  Upon reaching a desolate valley after a few hours, it begins to snow and as a dark storm gathers intensity, Harker takes shelter in a grove of cypress and yew trees. Harker's location is soon illuminated by moonlight to be a cemetery, and he finds himself before a marble tomb with a large iron stake driven through the roof, the inscription reads: Countess Dolingen of Gratz / in Styria / sought and found death / 1801. Inscribed on the back of the tomb "graven in great Russian letters" is: The dead travel fast.
  Harker is disturbed to be in such a place on such a night and as the storm breaks anew, he is forced by hail to shelter in the doorway of the tomb. As Harker avoids the pelting hail, the bronze door of the tomb opens under his weight and a flash of forked lightning shows the interior - and a "beautiful woman with rounded cheeks and red lips, seemingly sleeping on a bier". The force of the following thunder peal throws Harker from the doorway (experienced as "being grasped as by the hand of a giant") as another lightning bolt strikes the iron spike, destroying the tomb and the now screaming woman inside.
  The Englishman's troubles are not quite over, as he painfully regains his senses from the ordeal, he is repulsed by a feeling of loathing which he connects to a warm feeling in his chest and a licking at this throat. Harker summons courage to peek through his eyelashes and discovers a gigantic wolf with flaming eyes is attending him.
  Military horsemen are the next to wake the semi-conscious man, chasing the wolf away with torches and guns. Some horsemen return to the main party and Harker after the chase, reporting that they had not found 'him' and that Harker's animal is: "A wolf - and yet not a wolf". They also note that blood is on the ruined tomb yet Harker's neck is un-bloodied, "See comrades, the wolf has been lying on him and keeping his blood warm", strangely later, Harker finds his neck pained when a horseman comments on it.
  When Harker is taken back to his hotel by the men, he is informed that it is none other than his expectant host Dracula that has alerted his employees, the horsemen, of "dangers from snow and wolves and night" in a telegram received by the hotel in the time Harker was away.
  Film, TV, and other adaptations
   * David O. Selznick bought the film rights to "Dracula's Guest" and later re-sold them to Universal Studios. Universal's 1936 film Dracula's Daughter was ostensibly based on the story, although it uses nothing from the plot.[8]
   * Vampyros Lesbos a 1971 erotic horror film directed by Jesus Franco was "inspired" by Bram Stoker's short story.
   * A radio drama adaptation of "Dracula's Guest" was produced in 1999 by the Radio Tales series for National Public Radio.
   * Bram Stoker's Dracula's Curse, a 2006 film by The Asylum, takes its title from the alternate name for Dracula's Guest, but bears little resemblance to the actual story by Bram Stoker.
   * A direct-to-DVD film titled Bram Stoker's Dracula's Guest was released in 2008, though it is not an adaptation of the story and uses nothing of the plot.
   * The 2008 book Dracula's Heir, written by Sam Stall, treats "Dracula's Guest" as a true story and expands it. In Dracula's Heir, the story revolves around why the chapter was removed from Dracula. The female vampire in "Dracula's Guest" is revealed to be the killer in Dracula's Heir, and the reason the chapter was removed was because she did not want her identity revealed.
   * Dracula was adapted in 2009 as a five-part comic book miniseries from Dynamite Entertainment. The miniseries, titled The Complete Dracula, incorporates "Dracula's Guest" into the story.[9]
   * A comic book adaptation by Stephen Antczak, James Bassett and Steven Sanders was published by Robot Comics in 2010. [10]
   * Joel Surnow announced that he pitched an adaption of Dracula's Guest as a Television series to The CW and is scheduled to debut in November 2010. Bradley Cooper has been cast as the role of Dracula.
  即传说中的吸血鬼起源之一,出现在中世纪的欧洲。为什么都认为吸血鬼大多背景是在中世纪的欧洲?这是因为一本最早最经典的吸血鬼文学而造成的。再加上标准吸血鬼总是住在欧洲中世纪那种古堡里,又是活个几百年几千年的,而且吸血鬼又是超级怀旧主义者,所以总让人联想到欧洲那个残忍野蛮的黑暗时代。而这本书造成现代吸血鬼的是Bram Stoker的《吸血鬼伯爵德古拉》(英文《Dracula》)。当时Bram Stoker准备写这本小说在查阅资料时无意间发现了关于这为意含恶魔之意的大公的名字。后来就用这名字命名了。而且在欧洲历史上,确实有德古拉这个人。他以残忍而出名。常常将战俘从臀部插入一根长长的木棍然后一直穿过正个身体从嘴巴出来,再将木棍高高树立而起,让战俘折磨而死。后改编成电影《吸血僵尸惊情四百年 Dracula 》。
    按照西方传说,吸血鬼是个背离上帝的特殊种族。有人甚至考证出,《圣经?旧约》记载的该隐杀亚伯事件,是吸血鬼的起源——杀了亲生弟弟的该隐被上帝放逐,他的后代便逐渐繁衍成为不老不死,靠人血为生的吸血鬼。不过,德古拉伯爵其实确有其人。据记载,在他生活在公元 15世纪的中欧罗马尼亚,是位骁勇的战士,但脾气暴戾,其领地上的百姓不堪其苦。此人死后留下很多传说,而19世纪爱尔兰作家布拉姆?斯托克以此为题材,在整理大量故事的基础上,终于创造出德古拉伯爵这一经典形象。
    早在电影刚刚诞生的年月里,就已经有人把德古拉伯爵搬上银幕,其中最著名的要属德国表现主义大师F·W·茂瑙拍摄于1922年的《诺思费拉图》。影片特殊的摄影风格与主演的k的传神表演使它毫无疑问地成为历史上最具开创性的电影之一,饰演吸血鬼的MaxSchrec平时生活中也模仿吸血鬼,甚至在棺材中接受记者采访,一度有人怀疑他本人就是一只吸血鬼。9年后陶德·布朗宁以《诺思费拉图》的原作斯托克的小说改编成《吸血鬼》,主角Bela Lugosi所营造的恶魔气氛给人留下深刻印象,同时也使他成为历史上最著名的吸血鬼。德国著名导演赫尔措格于1979年拍摄了《诺斯费拉图——夜晚的幽灵》,为茂瑙的原作赋予了新的内涵,而伊列斯.梅里格(Elias Merhige)也于2000年以茂瑙拍摄此片的过程为基础拍摄了《吸血惊情》。此外深入人心的便是1992年科波拉拍摄的《吸血僵尸惊情四百年》,与F?W?茂瑙的不同在于,F?W? 茂瑙对于德古拉伯爵的形象是颠覆性的,形象阴森且委琐,形容枯槁狰狞,眼神邪恶狠毒,身体伛偻却带有侵犯性,科波拉的主旨却在于还原小说原作中的德古拉伯爵的形象。
  德古拉 -恐怖指数
  8 千万别在他面前流血,哪怕只是一个小伤口。你会把他的小宇宙点燃的,其实,在搞清楚他是否已经用过餐以前,你最好不要出现在他的面前。他家里的那张大床你千万别睡,尽管里面躺着若干莫妮卡.贝鲁奇般的女子。

  Dracula is an 1897 novel by Irish author Bram Stoker, featuring as its primary antagonist the vampire Count Dracula. It was first published as a hardcover in 1897 by Archibald Constable and Co.[1]
  Dracula has been attributed to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic novel and invasion literature. Structurally it is an epistolary novel, that is, told as a series of letters, diary entries, ships' logs, etc. Literary critics have examined many themes in the novel, such as the role of women in Victorian culture, conventional and conservative sexuality, immigration, colonialism, postcolonialism and folklore. Although Stoker did not invent the vampire, the novel's influence on the popularity of vampires has been singularly responsible for many theatrical, film and television interpretations throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.
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